Non-Economic Personal Liberties

I'm curious as to what other leftists think about non-economic personal liberties.

Personally I'm pretty degenerate. I think all drugs should be legalised and supplied, even some of them encouraged to at least try once. I dont see a problem with things like incest, as long as contraceptives are used and if a baby is conceived it is immediately aborted, and I think there needs to be less stigma around sex in general. In fact I dont even think society should consider it a big deal. Not to say some people still wont want to see it that way themselves, but right now we live in a society where children are forbidden to know about sex less they be 'corrupted' or that it's undesirable in a partner for them to have had many previous partners. Personally if it were up to me I would try to put an end to that, but I also understand with thoes last points it's getting into kind of idpol territory, and really the existence of socialism and the withering of the traditional family due to the new economic conditions should sort that out anyway.

So, does anyone disagree with that outlook?

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I think they're irrelevant to the law unless they infringe on the rights of others.

Ok with them.

If everyone is a consenting adult then that's fine.

Es-tu français OP?

who gives a fuck about idpol? Just be free

I was gonna write a detailed response but this post says the same thing in fewer words.

I don't give a crap about what people want to do with their time. It isn't any of my business. My interest are mostly economic. People don't seem to want to keep their fingers out of people's personal lives right or left and what's funny as that regardless of supposed politics affiliation they seem to manifest in similar ways, sexual repression , media censorship, claims of a greater good, media boogymen. The whole thing doesn't sit right with me. I just want people to have plenty of personal freedoms. I don't see any harm of it. Societal problems are the result of material forces. Change the conditions not the attitudes and behaviors of people that's what I think.

No such thing tbqhwuf

May I ask why they set up a giant inflatable butt plug in the middle of the street?


Kids don't know what it is, but easily offended parents do.


Drugs and sexual habits are not something I care about, so long as it is being used by/done by consenting adults who are aware of what they are doing. Drugs should be regulated as alcohol is today.

this has to be bait, please, someone tell me this is bait

if it's not, you got the "does not exist" squares in the wrong position you massive fuckhead

Lol no, picture makes sense to me. What are you failing to understand?

No, it's true the way it is.

U wot..?¿

A man is not free if he can't eat.
The squares are in exactly the right places.

Squares are in the right places.

You are an ML or an 'ancap', aren't you?


I'm pretty happy with these responses. Looks like leftypol is at least all on the same page about one thing other than capitalism is bad.

That's because you started by the secular assumption that pleasure is the purpose of human existence and everything else is a spook with no value.

Only happened because of historical progress within capitalism.
The existencialistic libertinity and individualism required for post-fordism
were propelled by economic factors, they didn't emerge organically in any way.
Under an economic system that doesn't operate on the endless expansion of wealth such changes wouldn't occur.

You're all fucking degenerates tbeh.

Well, I like to word it as short term pleasure as well as long term satisfaction, but yes, what's wrong with that? I may be wrong here, but I have already thought of it as if thoes things are NOT the only reason to live, that implies a higher power, which I dont think anyone here believes in.

I'm curious to what you think though.

That's just how I like it ;)
Individualism is profitable, it didn't develop on its own.

There's no objective reason to institute pleasure(much less so hedonism) as a goal for humanity, it's as arbitrary as any spook, except since it's based on the direct wiring of the human brain so it's easier to manipulate (see artificial sweetners).

Spooks are things that dont exist unless we allow them to.

Serotonin and dopamine exist and influence me regardless of if I believe in them or not.

That doesn't justify you living your life based on them and even if it does it doesn't justify you universalizing that proposition.


You do existential faggot.

Why wouldnt it?

I'm not saying everyone has to live by the same ideals I do. I never said that.