What's on my dog's back?

He has had this grain for almost a year, but a few days ago started to walk badly.

Is it an older dog? Both cats and dogs can get some growth like that and they're for the most part harmless.
Just like old people start looking super gross.

take him to a vet

Oh and yeah obviously take him to the vet on the account of him walking badly. It's just not related to that growth.

Looks like a tick, idk. Do

your dog has GRIDS

I do not have enough money to take him to the vet

He is 4 years old

Not a tick is a pimple, I've already seen it

Get the money

Veterinarian here. Can you get a less shitty picture of the skin mass, please?

-Walk badly. What does this mean? Lameness? Which leg? Weakness?
-Is he otherwise okay? Eating/drinking normally? Activity/energy level okay? Any vomiting or diarrhea?
-Any other medical history on him?

A friend says it will be pararitic, says that if I take her to an operation she will not be able to walk anymore says that it is better to leave her in that state.


I'm trying

Okay, great. The skin mass is most likely unrelated to his lameness. New hind limb lameness in a dog his age and breed would make me worried about a soft tissue injury (like a strain or a sprain), a CCL rupture (like an ACL rupture in people, only usually not due to trauma but rather a degeneration of the ligament), or potentially some other underlying orthopedic problem like hip dysplasia. There are lots of other possibilities, though. The good news is that these things probably aren't going to kill him, the bad news is that he should see a vet. If he had a soft tissue injury or a ligament tear, I would put him on a pain medication and have you restrict his activity for a week or two.

Probably the most important thing for you to do is to NOT GIVE HIM ANY HUMAN OVER THE COUNTER PAIN MEDS. Please. Don't do it. No ibuprofen. No Aleve. No aspirin. Nothing. Rest him and see if he gets better within a few days. Short leash walks only, nothing else. Avoid stairs if possible, discourage from jumping on/off furniture. Please go to a vet if you possibly can - it's gonna be like

Did you check the paw of his foot to see if the skin was cut or has a sharp object in it?

Thanks user, I appreciate it very much, I will try to take it to the vet

your dog has too much human semen in its belly. you need to suck the semen out. how? align your asshole with its asshole, and cough real hard. your dog should start barking after you cough 2/3 times. if it won't, you have to stomp your dog flat then slide it under a planned parenthood center. thank me later.

signed: dr.alex "where did my kids go" jones


Don't you know OP?- It's a seed. If you water it enough and give it sunlight it will grow into an even larger puppy. If you're lucky you'll have a whole lot of cute puppies in no time.

Give it a cumshot

Boxers are notorious for having tumors. I have had 3 over the years, and my 12yo has them literally all over her body now. They dont bother her and luckily haven't taken her yet. You can have them removed, but in most cases its a battle you cant win. Sometime they come back in the same spot but most always they will just start to pop up in other areas. I stopped having them removed when I realized it was just making the vet rich and her miserable. If they can reach them they will sometimes chew on them and in those cases you need to have them removed.

It's a fucking tick. Get one of those tools that takes it out or see a fucking vet you neglectful loser. It could be potentially life threatening being near his spine/

That dog looks part boxer, and boxers are infamously unhealthy and cancerous breeds. Not to mention retarded.

fuck you

Hes cute.
Anyhow may just be a fatty tumor, most dogs get them. If he acts normal and is eating normally he should be fine. It could also be a cyst. Just keep your eye on it.

My dog had the same thing for a while. Her leg started acting up too, and eventually she couldn't even walk on her own. It was a type of cancer, so I'd just make your doggo comfortable and bring him to a vet ASAP.

Probably a tumor, take him to the vet.

I think some alien creature got inside your dog and its gonna burst out.

Maybe he got it after being near your cancerous posting.

