Why do some people here even supported him? Why do you think he wasn't going to be just another puppet...

Why do some people here even supported him? Why do you think he wasn't going to be just another puppet? Because he called himself a socialist?

Not a Holla Forumsyp, I just want to know why some people here supported him.

Other urls found in this thread:


the fuck does this have to do with technology?

er, whoops wrong board. Been a long day lol

Because this place is full of naive liberals.

The reforms he proposed were radical when you look at the pathetic state of this dogshit country. Free healthcare, free college, radical criminal justice reform, etc. The fact that he called himself a socialist would help normalize the left and bring us closer to the masses. His proposals were incomparably more left wing than anything Obama ever proposed and there was a mass movement to get him elected.

tl;dr he's a very significant amount less shitty than the other candidates which DOES matter if you are a proletarian living in the US.

There was no real reason not to support him unless you're a dogmatic Bolshevik LARPer or a political reactionary.

Because USA is so shit that a simple socdem looks like a second Lenin in their political environment

Because he changed the ideological line between what is possible and what impossible.

anyone but marxist leninists support that faggot. ML are educated in theory and practice and call the anarchists and other scum out for supporting this piece of shit.
it is no suprise that the same fags here who support sanders are the same ones who were in favor of SYRIZA and have yet to openly aknowledge their mistake, which they'll never do as it's an inherent part of their entirely retarded ideology to be wrong like that.


We just hate communism and always have. He's a fuckin' pinko for christ's sake!

Do people seriously believe he is going to be another Ralph Nader and be the reason Trump gets elected?

I'l admit it would be hilarious for the sheer and outer shitstorm it would cause and the panic it would spread to the elites, but the fallout from doing that would be immense and he would be vilified for the rest of his life.

No one would be willing to really do that, unless he was a full commie, which Sanders being a left leaning liberal, certainly is not.

Trump is one of the elites though, they want him to get elected.

Which is why Obama, Hillary and Sanders do not want him to get elected.

Because they aren't the elites, they're democrats after all. They're for the people, Trump is for the few rich people.

Yeah, let's just vote for Hillary.


Yeah. She wants to empower females and give amnesty to undocumented immigrants. What's not to like?

The people voted in Obama because he's a democrat and democrats are pro-democracy. Republicans are cynical about democracy, they're freaking misanthropists and anti-egalitarian.


You have to be joking. What are you doing here? Are you a liberal?

Are you an authoritarian? Do you not believe in freedom? Are you against democracy?

He was a means to an end. A whole army of millennials are now into politics and are self-professed socialists because of him. It's our job to pull them more to "scumbag left" before they sway back towards liberalism.

I'm a Marxist-Leninist who supported Sanders for the purpose of raising class consciousness and winning his supporters over to our side. Or… did you forget about how Vladimir Lenin was in the fucking Social Democratic Party until breaking off?

Being 'into politics' is completely trite, all that means is that you chose to have an opinion, most likely one that was given to you. It's as arbitrary as having a favorite color. Also socialism is promoted in universities, and only the kiss-asses who sit up in the front of class support Bernie along with the professor. Everyone else either doesn't care or supports Trump now.


Nice try Holla Forumsyp. Also Trump will never get elected, keep on dreaming.

He was meant to be a softball, MSM is currently taking aspects of his campaign and using it to promote Hilliary's campaign.


You can't shove socialism down America's throat, you have to suggest it lightly. It's definitely being promoted on an institutional level. The fact that Sanders got as far as he did is proof of how brainwashed some college students and redditors are.

bless your heart, child

Stop appropriating my goddamn culture son.

Nobody cares about Hillarys drama and rise to power here, Sanders was always a means to an end. And no one over the age of 18 expected him to actually become Potus. Things are just beginning.

>It's definitely being promoted on an institutional level. The fact that Sanders got as far as he did is proof of how brainwashed some college students and redditors are.

Only someone who hasn't been in a university would say that, it's also pretty obvious that you are a newfag that thinks liberals=socialist, and have no real concept on what it is. But even if it was true, it would be a good thing a no way a product of institutionalized incentives (all universities and colleges in America are funded by private interests), but rather the intolerable conditions of the working class and the lack of job prospects by students. Trump represents the 1% of the capitalist elites and is ultimately harmless to their interests. This whole election is one giant spectacle, and the real issues were buried with the tanking of the Sanders campaign.

nice meme

sorry, my best friend is a southerner so i get my shit mishmashed with his
if it's any consolation he's even more left than i am

You are walking caricature

And nobody cares about your opinions out there. Hillary and Trump are the two main contestants for the American presidency, if anybody has been used to appeal to a younger generation, a means to a shallow end, it's Sanders. He was the elites tool, not yours.

You just keep telling yourself that.

I'm in college right now, all the insecure kids who sit up in the front of class are for Bernie. It's funny that I had a professor who was like: "So bernie appeals to you guys right?" Fucking crickets after that. Meanwhile you got all the frat bros chanting build that wall at all the parties. Trump is seen as cool and Bernie is seen as the faggot pinko jew.

If you advocate for equality and call people racist or sexist, if you think feminism is cool, or think abolishing private property and sharing wives and children is cool, I think you're a huge faggot all the same. Liberals are blatantly leftist even if they aren't screaming you're retarded communist slogans on the rooftops. You can dissociate yourself from them all you want, it does you no good. Neither of you respect the family or traditional values.

Are you against people having guns in case the government tries to force it's will on an unwilling population? I couldn't be more proud of how popular owning a gun is in the south. We don't feel the need for police as much down here as yanks do. Try to rob from us and you'll get fucking shot. Niggers know it so they either move to the cities or assimilate.

He's one of the few. We're the most conservative people on the planet.



lol so much cognitive dissonance in such a small sentence, you say Trump ( a billionaire) and Hillary ( literally a Goldman Sachs funded wife of an ex president) are the main contestants, and then you say Sanders is the elites pick. Make up your damn mind, all I see on CNN is how Sanders is a "bad-guy" for not dropping out yet.

America will forcibly change, things have become intolerable for many lower and middle class working people, it's inevitable.

So clever kids being in favor of Sanders and dumb frat bros being in favor of Trump is somehow validating Trump? Seems like you fell for the popular=good fallacy.

Yup another complete newfag telling us what we are and what we are not. Nobody here is in favor of the modern brand of idpol brand of feminism. And neither we are in favor of liberalism constantly selling out the working class. Trump is in favor of lower wages and more tax cuts for the super-rich corporate owners of America. You liberal "boogeymen" have more in common with you and Trump than with us. Also traditional values are a meme, you don't even know what they are, but you will probably resort to spouting Christian cliches, ignoring that the only true form of Christianity is communism. You say "family values" but what does that even mean?

No, many leftists believe in the possible need for violent revolution. Why does Holla Forums come on here and assume we're all liberal faggots when we're not?

It's called trolling.

that comic is calling for theory and organization, not advocating the illusion of ethical consumerism


No surprises there.

Being clever in college amounts to regurgitating what the professor tells you, and all the 'clever' kids don't have an ounce of self-criticism. Professors are fucking closet marxists and academia is pretty much straight up indoctrination at this point. No one is allowed to say anything pro-white without the 'clever' kids screaming racist at you.

Fraternities were originally formed as literary societies and are based off of medieval knighthoods that made vows of loyalty. They might be a tad bit hedonistic and listen to nigger music, but most don't give a fuck about being politically correct and will tell you their honest opinion, outside of class of course.

That's very anti-democracy of you. Don't you believe in the people or do you think like the elite and see them as pawns to be used so you can take wealth you don't deserve? Commies are funny like that. I prefer not to bee so pretentious, you can't learn anything when you think you know everything.

Because of immigrants taking jobs and niggers killing, robbing and raping. Blue collar whites aren't fucking blind to who's committing the crimes and making jobs more difficult to get, and we know that the elite don't give a fuck about protecting our borders, they'll watch this country turn into a third-world country so long as someone works for them.

It's not very complicated, it means promoting a functional family, patriarchy, men work hard as always, fight wars when need be, women indulge in their mothering instincts and stay the fuck out of politics, the workforce, and the battlefield, and children have some level of self-discipline.

virgin detected

oh please

If anybody is a virgin it's the guy whiteknighting for women because he's not getting some.

That 'revolution' will never happen here because nobody cares more about protecting their property than the working class.

You mean they are advocating the violent revolution of the working class against the bourgeoisie and seizing the means of production? No? Then they are not Marxists

They are dumb frat bros with the intelligence of a brocoli, another part of Americas growing anti-intellectualism.

Populism is not the same as being pro-democracy, in fact it is the very opposite as it is harmful to it. Not all opinions carry the same weight, when that happens and all viewpoints are leveled democracy becomes mob rule.

Immigrants only took the jobs native Americans weren't doing anyway, such as in the agricultural sector, or very low paying service jobs. But even if that was the real only real reason for Trump's ascendancy, then you would again have only but Capitalism to blame for profiting from their cheap labor. A wall is not going to stop them and as long as Capitalism continues the only way profits of the capitalist are going to grow is by outsourcing jobs to cheaper labor in mexico, china and india. As for black people, it was again the complete corporate greed of corporations who sold off the automobile industry from Detroit to China, and the FBI on drugs bringing the crack epidemic that turned them into their current miserable condition

To preserve personal beauty, woman's glory! the limbs and faculties are cramped with worse than Chinese bands, and the sedentary life which they are condemned to live, whilst boys frolic in the open air, weakens the muscles and relaxes the nerves.—As for Rousseau's remarks, which have since been echoed by several writers, that they have naturally, that is from their birth, independent of education, a fondness for dolls, dressing, and talking—they are so puerile as not to merit a serious refutation. That a girl, condemned to sit for hours together listening to the idle chat of weak nurses, or to attend at her mother's toilet, will endeavour to join the conversation, is, indeed, very natural; and that she will imitate her mother or aunts, and amuse herself by adorning her lifeless doll, as they do in dressing her, poor innocent babe! is undoubtedly a most natural consequence. For men of the greatest abilities have seldom had sufficient strength to rise above the surrounding atmosphere; and, if the page of genius has always been blurred by the prejudices of the age, some allowance should be made for a sex, who like kings, always see things through a false medium.

In this manner may the fondness for dress, conspicuous in women, be easily accounted for, without supposing it the result of a desire to please the sex on which they are dependent. The absurdity, in short, of supposing that a girl is naturally a coquette, and that a desire connected with the impulse of nature to propagate the species, should appear even before an improper education has, by heating the imagination, called it forth prematurely, is so unphilosophical, that such a sagacious observer as Rousseau would not have adopted it, if he had not been accustomed to make reason give way to his desire of singularity, and truth to a favourite paradox.

Yet thus to give a sex to mind was not very consistent with the principles of a man who argued so warmly, and so well, for the immortality of the soul.—But what a weak barrier is truth when it stands in the way of an hypothesis! Rousseau respected—almost adored virtue—and yet he allowed himself to love with sensual fondness. His imagination constantly prepared inflammable fewel for his inflammable senses; but, in order to reconcile his respect for self-denial, fortitude, and those heroic virtues, which a mind like his could not coolly admire, he labours to invert the law of nature, and broaches a doctrine pregnant with mischief and derogatory to the character of supreme wisdom.

His ridiculous stories, which tend to prove that girls are naturally attentive to their persons, without laying any stress on daily example, are below contempt.—And that a little miss should have such a correct taste as to neglect the pleasing amusement of making O's, merely because she perceived that it was an ungraceful attitude, should be selected with the anecdotes of the learned pig.

tl;dr Kill yourself.

So equality is bullshit and leftism is a farce.

nobody is white knighting here

you don't understand what is meant by "private property"

are you sure you're in college and not high school? if so, leave it

Nobody wants that anymore because it's not grounded in reality, the rise of industry led women out into the workforce, creating the incentive for equal rights as they produced and contributed as much as the men.

You want to return to an agrarian backwards type of society but that's not possible. Capitalism has trumped you as well, along with the rest of the working class. Also if you think a family in the 50's was well functioning with marital rape and legalized abuse, you are deluded.

Communism is not the same as democracy. Neither is communism the same as egalitarianism. Did we blow your mind yet?

opinion discarded

political equality is synonymous with freedom, because if somebody has more political power than you and exercises that political power over you, you cease to be free

that is the sense in which "equality" is of importance to the left, it does not mean everybody is equally informed


If your aim isn't equality then communism is fucking pointless and at the very least extremely unappealing to most people. If your okay with anti-egalitarian sentiments than there's no reason not to consider conservatism, hierarchy, patriarchy, tradition, or full on ethnic nationalism. According to you communism is fucking meaningless.

Is it or isn't it? I'm getting two different answers here, so you should being arguing with the other answer, or at least trying to correct it.

Which calls into question equality itself if not everybody contains the mental capacity to be informed in spite of the existence of something as democratic as the internet.

Says you. We've all seen the product of it's absence due to the destructive nature of capitalism. People are fucking miserable because we lack these things. Technological advancements have an inverse relation with morality. Equality has made us miserable because men and women are not meant to be treated the same, we have different functions and instincts.

Communism is about equal chances, not egalitarianism for the sake of making everyone equal in quality. We are for material equality not mental.

It is Capitalism which is leveling to the quality of everyone as it takes everyone's labor and uses it for profit, rather than the worker enjoying the fruits of his own labor.


Why would you want to give the plebs the means to production if they're too fucking stupid to know what to do with it? Why would you want to distribute the wealth knowing that it will fall back into the hands of the few because most people are too stupid not to squander on stupid crap?

Why would you want to give the plebs the means to production if they're too fucking stupid to know what to do with it? Why would you want to distribute the wealth knowing that it will fall back into the hands of the few because most people are too stupid not to squander on stupid crap?

people are better judges of their own immediate interests although they may be wholly ignorant on other topics



ok enjoy toiling away in the fields for 12 hours a day, and starving when your crops get spoiled because it snowed on the wrong day.

However technology is indeed being abused right now because people lack direction on how to use it. Morality needs to come from proper education, not from internet forums. To change that growth and distribution of technology would need to be checked.

That sounds more like the American dream tbh.

Which is pointless if people are too stupid to know what to do with. You need mental equality to have material equality going.

Workers get paychecks from the people who actually take the risks that come from investing the means of production of certain profitable or not profitable products. If they actually have good ideas and work hard the boss will promote them because that way they get more profits. Meritocracy is as fair as it ought to be. Without an inequality of wealth there's no incentive to do better than minimal effort, there's no drive for self-interest if you don't get paid more for working harder than your peers. Capitalism appeals more to people than communism because communism simply appeals to the weak and apathetic.

you snipped out the relevant part

one does not have to be especially informed to know what is in your immediate interests

in fact, it takes tremendous propaganda efforts to make people act against their interests

contrast the policies which poll well with the candidates that win elections for a demonstration of this

Nice argument you got there.

yes, except this would be real and not ideological nonsense

But morality is muh spook.

i wasn't making an argument

shit you are right, I meant to say ethics.

The American dream has been felt by millions of people, communism has never existed so it's closer to ideological nonsense and completely separate from reality.

Ethics and morality, same fucking shit.

Holy shit. Delete this thread.

So you were just saying NU-UNH like a five year-old.


Plus people will have more time to invest at bettering themselves at skills because food and housing will be a human right.

Morality is top down Platonic/Kantian bullshit, it designates what is good for a specific moment in society.

Ethics is Spinozist patrician ideals that are brought from practice and application.

So you have some replacement for currency?

Yeah, the replacement for currency is gonna be kill yourself.

Rights are just a form of wishful thinking. A right is whatever you want. People don't get what they want much less what they need. There is no such thing as rights.

I retain what I said morality is a set of standards or rules, they can come from anywhere, the point is that you can function with other people without them. Unless you think it's okay to do whatever the fuck you want, which is retarded and doesn't work in the real world. Ethics is a study of human interaction and morality.


*can't function



Of course you can, you can tell someone "have a good day" without believing in it. You can also tell the truth that to the ax murderer about the person who is hiding from him in your basement. Kant never solved this discrepancy because to morality needs to be absolute to function, even though we know as a fact that it changes over time with society.


He seems genuine and honest; his track record backs that up.

He's not really a socialist (unless he's an extremely slick entryist), but more of a democrat similar to FDR; a New Deal Democrat.

His policy ideas and his way of delivering his message has managed to mobilize an extremely impressive amount of people who previously couldn't care less about politics, this in turn makes his message much louder and gives it far more influence. There is also the bonus that many people will look further into left politics and learn from it–possibly becoming one of us.

While it is not the socialism we would like, it is far, far, far more to the left than our current government is. Our current Government is very far to the right and most of the candidates running are worse or the same. Sanders couldn't have begun as a democratic-socialist for his presidential campaign, because of the two party trap system that has become concrete in our nation. He had to be an entryist and attack from the inside like a Trojan horse. Some of us like to believe the meme that Bernie is a "slick entryist", which means that he is actually some communist, an-soc, etc. and that he has been playing as an entryist his whole career waiting for the perfect moment to strike–i remember there was even some pasta that pointed out how he is a trained Russian agent. It also mentioned a bunch of stuff about Ayn Rand too, i don't remember why though. If someone knows what I'm talking about, post it.

In all truthiness, Bernie is just a modern new-dealer that incorporates some concepts of socialism into his policy. This is far better for our agenda than the current government.

Nobody would ever want to live in a society without some set of standards, and you can't live without society. Without morality people would take your personal possessions and beat the shit out of you for stopping them, without morality people would beat the fuck out of you for no goddamn reason, without morality society wouldn't fucking work and humanity would go back to caveman-style of living where nobody wants to live around each other because it's not pleasant and could get you killed. Without morality civilizations would cease to exist. Morality is as naturally desirable as material abundance. You've got to be as thick-headed as it gets to assume that morality is something you can just throw off without experiencing potentially fatal repercussions.

Your agenda would ruin the country, and most people are quick to realize that.


No it would not.

It would ruin your simplistic ideals of what you think our country is.

Regarding his policy, there is nothing in there that would drastically change your idea of what our country is; we have had people such as him in power in the past.

I never said that, of course every society will have a set of rules and designated moral codes. But all of them inevitably change. Morality is ambiguous and malleable, and sometimes can indeed be dropped off , when they no longer are the norm. But because morality needs to assume a universal value to exist, people are not quick to challenge it. But this is obvious metaphysical bullshit that even Kant admitted was that faulty when he introduced God into the picture, his claim was there simply no other way to ground morality without belief in God, so God was a useful lie we tell ourselves.

Supposedly Ethics would be beyond that, because it would reach what the human condition was about.

this keeps getting said about lots of people the left are fawning over, first Bernie Sanders, then Pablo Iglesias, and now Jeremy Corbyn, and it's making me a bit more optimistic about the future

Mind you, it's also being said about the right and correctly so. The world is dealing with serious economic issues, and people who would otherwise be uninterested in politics are instead getting very involved to try and support what appears to be the right solution for them. Sadly, this means both right and left wing solutions are growing massively in popularity, and the world runs risk of great violence because of it.

Get the fuck out tankie.

Why do you think that growth in interest of politics on left and right leads to increased risk of great violence? What type of scenario are you picturing?

I am surprised there aren't as many meme pics of Trump crapping out of his mouth.

nice generalization.

I'm pro-Sanders too, but even I admit that quote didn't exactly help his cause with Joe and Jane Public.

He is hiding his power level.

Requesting that people post the evidence.
I know it exists in a pic, I've seen it.


It's an accurate generalization.

This completely.

Can shitposting Holla Forumssmokers make anything original?

What did he mean by this?

How do you move a thread from one board to another in Holla Forums?