Identify Cat Species?

Can anyone tell me what kind of cat this is?

Short haired tabby with traces of Egyptian Mau; could be a royalty lineage.

Dumpster cat, but his head is wide so he has some rarer genes.

Thank you oh wise TripsAnon!


nigger are you retarded?

Are you nigga?

More cat pics

frigging check'd

I got a sausage dog that looks just like yours. His lying down on the waterbed right now having a nap

feed the strange mouse some fatty meat or ham and take a pic of it being happy and purring

Sausage dog you say?

More cat

Cute cat; she doesn't seem to like pictures from the front.

Sure; got some of her. She seems to like the ham.

Any of you have or had any pets you love?

You're welcome. It's time to root out and destroy this den of vipers. Hail Glory! Death to 8ch!

By your lack of any dubs or trips, I see that you have indead blasphomied. Away heathen!


Felis catus

it's a good type of kitty, that's all you need to know

Does your cat like sausage dogs?


I'd like to put my nose all up in dat pussy smell.

Rolled 18 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

You smell the pussy. The cat looks at you with caution but allows you to continue. It begins to purr as you touch its fur with your nose. Cat smells like fabric softener and fresh laundry.



Sorry. Your dubs demonstrate your denial of truthiness.
Satan was right.


haha nice reddit meme bro! xddd


Its a house cat, pretty different from a bobcat, a mountain lion, tiger, panther, etc.

cats grow in breeds, not species
