So, we've only got a day until Hillary calls out "alt right" and possibly imageboards like this. Sorry...

So, we've only got a day until Hillary calls out "alt right" and possibly imageboards like this. Sorry, for making a separate thread, but I have a preemptive strategy that I don't think has been really discussed yet and I think it could be important.

Let's try to get ahead of the curve here. We know she's about to play the victim of hackers who masturbate to anime which should be considered a horribly weak stance. Let's get images trending out there prior to the speech depicting normie caliber memes like doge or dat boi (extremely inoffensive and silly/lame) abusing Hillary and shit like "1 like = 1 cry" a sad Hillary like pic related that says "memes like dat boi and doge have ruined this poor, incontinent, millionaire, presidential candidate and murderers life. This madness must end." or "This sick old lady has been bullied and basically raped by frog memes on the internet. Will her nightmare ever end?" or whatever.

The point is to address the absurdity of a figure like Hillary coming down hard on fucking internet memes as if they are oppressive. It is and should be shown as an image of frailty and weakness prior to her speech. Plant the seed of weakness BEFORE the speech so that people can view it through that lens when it rolls around.

Let's think of a hashtag. Something like #memeskill or some shit.

so why did you make another thread you fucking faggot?


Explained it right in the post, faggot. We're on a tight schedule with only a day left to get any preemptive strategy rolling. Burying it in a general wouldn't work.

Bump for potential keks.

Except your whole post is 'pls think of something smart' instead of actually spending time and figuring it out and then posting a really good idea. Your second thread is worse than your first.

Or just bee ourselves and be huge bombastic and ridiculous assholes posting frogs shitting and anime girls, while still saying the goddamn raw truth. See how the cunt spins that when the normalfags are either laughing it off, being disgusted and turned off or end up redpilled

Stop sliding already, it's not working and you're gonna get paid anyway so fuck off.

kek willed me dubs in the OP, cunts. fucking kys

There's no reason we can't do both as that sort of thing is generally what we do anyway.

Word on the street is CTR is getting a massive funding increase and they are going to pose as the alt right and be as racist as possible to stop Trump from getting any new supporters via image boards and plebbit.

The board will slide so fast your head will spin

Plebbit is shit and anyone posting here is either full on Trump, some traitor cunt or not voting at all. Their impact will be minimal, as usual

I can't believe someone is paying these shills for their shitty work. Other people have to work hard for their daily bread.


how do we outmeme them?


Have you noticed how suddenly all these random posters are talking about the "alt-right"? People in the alt-right have never called themselves that before. They are Correct the Record priming the board for their invasion tomorrow.

By existing. Correct the Record became the meme we meme them with.

So load up on gore and Smug anime girls?

how about we just post gore instead and scare them off?

and frogs

was thinking the same

looks like hive mind is in sync. I suggested that before seeing your post

we'll just go back to it's ok

Indeed it has. Time to discredit the Clinton Corpse.

Yep, It's what the libtards have created. They are trying to make another boogeyman to which they rally the banners of all the leftys. It's a ploy with the us vs them mentality.

CTR is trying to destroy any and all places where Trump supporters can gather and plan stuff.

Take some time to think about where you would go if this board gets compromised


Libtards, user.


ffs codemonkey

nothing is going to happen
we are way too out there for retarded normalfags to even grasp what's going on

hand yourself goony piece of shit

Anyone saying "we, the alt-right" is either a cuck, or a shill, because no self respecting fashy goy would put up with being an "alt" anything, here implied that we are basically "the other guys" to cuckservatives. We are not alt-right, we are the only right that matters.

I didn't make that pic user.

I found it to demonstrate what the progressives are doing.

Anime loving, neo-nazi autists who love cartoon frogs and smug anime girls is either going to scare people away or intrigue them to seeing our memes.

Seeing Holla Forums post happy merchant in Holla Forums threads at first had me indifferent, then angry, then enjoying it and then going on to Holla Forums itself. The ludicrousness of our culture and image is so weird it captivates you.

Like what, shitpost harder? Your thread is gay. You're gay.

If you had your shit together, you'd have boots on the ground in Reno, NV, ready to agitate and protest IN REAL LIFE.

Of course, you won't do that.

Oh, yeah, and don't fall for the "DO IT IN REAL LIFE, OR YOU'RE A COWARD XDDDDDDD" bullshit. It's just some desk job shitter in the FBI trying to get a promotion.

lol sorry but this is exactly the kind of meme SRS and Weird Twitter shat out to discredit the atheist community. shit sets me off.

Just redirect Holla Forums to Holla Forums. I'm sure they'd love the traffic. :^)

I warned us about the PR fags.
Don't let it be too late.

Some variant on: "Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha" would be effective in regards to how memes are "abusive". She would choose to consume any memes she consumes. In other words the "if the internet is bothering you, turn off the fucking internet and go outside for a minute" kind of common sense appeals to normies.

However, she is going to call out the racism, sexism, Islamophobia, etc in chan culture. Don't get defensive, don't go into denial, we've got to own that shit. If we get compared to the KKK, bring up the black panthers. Why are they allowed and we aren't? If they bring up imperialism, bring up the Mongols, China, Japan and other non-white empires. If they bring up Islamophobia, own it and point out the inevitable slide into Sharia law and what that would mean for women and homo rights. Whatever they bring up, do your best to own it or spin it onto a similar topic (esp when you can put another ethno-group in there, like the Mongols, or even Tibet, Tibet plays really, really well with the far left libs due to a number of factors).

The left likes to use shame, but they'll find us shameless.

someone should write a script to screencap the catalog every 5 or 10 seconds for the next couple of days. if they really are gonna flood us we can at least document it


No, you maroon, when your enemy is busy making a mistake, it is wise to let them finish.

the Dems have been trying to push the "people we don't like like Trump so you shouldn't either" angle since day 1 and it has always failed to stick and has, every single time, made Hillary and her allies look out of touch and incompetent, her doing it again but associating Trump with edgy teenagers instead of David Duke will only be seen as proof that they have nothing to offer in the way of valid criticism.

Do you know how we answer this? By not, by letting it just slide off, let them rattle their sabers about how they think the internet is really important and how people won't stop liking what they don't like, all the while Trump gets more popular, the zeritgeist moves more nationalistic and the democratic party gets left behind in the dust having completely failed to be any more strategic than an 7 year old playing with green army men.

I actually want to take back what I said about children and army men, the child achieves his goal of having fun and thus is strictly more strategically competent than Hillary who can't even accomplish that.

Like always, gore, anime pics and frogs are the only things that can save us.
See you in the trenches.

This and keep track of the number of users. Right now we're at 2513 active users, compensating for the Trump rally, there's probably ~2400 active users.

Watch the numbers over the weekend. See if it skyrockets. You know some people will take advantage just to make troll threads "for teh lulz", but we can't fall into the "If I don't like it, it's CTR" bullshit. We paint ourselves into a corner with such boogiemen and we'll never be able to get out.


Or we could just fill the front page with informative stickies and disable the catalog for a few days.

Everybody likes good gore.

Have some shitty OC

we got where we are by relentless shitposting and calling kikes out on being kikes, niggers, and international cucks.

If we have the board owner's help it's extremely easy to destroy this before it starts.

Autoplaying Nazi music. Flashing images. Animated swastikas everywhere.

none of these dumb fucks know how to use adblock

You must be new.

Did somebody say frog maymays?

I had to look at it for a while to be sure that was all shooped.

I'm still not totally sure tbh

onion chans, also 16chan is allegedly picking up but i haven't been there much

OP here. Had to go to work after I posted.

A few things in case some of these comments weren't shills.

1) This is not muh PR. It's simply strategy and I guess it can work after the speech but its better to get stuff like this prior.

2) All of the things people are saying we could or should do instead are easily doable as well as shit like this, except loli gore. Thats a fucking retarded idea. I'm sure some of you will post that shit and I'm sure CTR shills will be posting it to in order to ginn up support against anonymity. I dont care about seeing it, but its just a shit strategy. I think stickying a bunch of good redpills and freezing the catalogue from new threads isnt bad at all. Linking to leftypol is breddy gud too.

I dont really care what the cunt says about this place and i dont identify myself as "alt right" anyway as most of us dont (unless your definition is just non-cuckstian right leaning) but anything that makes her look weak and silly is good for the emperor. Maybe she'll shit herself.




oh never-mind 16chan died already

Honestly none of the Media has named 4/Holla Forums in the recent flurry of articles so I doubt that Clinton herself with name us.

However I could be wrong or missing something.



My personal game plan for the next 48 hours:

No trolling. No pretending to be shill.
No personal army requests granted.
No bumping of alt-right threads.
Sort catalog by bump order to monitor threads about to 404.
Sort catalog by creation date to try to get fpbp on new threads.

Oy vey, show me your's and I'll show you mine.

This place won't be bad, but half-chan is going to be even worse than usual, hope they don't come here.
Also, I'm betting she's going to make a promise that within the her first 90 days, she will shut down places like this.

Probably also part of the Leslie Jones set up.

I'd be helping on 4/pol/ if I could. But I got banned for joking:

They're going to get the worst of it. God speed half cucks.

Gonna have to check these here digits, anons.