Woke Intersectional FEminist = WIFE

Woke Intersectional FEminist = WIFE

I say we make this our "SJW"

We already have 'our "SJW"', it's "SJW", and also Holla Forums, and femin(ism/ists), and idpol…

Can't we get people into theory, instead of getting them angry about Holla Forums-approved boogeymen.


Realistically most people will never make the effort to understand theory, we need to create a simply way of explaining leftism that people will accept. And boogeymen are part of that, to teach people we are not SJWs.

Its always interesting to see this thread repeat itself


Please keep your dumb IRC circlejerk on IRC, thank you.

Reactionary Identity Politician is still the best.

No you fucking retard. It's "agitate educate organize" for a reason.

A Jewish anarcho-syndicalist MIT professor of linguistics and opportunistic political activist was teaching a class on Rene Descartes, known rationalist.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Descartes and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than me!"

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, humanitarian Harvard behavioural psychologist who had conditioned over 1000 pigeons to compete in ping pong championship tournaments and understood the necessity of reinforcement and punishment for the creation of a Walden-like utopia and fully supported all breaches of research ethics made by J.B. Watson in the name of science stood up and held up a chimpanzee.

"How many signs does this chimp use to communicate, pinhead?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied "None, language is innate and uniquely possessed by the human species, you stupid empiricist".

"Wrong. It’s been 58 years since you published Syntactic Structures and plunged us into the dark age of cognitivism. If it was language was not simply a semiotic system among many and Universal Grammar, as you say, is real… then we would be speaking Hebrew now."

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and his favourite Bill Cosby sweater. He stormed out of the room crying those anarcho-syndicalist crocodile tears, the same tears liberals cry for the "poor" (who today live in such luxury that most own refrigerators) when they publish tracts condemning right-wing dictators and ignoring the atrocities of left-wing rulers in Peru, Angola, Pakistan, and Equatorial Guinea. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Noam Chomsky, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a sophist anarchist professor. He wished so much that he could blame his actions on the environmental influence of the academic ivory tower, but he himself had argued against it!

The students all predictably applauded at this positive stimulus that day and accepted B. F. Skinner as their lord and savior. An eagle named "Radical Translation" flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and Willard van Orman Quine himself showed up and abolished all cognitive psychology departments across the country.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He was sent to Guantanamo Bay for political subversion and was forced to watch looped footage of Foucault laughing at him for all eternity.

Like "SJW", "WIFE" is (with all due respect) a retarded acronym with reactionary undertones that refers to a indeterminately vague ever-shifting demographic of people whose only constant is "I don't like them", and which will inevitably be co-opted and associated with reactionaries as with "SJW". This is especially true, given that "WIFE" has potentially sexist undertones and alienates feminists from revolutionary potential.

If you insist on using an acronym, at least using one that is specific and characteristically leftist: Reactionary Identity Politics (RIP). It was already thought up on Holla Forums a while back, with the added meaning of RIP being the death of leftism. Those who engage in RIP are referred to as "RIPs" (Reactionary Identity Politicians") or, if I may suggest an alternative, "RIPPERS" (Reactionary Identity Politics Person(s) Expressing Reactionary Statements).

Theory is a nerd hobby like anime or Star Trek. It might become a fad for a while, but ultimately all but the die hard nerds lose interest.

You sold me.

Shall we also try our damnedest to alienate social liberals, social democrats, black nationalists, and progressives because you are more interested in ivory tower purism than actively engaging in radicalization by attempting to persuade those most sympathetic and prone to radical ideas?

Stupid fuck.


these imo


No, that's okay, thanks anyways.

Mocking a group can alienate a few of its most stern members but it also draws support away from them.

Do you think they're concerned with "alienating the left" when they call us Berniebros, Brocialists and so on?

Easily misconstrued as "reactionary only, doesn't apply to my good, Progressive™brand of Identity Politics".

Let's just call idpol idpol like we already do.

I don't know who you are, ancom poster, but you fucking get it and I like you.

Reformism isn't radical; petitioning the bourgeoisie for social reform while leaving aside the problem of how things are produced and organized is as mainstream as it gets; however, you're too blinded by a zealous fervor to recognize it.

You know who matters? The working class, not the liberal intelligentsia. Trying to organize the people on the shop floor, driving trucks, and working the docks and airports will be a thousand times more effective and certainly more dangerous in the eyes of the state. Speak at liberal rallies and internalize all the bourgeois theory you want, you'll only succeed in becoming one of them.

You've said before that "we're" in the minority, therefore we must play by the rules of the progressive majority and somehow convince them of the error of their ways – this i the path away from revolution and towards bourgeois capitulation.

Here's an acronym for you, EAO: Educate, Agitate, Organize. It's one we should all know by heart. Petition the working class, not the liberals; convince the workers, not the intelligentsia. The former will forever be our enemy, not an ally in need of convincing; the latter is where all hope for socialism lies. Everywhere ordinary people are rising up and pushing against the bourgeois state is where we should be, fanning the flames, not yet another liberal convention.

"Woke" Twitter is hilariously absurd.

Spend a week following people like this:

on Twitter and then tell me if you still think they can be persuaded or reasoned with.

They are not our allies. In many ways they are actually worse than the alt-right.

Twitter is just narcissist/megalomaniac central, so no surprise.

fucking this

I'm sick of Holla Forums newcomers thinking that we hate idpolers on the abstract. We actually meet and engage these fucking people, and we know how hopeless they are from experience, not from some vague ideological aversion.

And remember that, nowadays, SJWs are becoming more and more divided between legit insane people and cynical Clintonite neoliberals pretending to care.

As a result, there's a number of people out there who are kind of moving on from SJW politics and they don't want to see us pandering to them. They want a new paradigm of progressive and radical politics, not a new big tent of vague liberal sentimentality.

>making concessions black nationalists

What could go wrong