
hey Holla Forums is waterboarding overrated?
i tried putting a cloth over my head in the shower and facing towards the water source, and if i held my breath i could just stand there for a minute or two before running out of oxygen.
why do people even say it's a good torture technique anyway, seems like a hammer or some pliers would do a better job


wat? am i doing it wrong or something

And if they do it for 5 minutes?

Trying to waterboard yourself is like trying to tickle yourself.

Just bash them with a hammer and you don't need to bother with pouring water for 5 minutes.

waterboarding is the most pussy form of 'torture'

what do you expect from countries that don't even put killers, drug dealers, rapist, and traitors to death? 25 years, 10 years, 5 years, and 3 years. unbelievable.

And Jew Pedos get off.

y tho

and then run to israel with their traitorous scum.

the addict and his dealer both deserve death, but more so the dealer.
b-but muh weed
damn son. enjoy the crazy low functioning autism rates w/speech problems out the wazoo if you have kids .

If they are black they should be put to death, if they are white they should be given a chance to be rehabilitated and if caught again them put to death.

If done right waterboarding will simulate drowning, this means you'll have to have the right angle and just enough water to fill your nasal cavities and throat without actually stopping you from being able to breath. If you have a wett towel or foil over your nose and mouth and if more water is poured into you throat it will be blocked, for a short while you might be able to suppress your breathing reflex but once it kicks in it will suck water into your lungs, which combined with the water filling your throat and nasal cavities will simulate the process of drowning, without you actually drowning, especially if you're restrained and if it's done by an actual interrogator. Since you can't stop your body from reacting to the simulated drowning this can be repeated over and over again until you pass out, and even then you can be propped up again and the whole thing can go on. It's a pretty fucking effective form of torture because it's cheap and there is no real threat of the subject dying, but they don't know that, and even if they do their body will still react the same.


And what about all the legal drugs that have the exact same drawbacks to varying degrees?

were does your tink u arre?

penalize the addicts and try to unfuck your society from wanting to "get high and chill bro xDD" culture bullshit.
if you're talking about alcohol as a cop out then mcfucking hang yourself.

how do you spell it "wett"? are you fucking dumb?

Wow… Hurr durr I have done one semester at College hurr durr and I know everything there is to know about herp derp politics n' religion n' philosophy n' stuff hurr durr let me prove how much wisdom and insight I have hurr durr about the ways of the world errr copied from my gender studies lecture notes hurr durr…



the body has adapted through the recorded historical consumption of alcohol. used for over 5 millennium. don't think your edgy drugs have been used that long bucko.

Drugs work because the essential chemical substances that induce the high can be naturally found in your body, most drugs indirectly induce a high by manipulating the bodies ability to resorb or produce neuro-chemicals like endorphin, serotonin, dopamine, nor adrenaline and by stimulating your central nervous system. Prolonged drug use will cause damage to these systems and increase the oxidative stress on your system. Alcohol on the other hand is essentially cell poison, which induces a state of delirium during detoxficition, while also increasing the oxidative stress on your system. It's no secret that heavy consumption of alcohol is actually more harmful to the user and his surroundings than heroin, and you can fucking look that up. Even consuming moderate amounts of alcohol will fuck you up on the long term, it doesn't really matter that we historically used to drink a lot of alcohol, our body merely adapted by breaking it down more effectively, resulting in most being able to drink even more without blacking out, still it doesn't change the fact that it fucks you up. I'm not saying drugs won't fuck you up, they will, I've met some fucked up people, but so will alcohol, don't kid yourself that it's harmless. Also putting all "edgy" "chemical" drugs in the same category because Nixon made them all illegal and allowed the war on drugs to create multi billion dollar cartels that rule entire countries in south America is fucking stupid, there are heavy differences in terms of long term effects and damages, but I'm sure you don't care and just call me a deluded addict