Christians are retarded

At what age did you finally realize the magic skydaddy was a fairytale for adults to keep you in line and that there are around 4,200 religions in the world saying the same thing?

Since christfags, unlike atheists, are only kept alive by their faith in god and lack the ability to discern good from evil based on natural innate principals rather than what cannibal goat herders living in the desert wrote up while smoking crack, why don't they just up and fucking kill themselves already to get it over with and achieve the glory of heaven the quick and easy way?
No, it's not. Nowhere in the bible does it say suicide is a sin. That's just what christfags tell themselves to justify keeping themselves here and whining at the rest of us just trying to live our lives. The only people who believe in that drivel are either christfags who haven't read the bible (i.e. all of them) and Catholicucks who believe everything their boy-molesting pope says.

They'll probably just do something stupid like call me a fedora or say "this is le b8 lol now I don't have to think about what OP is saying! Fuck critical thinking!" truth does not fear investigation. Move aside, religion, you failed to move the world ahead in any way. Science is the future, faggots. Get used to it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Christianity says watching anime is a damnable offense punishable by death and eternal Hell
This is why Christianity is preferable to atheist cucks


Christians are jews. So are muslims. You fags fighting with each other is like Star Wars faggots arguing over which trilogy is best. Like Star Wars, I can agree that the newest entry (Disney/Islam) is the worst one, but they're all still pretty much the same shit.


>Supporting (((Hitler))) over Odin
Once again you guys show you are the real race traitors

yeah, but it's considered impolite to point all that out

just let them believe in nonsense if it makes them happy

you forgot to change your flag Mr.Goldberg

Nice try, my fellow (((White))) poster, but I have seen through your ruse to undermine my white race. I keep my Germanic & Nordic roots.

Stop being silly

You're a spinoff of jews. The sooner we wipe sandnigger religions like judaism and its spinoffs off the face of the earth, the sooner we can know peace.

Hitler really was the worst kind of race traitor and you will follow him into obscurity you filthy crypto-kike

How long have you been a faggot OP?


Also you dodged the question like a complete christcuck; why haven't you killed yourself yet?

All me

The proof is everywhere, he created everything. Why haven't I killed myself? Simple, God exists, therefore I exist. Go KYS.

Are all christians as retarded as the ones in this thread?


Please stand and turn to Hymn No. 264, and let's praise Him in joyous song together!

"Open your bowels for Jesus,
Empty yourself in Praise;
As you dwell in His Word,
You'll be undeterred
To open your bowels for Jesus."

Amen & Glory!
Praise him with many motions!


Thanks for this thread. I grow tired of the pro christian dogshit that smears itself on image boards nowadays.
Back in my day people weren't as STUPID to believe in a obvious man made sandnigger religion.

reminder that you are blue pilled as fuck if you actually believe Christianity.

Have you niggers even read the old testament? Yahweh is a fucking monster.

Yahweh is a JEWISH god. God is a JEW. He's a tribal war god apart of a pantheon of other gods. Before Yahweh jews most likely worshipped Baal, El, or Asherah.

I'm tired of seeing the resurgence of christianity on the internet. Educate yourselves.


Read the book if you can. He's one of the foremost experts in ancient canaanite culture.

fallacies, "Hitler believed in christianity, therefore its true!" , Butthurt responses, insults, fedora memes.


If science proved the existence of a higher being, would you immediately change your beliefs? If it could prove his existence, would you possibly consider the idea or entertain it?

Who would've thought?

I don't know, man, that's an awful lot of logical fallacies for a supposed man of science…


non-argument, try again fgt

Would I believe in god if science proved his existence? Yes. Would I worship him? No.


I take that to mean you have never lied, stole, cheated, continued an argument that you should have ended? Just all round being a perfect person since you have these innate principals.
Well murder is a sin. Suicide is murdering one's self so…
Is that why we have continued despite persecution, ridicule, and all other obstacles.
One of the idiots in the Beetles that they are most popular than Jesus and Christianity is a thing of the past. Now their old home is a bible museum. KEK!!!!!!!
Assuming that Christianity is in opposition to real science and not the opinionated drivel that the likes of Richard Dawkins usually spews.

What is this even supposed to mean? That religious people don't? This is just a part of the human condition.
He is obviously addressing things like murder, rape, etc. which are all part of the social contract we all abide by in western civilization you idiot

You're the idiot.
Who determined this social contract?
What if people don't agree with it like the pedos that think fucking a child is normal.
And what human condition are you speaking of? Imperfection, maybe? Sinfulness? Doing what I know isn't right? Potato, po-tar-tow.
And who says Christians don't understand murder and rape are wrong? You do know, idiot, that no one is born a Christian? So they knew this before they converted to Christianity.
Bible addressing the broken human psyche. What's wrong with that. Fedora tipping fool.

Like them?

Why every time a fedora lose the argument they just start another thread with the same crap? isnt spamming banned here?

Kid, yesterday your point was crushed and the outcome was that australians really need suramin, now go back to halfchan please.
And him

and them


OP is right



Its tough but thats the way it works.

Stop projecting your value systems onto our value systems.
Wrong. Murder is defined as an unjustified taking of life, since humans are born with inherent sin a la adam and eve, killing the self is justified and not murder.
Science gave us the computer and the internet you're using right now. Christfagianity gave us thousands of years of slaughter and oppression.
If science disappeared tomorrow we'd all be living in mud huts. If the entirety of religion and the bible's writing disappeared, what would we really lose? Nothing of value.

Wait, so your saying that you would be team-Satan, or am I wrong? I know a lot of people who root for the losing team.

Fuck off with your nigger-tier mental fapacity

Calm the fuck down, it was merely a suggestion of a hypothetical situation. I didn't imply that you could only be evil or good, you on-the-rag, screeching harpie.

t. satan





Yes it is, murder is a sin, and killing one's self is murder but here's the kicker, you can't repent after death so you go straight into the fire.

I dunno dude, I'd rather enter a void than enter a fiery pit and burn for eternity.

Nice try Abraham

What the fuck is going on in this thread? Where are these fedoras coming from? I think I have cancer.

Some of the worlds biggest telescopes are at the Vatican its only some Mormons and jw that are anti science…

Suicide is not murder, murder is the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse, especially the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought. If you kill people with an intention to send them to heaven, you should also go to heaven, since its a good deed to send people to such a good place.

Last I check, Atheists are the cucks since most of them are likely SJW's. They complain about anything RELATED to Christianity. If someone says "Merry Christmas", instead of "Happy Holidays", Atheists get triggered. Atheists are also pro-abortion rights, which further proves they're libtard SJW's.

Atheist here, not sjw nor do I get triggered by that kind of stuff. It's probably a US thing.

So you're saying you're against abortions? Coming from an ex communist country where abortion was illegal I can tell you right off the bat that you're a fucking retard for being against it.

Who is our, exactly?
And suicide is unjust. nuff said.
No, that would be J. Presper Eckert. You don't know what his religious affiliations were.
Bloodiest war in history(WWII) was a geo-political war. Take away religion and that won't end friend.
Nothing. Just freedom and equality. Crimes against humanity are founded on the Abrahamic concept of the equality of souls. Before emperors and monarchs in general were not equal to the peasants. North Korea is religion free. That's what awaits you my fedora friend.

The only "team" I'm on is team Me

Again I already explained suicide isn't murder, humans have original sin as defined by christfagianity. Your excuses are getting old and debunked christfag, so kill yourself already so you can go to heaven.

Again suicide is justified, that guy made computers given science, god himself didnt tell him how to build a fucking computer, religion is responsible for a lot of wars I didnt say taking it away would make everything perfect but we coulda saved a lot of lives
All soulds are equal, but some are more equal than others. That's why there's a hell.
Sorry christfag but NK isn't shitty because of no religion, taking away religion solves a lot of problems, saying that my argument was going to make the world perfect is s strawman that you retard christfags came up with because you have no excuse for your shitty religion.

God gave him a mind.
People are responsible for wars. They use whatever symbol to match under but it's the thirst for more, thirst for conquest and domination that makes wars happen. Religion is just an excuse for evil men.
No, each soul makes its own choice
Soviety Russian then? Notice a pattern. Religion free countries usually steer towards authoritarian governments. If there is no God then man becomes the god.
What is your argument meant to do?


this is a good progression of this meme, the (((Nazis))) would be proud

nice try, satan


No, you're fucking stupid talking shit out of your ass about something you don't understand. I would argue with you but you have your head so far up your ass you won't listen so it'll be a waste of time. If you knew anything about the Bible as you do claim the you wouldn't be citing the Old Testament as your only source.

i heard church backpedalled from suicide being a sin. I wonder what changed? Will of god? Our understanding of it? So what now with those, who u condemned to hell? Those, who u despised when alive and tellig them where theyll end up if they kill themselves. What prompted the change? Was it increased understanding of human behaviour by science?

I do believe that every human has a fundamental right to kill themselves but that is also the most selfish thing one can do in this world. Church says that life is a gift from God and by killing yourself is the ultimate rejection of that gift but then again a gift isn't forced upon you, I don't ever recall wanting to come to this miserable excuse of a world by choice. Whether you believe that being alive is a gift is entirely on you.

One constitutes as murder as rejecting another persons soul from being in this world and therefore by killing yourself you rejected your own soul, you killed yourself. You can't repent from that as only the living can beg for forgiveness.


Why should a woman get to decide whether or not my kid lives? I think it's retarded to think abortion is okay without the father of the baby's consent(unless it's a rapist or if it was out of incest)

cuz ur a NEET with no means of supporting a family

I have no idea what that is, but it isn't me. I can afford to support a family because of my job. I don't know about you, but you do come off as someone who's broke. Not everybody is in your situation.

about 22ish, because I actually stopped to read the bible

cuz its her uterus and why would u be able to decide what happens with her organs

if hitler were really that great he wouldn't have lost

this, for a bunch of people who supposedly detest jews you sure love their god a lot.

until you grow your own uterus and can have transplanted you're gonna have to deal with it

atheism is degenerate,

it denies amongst other things, cultural heritage, human spirituality, huge swathes of human understanding and research, it is this taking away from society that makes it degenerate

atheists are on par with other leftist bs like faggots and feminists

funny you should bring up "critical thinking" as being an undeniable part of your argument, as that is the tool that cultural marxists are using to destroy western culture

also worth mentioning the pretentiousness of atheists

this science as the one true religion is using only one tool from human understanding to try and explain the universe and dismissing all the others, religion, philosophy, spirituality, anthropology etc. its like going into a workshop and deciding you are going to build a skyscraper using only a screwdriver

strawman argument, either troll or retarded, magic skydaddy isnt even what religion is about, you just take the entry level version that is supposed to be easily digestible to kids understanding and ignore the adult (or esoteric) version

yes it is

its like expecting a pidgeon to be able to paly chess, and then when it cant, claiming victory

god doesnt conform to the arbitrary rules made up for some game (science) that man created, and his non conformance to them isnt proof of his non existence

if god is the universe, or encompassing it, science is within that universe, using science to explain god is like being at the bottom of a well saying the whole universe is just the patch of sky you can see above your head, or being a fish in a tank and thinking your aquarium is the whole world and not knowing there is some "higher" life form above you controlling your world, ie your owner controlling your fish tank

Oh yeah, well, if God don't real then why is he cool enough to approve of global warming? Checkmate, atheists.

At none, because I never ever believed in him. I believed in santa and the easter bunny, but never in god, although I had to go to the church for social reasons. My mother is a Slav so I was raised an atheist, thank god i guess.

but none of that changes that atheists are correct

some religious people have a very nice community, but that doesn't mean that the mythology they believe is true


Actually atheists are incorrect. I happen to be an ex-atheist. God certainly exist.

scientific dogma

funny how the ted talk on scientific dogma got banned

why is this video related to so many threads? hmm

If you are a solipsistic faggot you are fucked in your mind, but i cant do a shit, buddhism? good goy, now imagine the shittiest rip-off of buddhism, thats what you call "atheism", literally buddhism for tards, now take your suramin and get a gf.

Sam Harris, faggot
Also, Buddhism doesn't officially acknowledge a god's existence. Does that make their cultural heritage and spirituality any less worthy?

Sam Harris, faggot
Also, Buddhism doesn't acknowledge a god's existence. Does that make Buddhists culturally and spiritually void?

See this please, next time try reading everything before posting.

What is this, 1995?

Double posting didnt mean more lefty points here, in case you forget your pathetic failing see this:

dropping a name doesnt constitute an argument im afraid bro

this strawman argument

i never mentioned whether any particular cultures are any worse or better than others and my argument doesnt hinge on it

degeneracy is culturally specific for want of a better phrasing, what constitutes degeneracy would be different for each culture

for eg:

women stopping wearing burkas in a muslim culture would be degenerate

people giving up not eating halal food would also be considered degenerate to a muslim culture

anti-christian sentiment would be degenerate in a traditionally christian culture

your daily reminder that all leftist bs, atheism included, is related to mental health problems

faggotry - paraphilia

trans - gender identity disorder

head mates - schizophrenia

triggered - trigger being a technical term for something that heightens a mental retard

free the weed - substance abuse

atheism - failure to self actualize

oh and if you're autistic, youre more likely to be an atheist


This is begging the question, you assume god exists in the first place to give him a mind
lead by a book telling people to kill eachother. When was the last time a science book told you to kill someone?
Wrong, god has pre-ordained some sould since before birth to go to heaven or hell, if you actually read the fucking bible you would know this
church was a state apparatus used to oppress the citizenry. Spanish inquisition? Notice a pattern?
Nice try faggot;
Show you that your belief and you by extension are irredeemably retarded, and that your shitty fairytale will soon be discarded in favor of scientific progress

the pussy ass pope declared suicide a sin (even though it doesnt say so anywhere because its not in the bible) because so many people were killing themselves to go to heaven. They have more balls than these pathetic christcucks on this site.

religion is wrong by design

Yes, but civilizations share the same taboos with diferent degrees, move it to one side and it means a lot of people yelling, move it to the other and it means harm to that civilization, this is why its called degeneracy.

Extreme cases of atheism can be cured with suramin.

This is the funny thing with communist, you can destroy them in seconds.

Definitions, using the word god instead of God isnt showing how smart you are, it just create confusion showing how edgy you are because all answers can be wrong with just "i wasnt talking about God, but god(s)".

Define science, cultural marxist propaganda is propaganda, not science and both american protestant christians and fedoras are wrong calling it science, there is a reason why most based math guys are orthodox and why the catholic church stopped doing science after humanity lost WWII.

Again, definitions, i will asume that is God and not some kid playing le gnostic meme in case his argument fail.

24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

You have a point here, but a controlled by "satan" church isnt the church, btw, did you know why people hate La Inquisicion so much? it hunted down jews.

Showing propaganda… kid, propaganda isnt statistics, his point is right, ask any anarchy faggot after the communist party got the power, protip, i had some sympathies for them.

They arent like the orthodox church or protestants.

Everything else dont deserve an answer, go back to Holla Forums fedora or take your suramin.



It's not "assuming", it's KNOWING he exist.

No. "Thou Shall Not Kill" is a commandment. Even Jesus told his followers not to kill. If a book makes you kill, then by your logic, anyone reading Dexter makes them kill. It's nonsense.

It may not tell people to "kill", but it gives people the idea to create deadly weapons like the Atom Bomb, nuclear missiles and guns. Something only scientists know how to create. When was the last time a Christian invented nuclear bombs? Never.

Wrong. God gave mankind freewill you idiot. Also I thought you said God doesn't exist. Which is it, faggot?

Like the Atom Bomb? The very thing scientists created to kill millions of innocent lives? That's not progress, that's destruction.

You act as if Atheism is some kind of religion.

All it takes for you to be an atheist is the lack of belief in a god/gods.

buddhists can technically be atheists.

Your chart is trash. There is no "agnostic theist" or "agnostic atheist". Agnosticism is the in between, the not knowing if there is or isn't a god. Agnostic atheist is a contradiction of itself, that person would just be an atheist, not agnostic. Agnostic theist is also a contradiction of itself, that person would be a theist, not an agnostic.

Oh look a edgy 14 year old, here in the UK the gay pride flag is flying on my town hall, yet, if you say you are of a religion you must be a stereotype if Jewish =tight with cash ,Catholic =childabuser Muslim=terrorist. I don't give a shit if someone is religious or not but this post is clear bait from 4cha n

Gnosticism refers to knowledge. Example: A man not only believes his position is correct but also claims to KNOW without a doubt that he's correct.

Agnosticism refers to the unknowable and uncertain. Example: A man believes his position is correct but KNOWS he cannot be certain of it.


so, pure buddhism (not mainland chinese buddhism, those are corrupted by jed warriors and sun wukong crap) is agnostic atheist huh? they aren't sure if god exist or not but that doesn't matter to them. the only thing worth trying is to achieve nirvana

For the sake of assuming this isn't a shill thread, here's a decent explanation from an user on Sacredness:

define decent

That explanation is retarded and still isn't arguing that it's correct, it's literally arguing that you should pretend to believe a falsehood because others around you do and it might lead to social and psychological benefits. But it's not arguing that OP here would actually be incorrect.

Please stand and turn to Hymn No. 264, and let's praise Him in joyous song together!

"Open your bowels for Jesus,
Empty yourself in Praise;
As you dwell in His Word,
You'll be undeterred
To open your bowels for Jesus."

Amen & Glory!
Praise him with many motions!

Get fucked, nigger.