A Peculiar Response from a Supposed "Insider" (New Chronology)

Hi Holla Forums. Very recently I was in HalfChan talking with a supposed individual claiming he was an insider. Long story short, I had an exchange with this insider in a sort of AMA back and forth. One of my very last questions that I asked was with regards to the Roman Empire. Specifically what he thought of it in terms of its societal structure.

His response….was….quite shocking for me. He told me that the Roman Empire as I knew it does not exist and is merely a fabrication. He then pointed me to someone called Anatoly Fomenko and his theory of New Chronology (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Chronology_(Fomenko)).

When I read that wiki page linked above for the first time I completely dismissed it as complete and utter horse shit. However, since then I have begun digging deeper into Fomenko's research and there may actually be some merit into his work….which makes this so scary considering the implications here. Guys like chess master Gary Kasparov also have indicated in the past that there is a lot of merit to his work.

In the next post(s) I'll highlight some things with regards to this theory and some of the most fascinating implications that are brought forth.

This thread is meant to be a discussion on New Chronology, wether it has merits or not and to jot down the thoughts of Anons who perhaps have been more exposed to this subject than I have.

Other urls found in this thread:


Perhaps what makes this subject os intriguing is the fact that Anatoly Fomenko himself is a mathematician.

In order to prove his theory one of his principal methods of determining wether the chronology that we have been all taught at face value is false is through the calculations of solar eclipses. Solar eclipses, as you may guess, are very important events and were even more so during the past and were recorded in great detail. When you run through the calculations of when such eclipses occurred and you try to overlay that with the knowledge that we have you get an interesting result. Namely…that what has been recorded in the history books and what is actually calculated DO NOT MATCH!

Additionally, Fomenko does a lot of statistical work on historical writings. He has determined that a number of events have been recorded more than once and he calls these events "phantom copies" of one another (see related image). Those would be duplicates of one another.

The next post will deal with the really fantastical part and some of the conclusions that Fomenko draws upon.

Fomenko claims all events and characters conventionally dated earlier than 11th century are fictional, and represent "phantom reflections" of actual Middle Ages events and characters, brought about by intentional or accidental mis-datings of historical documents.

Here are some direct claims:

Go on, I'm interested

Your either a fool, or a shill trying to spread another conspiracy theory here.

What is interesting is that if you know some of the history behind Martin Luther you will know that in the very beginning Luther accused the papacy of committing forgery on a number of religious texts.

Another interesting fact is that much of the historical documents of the ancient world (namely those of Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt) were discovered / compiled in the Middle Ages by clergy and other members of the Catholic Church. This is around the same time that we get the BC - AD chronology (also given to us by Catholic Church).

If Fomenko is correct, then it means the Medici Family…who at the time owned the BIGGEST BANK in all of Europe had a lot to do with the corruption or sometimes the out-right falsification of a lot of these documents.

Dude call it whatever the hell you want but there is something here. I initially dismissed this as bullshit as well but the more I look into it the more peculiar things I find.

Can you at least try harder….
Kikes are truly subhuman.

What is there exactly?

There isn't a single shred of evidence offered, which is impossible, because it's completely mental.

I have been wanting to read it. Seems at least plausible.

yup, your shills, a shekel for you.

Here is an interesting video giving a brief summary of some of the claims.

Its in Russian but it has english subtitles:


If anything…if what Fomenko says is true then this would be Kike's worst fear since he claims the place that we know as Jerusalem never existed and the term is merely a reference on Constantinople.

The temple of Solomon…according to the theory is in fact Hagia Sophia so Jews would have absolutely NO claim to the middle east.

The Russians have lots of amazing alternative theories. Real mind changers - what I found out on various sites is that all history is fabricated.
For example this site is interesting: falsehood.me/end/glava-2

I was into this theory pretty strongly 5 years ago. Unfortunately some of those timeline graphs are highly doctored.
e.g the one in OP, the left side is over 300 years, the right side is ~200.

The other issue is that the Byzantine church would have to be in on the scam, since they possessed all the records.

It is undeniable though that the Catholic Clergy were involved in a number of fabrications and modifications of some very important documents. The question is how far does it go and which parts of his theory have the most merit.

Those records would have been acquired by the Ottoman Empire and could have later been destroyed to bring more legitimacy to Islam on Hagia Sophia.

Sage for flat Earth tier conspiracy theory.


Dubs of truth. CTR are trying to spread threads throughout this place so they can get screen shots for Hillary's speech. They need to have more ammo. CTR is literally now scrubbing the web for conspiracy theories and posting them here.

I am describing his theory. Wether it has merit or not I have yet to determine. I am simply exploring the theory and posted this for any thoughts.

Not sure what the fuck that is but Fomenko has legit math behind his theory.

Yup, anyone spreading one of the following is either an idiot or a shill.

1. Flat Earth.
2. Creationism (though not theistical evolution)
3. Moon Landing Hoax

Dozens of others.

Oh look, more misinformation planted to distract people looking for the truth. Do you want to tell us about the Illuminati Nazis too?

Nope, no theory, or hypothesis, because it offers no evidence why it should be right.

Fomenko uses a series of statistical analysis and astronomical calculations to correlate dates with particular astronomical events. If dates and astronomical events do not match then something is not right and records must be incorrect (wether by forgery or simple human error).


> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Chronology_(Fomenko)#Astronomical_evidence

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Chronology_(Fomenko)#Statistical_correlation_of_texts

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Chronology_(Fomenko)#Statistical_correlation_of_dynasties


It doesn't give Islam any more legitimacy. In the actual theory, Solomon=Suleyman the magnificent.

The point is, you'd have to believe that the Catholic Church, the Byzantines, Islam, the Jews, the Protestants etc all agreed to this big rewrite since none of them challenged it… despite being in conflict at the time.

Alright, so he doesn't analyse ancient texts, archeological evidence or anything concrete, no he uses "math" and "data" to flimflam something together!!

Yes, I am sure there is a conspiracy to plant tensofthousands of pieces of pottery and writting across the meditereanian sea, right?

I guess we know what the shills are going to migrate to once flat earth becomes completely untenable.

Martin Luther challenged it on more than one occasion. This is the beginnings of Protestantism to challenge what was perceived as a corrupt Catholic Church.

The house of Medicci could be easily related to a number of the Jewish families that would later obtain more financial power over Europe in the years to come. As mentioned previously, the Medicci's had the biggest bank in Europe and most Jews got their start in finance because initially Christians were not allowed to partake in usury.

And with Byzantine….as mentioned, the records could have simply been destroyed by the Ottomans. Obviously you would want to destroy any remnants of Christianity and simply make Hagia Sophia an Islamic strong-hold.

Off the very top of my head, the Star of Bethlehem is associated with an event around the year 3 AD where, relative to Earth, Venus was directly in front of Jupiter so that together they looked like one brilliant star with an unusual flight path across the sky.

You do realise there are millions of coins from thousands of houses and dynasties buried all across the world and that we could recreate most of the political chronology of Europe, North-Africa and the Middle-East from those coins right.

I mean, you do realise this right?

Look at the Russian Empire and the Romanovs.
This is fake shit.

Well OP, your thread is getting hit really hard by the shills and retards. I've experienced that westerners just can't accept that they were lied about history. They can't let go of the false fairytales the jesuits created for them. It's really funny here, the people who can point at kikes and realize how they lie to us, believe the history that is stuffed in the jewish (((school system))). Sad.

Yes, every ancient civilization on earth, including the Muslims, Persians, Indians, Chinese and Mongols where all Jesuits, all archeology is also controlled by the Jesuits and even though we discovered hundreds of thousands of coins, artifacts and incriptions buried beneath the earth, you wacky conspiracy theory is right.

Moon landing was a hoax. There is zero evidence of a manned moon landing.

Thanks mate. I am not claiming his theory is correct but simply that I believe that there is something here that should be looked into.

I remember reading a lot of things at how corrupt the Catholic church was during the middle ages and how certain monks would "alter" historical documents to meet the narrative of the clergy.

Oh yeah right, they faked a whole series of moon landings, because it's so much fun to be an idiot.


We are talking about chronology. That is..artifacts don't give you the sequence of events and carbon dating can have error dates of up to several centuries.

Oh alright, so coins, buried in the dirt, don't prove those rulers actually existed…


That isn't evidence.

Why wouldn't they fake it? It was the greatest propaganda of all time. WE WUZ ASTORNAUTZ is still used today to reinforce Ameritard patriotism in the goyim.

What did I just say? Are you fucking soft in the head? It proves existence but doesn't give you any information on the chronology of events.

Also….provide me with ONE COIN…..just one coin with Solomon. Oh thats right…you cant….because there are none.

Yeah, you are right, it's a cool story to say that they faked it, so they must have faked it and fooled millions of scientists across the world.

This has nothing to do with Moon Landing. Stop mis-directing thread. Talk about that somewhere else if you would like.


Maybe, you stupid christcuck, maybe, the Bible isn't completely true!!!!

It doesn't take much to fool them. The story just needs plausibility, but that still doesn't prove it happened.

Again, there is not a single piece of evidence proving the moon landing happened.

So you are smarters then millions of scientists.

Except all of the evidence.

For the Henry to hold water you'd have to have a shit load of civilisations collectively fuck up the dating to a margin of over 1500 years each. That in itself ruins the theory unfortunately

I don;t think you realized it but you just proved my point. Who wrote the bible? Religious leaders…..the same fucking leaders who were handling important historical records!!!!

Do you understand what I am saying to you? If you believe the bible is fake….what makes you so sure that everything else that the clergy / Jesuits would touch is authentic and true?

theory *

again, that presupposes that the clergy had the monopoly on data, but we can find similar dating and records in the east, amongst the jews, and even in Africa in Libya and so on.

More importantly of course, we have original works, and stone works. As a result the whole theory is horse shit

The only jewish pawnpusher we care about around here is Uncle Bobby, and I think he'd throw OP off a bridge

Nope, we can check the Bible by using records by other ethnic groups and by applying archeology!!

How sure are you that the New Chronology isn't an attempt to retel history.

nope, never said that!

All ancient civilizations on earth, where jesuits, makes perfect sense.

Theory never claims that the people creating those stone work never existent or that those civilizations never existed. Agin…it deals with CHRONOLOGY of events.

Well….perhaps this has been a waste of time. Holla Forums is clearly too autistic.

I never made this claim. This is almost a Leftist type of attack where you try to ridicule opponent with falsehoods. Fuck you faggot.


Yes you did, if the Jesuits are behind a big conspiracy to change history, then that means those jesuits controlled all of the ancient civilizations of Eurasia.

Nice, you didn't rebuke my other claims, let me repeat them.

Nope, we can check the Bible by using records by other ethnic groups and by applying archeology!!

How sure are you that the New Chronology isn't an attempt to retel history.

nope, never said that!

Yes but he was on a diet of worms.

My god you are a literal retard.

Changing, destroying or altering records is not even near comparable to controlling entire ancient civilizations. Morons.

OP is close, the actual issue is, reality repeats itself over and over with only outward differences. Names dates and culture is different, same historical shit.

Anatoly Fomenko just recognized this pattern without knowing it worked in the physics.

Yup, to bad I never actually said that.

So you think the Jesuits ruled all ancient civilizations and altered their records?

Yes. Not smarter than all scientists, but smarter than most of them, numbering in millions.

There is none

that's an interesting idea, but provably false in the way he describes it
there are wooden artefacts dating from various periods of history that can be precisely dated via dendrochronology en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrochronology
we have a complete sequence of wood rings growth for the last 13,900 years, which means we can determine the year a tree has been born precisely
historical events may well follow a cyclical pattern, but there can be no "invented centuries" period anytime

Right and uh… those scientists you don't outsmart, why is it they don't understand what's going on, but you do.

Except all of the evidence.

Altered records….yes.

Ruled over them….no.

Christianity was not present during the inception of Ancient Egypt.

Give one example. And then I will tell you why it does not prove the moon landing.

The moon landing hoax is sustained the same way the holohoax is sustained.

So let me get this straight, the Jesuits entered amongst other things, Muslim dynasties, the court of Kahns and Chinese Emperor all of them, and they where able to alter to records unimposed.

wow, still doesn't matter because archeology.

Not the only thing that repeats. Checked.

Luther challenged it? Challenged Chronology did he? That Jesus didn't exist until 1000AD, and that Christianity was just made up by the Church?

Stop being a retard.

Hey guize, lets talk about the flat Earth so we don't look at the Hillary's jar fuck up. ((We)) know we fucked up with that pathetic attempt, and we need to memory hole that as fast as possible.

Flat Earth, hey do you remember Looney Toons…now it is Looney Tunes….ooohhh 5spoopy2u!! Mandela Effect. Don't talk about Hillary's health, don't vote either. Wait for Hitler.


Well, I wouldn't be surprised if the (((Khazar))) tinkered with history to somehow suit their own needs, like making it seem that they're holy land is in Palestina. I personally have too much other stuff on my mind to cram any more into it.

This made me chuckle even though I am OP.

Is there any hard proof of this? If you are claiming all of history prior to the middle ages has been this tampered with, then you need to provide quite strong evidence.


self-aware enough to understand he is being silly.

I never claimed this theory is completely true only that it appears to have certain merits. I have an open mind at the least and wanted some thoughts from people who may have encountered fomenko's work in the past.

For me the most compelling shit lies at the center of Fomenko's claims on byzantium and the tales centered around Jerusalem / Temple of Solomon (AKAK Hagia Sophia).

so, you're saying all of the;
photographic evidence
video evidence
8mm film evidence
physical evidence ie, moon rocks
is faked?
how about the evidence from;
NASA employees who operated tracking and communications
HAM operators who followed the radio transmissions

you expect me to believe that it's all fake?
the only people who believe the
flat earth
moon landing was a hoax
atomic weapons are a hoax

are charlatans, fools and the ignorant.
you dear user are suffering from Dunning Kruger effects

Look, I like you, so I am going to explain what is going on.

History rhymes and certain events will appear to repeat themselves, but they don't.

If you are interested, read up about Oswald Spengler.

Not going to say anything else.

Whatchu sliding, Moishe?

What percent of the things you've read in your life would you say were true?

It's likely less than 1% whether you realize it or believe it all.

of the things I've read that were supposed to be factual it was obvious that they were less than 100%.
>mfw taking a series of courses for IT about 12 yr ago I noticed a problem with the books. Every week we had a 20 question quiz and I'd always miss one or two questions. I don't give a damn about the grade I take tests to see what I didn't learn. when I checked my mistakes I found that the book and quiz were wrong about 2 ~ 5% of the time… the damn textbooks we were being taught from!
Many things you simply cannot personally verify, others are easy if you are willing to educate yourself.

He is making an argument. You are kvetching and fisting your own anus.

There is none.

Again, none.


Not evidence. Tons of moon rocks already on earth before the alleged moon landing.

Doesn't prove manned mission.

Not proof of manned mission.

The moon hoax is the same as the holohoax. People don't understand induction and what constitutes proof (this is actually very common in the scientific community), and they buy into a pre-packaged narrative.

Same thing as the global warming hoax as well, btw.



Thx /x/! 6,000,000 shekels have been deposited in your ctr account!


what about the holocaust?


another shill trying to erase european history

It was working until you went there.

Yeah texans get triggered hard when you dare question what they learned in state education centers.

kek has spoken.

fix'd for you

What are you going on about? The catalog is filled with MDE, Soros and Hillary threads. Where are hoards of slipey slidey conspiracy threads you claim CTR is literally posting en masse?

You were one of the first to respond to this thread with a hard sage and salty accusations yet you stuck around to argue and derail. Cute.

Here have a bump OP.

I have never hear of Fomenko or New Chronology and it's pretty interesting stuff.

Here's one for you lad, if the chronology doesn't make sense. Maybe some niggers wrote shit down wrong in part? But other sources didn't? And guess what, there are multiple sources for each event to help correct it. Cherry picker mcgoo whose theory this is, is patently wrong

I only mentioned Kasparov because he apparently had some contribution to the works and this line of research would have died without like-minded people like him putting some weight behind it.

In particular it appears that he and many like minded people specifically agreed and blamed the Romanov dynasty of destroying many important records of the past relating to Russia.

I will leave you with this quote:

this is the kind of stuff that belongs on Holla Forums, you have my full attention OP

Its not erasing anything. The accomplishments of Europe are undeniable and can be felt to the present day.

If anything it gives Europe a lot of credit since Fomenko indicates that certain inventions that are thought to have been invented in the east (an example would be gun-powder) were actually invented on Europe.

Here is an interesting video that I found giving a brief highlight of this video.

Ignore the mushy hippie philosophy at the end. The first half highlights the theory.



*Here is an interesting video that I found giving a brief highlight of this theory.


fuck off, idiot

I want to hear the theory first, I can look into the evidence myself after if need be

So, let's take a look at them then.

Surely someone's built such a chronological record for every major power through history, right?

How does he explain Pompei? Did Florence and the House of Medici create those artifacts, and if so, when did the volcano actually bury them?

There is, but this thread isn't the place for discussing the moon landing, kindly take a hike.

Jesus christ, it really was the fucking anglos, wasn't it?

No mention was made of Pompeii nor was there any claim that those events did not occur. Obviously we have evidence for something like that. As for the time in which that event occurred, that is up for discussion.

>Hillary: "Holla Forums talks about silly esoteric theories, therefore don't vote for Trump"

Yeah, tune down your paranoia a bit.

Do any of the artifacts have roman dates? I can't imagine the entire city being buried under ash wouldn't have at least a few references.

Britain cut a deal with Poland: If Germany invades you, We and France will invade them. It'll be a 2 or 3 front war, and the Germans will be crushed spectacularly. So keep antagonizing them my good polish friends, you have nothing to fear.

And then Germany invaded Poland, having cut a likewise deal with the Soviets. France/UK declared war on Germany like they promised, and Germany fucking steamrolled the entirety of their land forces in Europe anyways, surprising literally everyone.

WW2 was more complicated than simply the anglos wanting to fuck Germany up. They certainly did, but the war was imposed because of economic ideological differences. Whether Poland was invaded or not, the Allies would still have declared war on Germany.

Hitler's hallmark was having the audacity and temerity to cross the rubicon(s) first. He didn't allow for Germany to wait around and be attacked, instead taking the initiative. It was entirely the correct action given the time and place and lacking hindsight: Victors re-write history afterall. No strictly necessary need for casus belli if you're certain/daring enough for your gambit to succeed.

How would you date a gold coin? It's not like you can carbon-14 date gold.

You could date the soil it was buried in, but that would give you a very approximate date of burial, not minting.

Here's another good one though it has an electronic voice that is somewhat annoying.


There should be impurities in the gold, it's really a matter of finding the radioactive materials that would aid in dating.

Do we have any radiological dating methods that are more accurate than carbon-14?

Surely there's got to be something?

The original culprit?

You'd need some predictable environmental source for those radioactive impurities. Something that is constant in the environment but gets locked into the gold when it is melted/minted.

Carbon-14 dating works because Carbon-14 is presumably constant in the atmosphere due to cosmic rays constantly replenishing it, but when that carbon gets locked into organic matter the Carbon-14 is no longer replenished, so you can date it by how much is left.

I could be wrong, but I don't think such dating for gold exists.

This kind of shit is ridiculous. The majority of Historians reject it. Even if it were true accepting ideas like this puts you on such a fringe as to make you seem like you're completely insane to people.

I think the point of pushing these types of information on alt-righters is to disenfranchise them from society at large and ensure that they cannot relate to other members of society.

Other sorts of radiometric dating exist, but it looks like it's pretty much only good for figuring out how old rocks are (as in when they formed from magma, not when they were cut and used for human construction incidentally, the stone works in Egypt cannot really be dated. To "date" those they look for organic matter among the stone structures and C-14 date it).

One example of rock dating: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium–lead_dating

There are a few: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiometric_dating#Modern_dating_methods

lol wut?

No one is telling you to believe it mate. You can choose to close this page right now.

I am just trying to find more info. Literally no one since I created this thread has given me instructive informational additions to the theory save a few anons above.

If you have something instructive to say then please post it here otherwise I would kindly ask you to leave.

i think the churches burn/destroy/hide all real documents and books from the past so that they can push borderline relativistic garbage like this. i find it extremely hard to believe the churches were so powerful back then that somehow they forged all of antiquity and any oral legend the peasants would have had didnt counter their fabricated narrative. i mean you have to truly believe some external force is controlling all of the people with power because such collusion is not possible otherwise. literally taking orders directly from satan or some shit to be able to pull something so synchronous and untruthful off.

You don't have to believe it. At this point I don't, but I find theories like this interesting. I like to explore the full range of human belief, to see what people can make arguments for and how they do it, even if it isn't true.

Can you think of one reason people on Holla Forums might be interested in the subject of how theories and history might be fabricated? How people can be made to believe things that may not necessarily be true through selective, deceptive, or unconventional rhetoric?

Spoiled the answer so you can think about it a bit first.

id like to add though, you can see (((them))) doing it now. textbooks from the 90s compared to today are radically different. maybe without the internet to house information, altering history was extremely easy given enough time.

I agree that the magnitude of the fabrication seems completely impractical, but to the theory's credit, the masses were illiterate and the priests had their own language that could have easily served as a cipher of sorts latin.

I think it is possible that they could have conspired in vast ways, though I don't know where they'd get all the scribes and creativity to forge all of Greek and Roman mythology and history.

It's extremely likely that they didn't

I'm of the opinion that this fomenko fellow is half-right. There's a lot of forged documents, and a lot of re-written history to favour certain points of view, but we've still probably got the general timelines down pretty good.

The nice thing about the digital age is that digital data doesn't degrade quite the same way that historical artifacts do. And so long as the information is interesting enough to keep getting copied by SOMEONE, it will persist.

We really do need high-capacity data storage that can last/function for tens of thousands of years though.


stop bringing this shit here

Heh, there are thousand year old depictions of Kek in Egypt. I wonder how many years our modern digital depictions of Kek will last. Digital is like paper records, if you're not periodically copying it, it will be lost. Records carved in stone are much better.

Maybe etch it into metals. Gold is soft, but doesn't corrode. That might be one way. Or maybe code the message into metal with radiation, like a harddrive uses magnetism. Get the isotope right and you'll have predictable decay of information.. but reading it would be stochastic (you'd need to wait for the decays I guess, unless future technology improves).

One idea I've tossed around for a while is how to get the records out of the hands of meddling humans. I think storing hard copies (etched into metal, or similar) on the moon might be a good way. That way the barbarians will never be able to burn it, only advanced civilizations would be able to access and tamper with it.

The moon has no protective atmosphere, so you'd need many redundant copies all over the moon.

The lack of an atmosphere's actually a good thing. You only need limited radiation protection. Depends on the storage material, really.

Something like an actual paper book might last literally for millions of years, just sitting on the surface. Cover and edges might get bleached from UV light, but the interior should be mostly fine.

Storing and archiving shit on the moon's a really good fucking idea tbh. Rock monuments survive thousands of years on Earth, they'd survive billions+ on the moon.

Wtf I hate pizza now

The math is absolutely correct and so are many conclusions, but his attempt to reconstruct history is very lacking. Though you can reach some interesting conclusions about when you realize the OT was thought up and written after the NT. Everything about Jews is a fabrication they've sold the Goyim.

Remember kids, social sciences arent science.

Many mathematicians have supported the math behind the new chronology. Those who deny it are fucking idiots who won't do any research themselves.

I was thinking the moon is pretty damn cratered. Very unlikely your lunar library would be hit, but over millions of years the chances probably add up. If you're going through the trouble of a lunar library it would be nice to have it last as close to indefinitely as possible. But I think redundancy would be the solution to that.

You're probably right about paper books lasting a damn long time up there too. You'd need to use acid-free paper, but that's just common sense archival. Nothing special about that.


somewhat similar manner, Fomenko compares two dynasties of rulers using statistical methods. First, he creates adatabase of rulers, containing relevant information on each of them. Then, he creates "survey codes" for each pair of the rulers, which contain a number which describes degree of the match of each considered property of two rulers. For example, one of the properties is the way of death: if two rulers were both poisoned, they get value of +1 in their property of the way of death; if one ruler was poisoned and another killed in combat, they get -1; and if one was poisoned, and another died of illness, they get 0 (Fomenko claims there is possibility that chroniclers were not impartial and that different descriptions nonetheless describe the same person). An important property is the length of the rule.[24]

Are you fucking retarded. Because some emperors are similar to others therefore they must be the same. What the fuck are you doing retard.


OP, i think that "insider" might've been there to disseminate disinfo


Taking into account OP's trigger warnings and calm arguments, it seems some (((people))) are buttmad about this
Holla Forums is not Trump the board, its not bad we have 1000 about him but the main focus is politically incorrect stuff, this is as PC as it gets along with shoah denying/reclassifying
Plus we had a decent Atlantis thread, so folks calm your tits, it may even turn a nice containment thread as some said the Atlantis thread was


You're ignoring his math behind eclipses and rearranging known eclipses on the timeline. He gets into that type of analysis because the timelines now overlap or don't exist, but the history does

Holy fuck this thread got shilled hard with fucking retards.

Very interesting theory, OP and easily plausible.

It's interesting to think about how names are easily corruptible. And many different cultures would call things differently in their different languages and viewpoints. It would also be easy to fuck up the dates since they all had their own calendars. (Who actually says what year is what eh? We say it's 2016 but that's a load of consensual horseshit)

Just because group a calls their king the best and group b calls the same king a cunt doesn't mean they are different kings.

Plus all the 'thousands' and 'thousands' of years never really made sense to me. Nor did all this 'Rome', 'Jerusalem', etc I can easily see them being used for different places at different times by different peoples.

Also it's true the priests had a monopoly on literacy and could have easily invented history.


I don't really have anything to contribute to the thread but holy fuck these fucking retards in here are pissing me off. Good job (((guys)))

here are two mathematicians who go over fomenkos work. His Russian centric view of history is silly, but not completely so when we remember that their royal lines was essentially German.



This shit is getting so old. The hallmark of a scientific mind is the ability to entertain ideas without having to accept them as truth. Even shit like flat earth and ancient aliens can contain hints, clues, and breadcrumbs that could lead to the truth if you disregard the conclusions they jump and simply look at the evidence.

I.E. It's obvious ancient people were more advanced than we give them credit for and had culture that spanned the globe. That doesn't mean aliens are the only or even the most logical conclusion. Maybe (((they))) simply don't want us to know about Aryan history? How exactly is that a far fetched idea?

Even the evidence used for flat/hollow earth is interesting. It's obvious from Operation High jump, Admiral Byrd's reports, and the Antarctic treaty that there's something about Antarctica (((they))) don't want us to know. NASA is also fishy, as is most of the math regarding our heliocentric solar system. (((666))) appears over and over, you can see objects from miles away where math proves the curvature of the earth would make such things impossible, etc. Jumping to the conclusion the Earth is flat or hollow is a bit much, but it's still obvious that there is something going on. Maybe the earth is simply much larger than were told, who fucking knows? It's still worth investigating.

TLDR everyone stop fucking crying shill every time you hear something you dont like. You're as bad as niggers crying "Das raycis!" When people point out factual statistics by race. If you don't like it then fuck off back to your echo chambers and circle jerk in some other thread you fucking retards.

history fabricated by jews and christians
who would have thought?

It appears that the people that we would classify as Globalist Jews (or rather Ashkenazi Jews) are indeed descendants of people who simply "adopted" Judaism for the purposes of finance and dealing with usury.

Indeed much of the history of Judaism and the effort to present them as "chosen ones" seems to have been fabricated in attempt to shield them from potential criticism and harm from Christians.

This could only have occurred at a time where illiteracy was wide-spread. The references to Jerusalem from old / ancient English texts are (according to this theory) referring to Constantinople with the temple of Solomon being actually Hagia Sophia.

interesting, but I don't buy it. what would explain the entirety of late antiquity and everything before? what would be the incentive to this monumental cover up?

also, you can visit the ancient ruins in question, and they are noticeably more worn then medieval structures supposedly created during the same time period.

believe me op, i've read my fair share of kooky shit on the internet, some of which i believe, kookier then this, but this is too radical and unsupported imo. flat earth is more likely.

Depends on which structures you are analyzing. For example, I think the sphinx is MUCH MUCH older than what Egyptologists indicate. Why do I say this? Because the sphinx contains Water Erosion! This type of erosion could only occur at a time when the location had lots of rain, a time which would only occur far beyond 9000 years ago (the time in which egyptologists state).

So I do not believe Egyptian structures I think are very old. The Western-style Roman structures is a separate question all-together. Perhaps a proper dating would be in what we would classify as 0-1000 AD?

* Sphynx appears to be much older than consensus. Not sure about Giza pyramids.


Thank you for giving this thread a bump


While interesting, I don't think it holds much water. There are too many sources to fake and it's too easy to make a mistake in calculations in comparison (t. science guy).

What about the Dead Sea scrolls? These correspond to a large part of the OT, so they cannot predate it under this theory.

Where does current Carbon Dating analysis put the dead sea scrolls? What time-line? What is the mainstream consensus on that.

First to second century AD, both according to carbon dating and other stuff (like items found around them).

The Long Now lot (Brian Eno and his weird mates) talk about information preservation a lot. They are trying to make universal Rosetta Stones (15,000 pages of info in 1,300 languages on something that looks like paperweights) and a clock that will run accurately for 10,000 years and be maintainable with Bronze Age technlogy. They talked about milling clock gears from stone because it lasts longer than metal.

there is literally no such thing when it comes to history, the more detail oriented, the better

This. Look all you idiots who don't get the real importance behind his work. It isn't his attempt at reconciling historical chronology that is important. It's that he proved what we believe to be a true chronology is FALSE based on eclipse data. After he realized historical events couldn't have happened when claimed because of historical documentation of astronomical events and the old shoddy math behind them were not right.

Which is all nonsense because carbon dating techniques are based on faulty maths and a wrong chronology. PS the OT was written after the NT.

Captcha: fAGpto.

Not up to a few (3-4) millenia before present. Even if the timeline is wrong, comparing the activity allows us to approximately order stuff at least by centuries and determine approximate contemporaries. Unless there were massive changes in C14 content in the past 1000 years, the hypothesis about Dead Sea Scrolls being younger than that is falsified.
Talmud is not the OT.

…And the Jews won't give a fuck.

They already know their nation is secular, many of them. That's not what it's about. Israel is about world domination. Nothing to do with true religious convictions.

:| You realize that they created the algorithm for dating carbon based on what we currently believe to be our current chronology right? There are many issues with it. Also, the OT was written after the NT. I know the Talmud is not the OT. Christians wrote the OT first, Jews copied them.

There is this hypothesis by a German reserchar called Phantom time hypothesis which claims that there are an extra 300 year in our history.


Based on this a hungarian "researcher" writed a bucnh of essay where he talks about the topic. His work is pretty good. Basically he come to the conclusin that the time period beetween 200-900 only hapenned in the span of 200 years.

Here his blog where you can read his essays unfortunatly it's only avilable in hungarian, but he has a lecture on youtube with english subs.


Holy shit….thank you for this. This could explain the missing link that I was finding prior to 1000 AD.

Learn to read. I'm specifically addressing this.

It's my pleasure goy, nevertheless i think Framenko theory is shit but he has some good intuition,

Well regardless, there has clearly been tampering with historical documents as well as outright forgery. Finding the true extent of that will be tricky.

Nevertheless, I thank you for those sources.

I tell you that lecture was made on the middle of his research some parts are "outdated".

Is there a more recent talk? He also mentions that a book was supposed to come the following year. Video was posted on 2014. Did a book on his theory actually come out?

Actuall the video was mad in 2012, it was just subbed in 2014. That's when he finished his research, so there's a 2 year worh of stuff which is not there. I tried to get his book later but it was already sold out and it was only avilable in hungarin so i doubt it would be much use 4u.

His research is here, but as i said it's in hungarian maghreb.blog.hu/

If you want i could give you some really rough translataion about the chapters, but leav some accessability or something.

Sure, I don't need ultra details, just a rough overview

how do i contact you?

You can do so via email.

> [email protected]/* */

Are you the actual author?

no just a fan


No you aren't understanding how radiocarbon dating even fucking works. They only know the age of certain carbon atoms because they used a base sample, i.e. An artifact that everyone trusts to be dated is the baseline. So if some stupid shit everyone agrees is the baseline because of fucked up chronology, the whole system needs reworking. That's why Fomenkos went into statistical analysis of historical biographies etc. There are fucking tenured professors in the field of mathematics from all over the world who have verified the math behind fomenkos disproving the current accepted chronology. That means yes everything we know about historical timelines up until a certain point is a fabrication. This doesn't mean his attempt to reconstruct history is correct through, but he may be on to something.

The moon landings never happened. If they did, there would be a scientific record. Instead, we are left with many scientific anomalies, such as:

Why was there no radiation damage on any of the photos?

Why don't the dosimeters of the astronauts agree with known modern estimates?

Why does the Plss never show evidence of venting water vapour?

How likely is it that a rocket could dock with module in orbit going 2400 mph with no accidents, 6 times in a row, using no more computing power than a couple floppy disks?

Why don't we have better technology that allows us to return to the moon? Yknow, following the normal model of technological progress?

And on and on it goes…

Dismissing the "moon hoax" without even looking into the issue is unintelligent.

My mind would be blown if this turns out true. Aren't all the source NT manuscripts verifiably older than all the source OT manuscripts?

No, I do, and I'm saying it's all irrelevant if the only thing you need to do is check if one item is older than another without determining the actual age. The relevant question is not how old the Dead Sea Scrolls are, but whether they are definitely older than the time you claim OT was written.

The problem is that they didn't have digital libraries back then, so everything got transcribed as the original manuscripts got worn out. Dead Sea Scrolls were preserved incredibly well and they're still just fragments.
I heard a story about some hipster who came into an antique bookstore and asked about a manuscript from 11th century. Pic related is how about everyone in the bookstore looked.


That sounds like a whole lot of bullshit mate.

Just another Russian kook trying to push his agenda by falsifying history.

All these religious nutbags come up with idiotic theories to support whatever the fuck they want to believe.

Deep down all you ruskies know the West is best, Russia is shit and the Orthodox are heretics.

Bow down to Rome, Slavic scum!


more shills trying to push stupid fringe crap to discredit Holla Forums

get in an oven, op

gr8 b8 m8

Google this question, find this awnser.



Computer power was done on earth stupid.

Just fucking die already, shill

kill yourself cuck

This guy does alternative readings of history as a hobby:

If you follow along, it gets pretty far out there.

What about Hitler?

Don't you have to go to class?

Pushing thread back to top, this looks fascinating.

Thread in a nutshell. You can never discuss this kind of shit here without people shitposting endlessly. Parade all about the red pill bullshit but anything that is even remotely complex they shut down.



All signs point to yes.

Thanks for "Correcting the Record" that Romans and Greek never existed, the white race isn't as glorious as we thought, after all, huh…

Our news is full of lies. Why not our history?

I have a history book with a picture of an Actornaut on the 'Moon' on the front cover!
