R8 my new t-shirt

R8 my new t-shirt


He looks like an Anglo, so clearly he's not.

Im finnish not imperialist (((anglo)))

That's even worse tbh, Assburgers man

Just to really get to the bottom of this. You turn to extremism because you are a failure in life, a life in the western world where you are set up for mediocre success from the very beginning to be a wage slave. But if you actually had some modicum of self restraint, motivation and determination you could go out and thrive in this system as a entrepreneur, yet you did neither. Instead of turning towards commietardism or full blown facism or any other political ideology in between, because you think you can change the corrupt system, you opted for the headchopping idiots who are a US government and cohorts creation.

You're psuedo-intelligence must be 180.

you look as if you need a good shooting, op

I was banned recently from Omegle and it pisses me off. Does a third person actually look at conversations, or do they realise you've just been saying "tight pussy" too much? It redirected me to some virus site too. What the hell.

Anything to help me cope? Questions? I'm really pissed off right now.

I honestly don't think it looks good on you fashion-wise

Yes, please do buy more exclusive ISIS merchandise from Amazon! Alluh Ackbar, brother!

Careful, my Hebrew friend.

Pic related rated.

dysmemia confirmed for friends with JDIF


It's all done through an algorithm. The only way out can get banned is if you show your dick in the moderated video chat, so I'm glad they removed your degenerate ass from the site. Too many young innocent girls on there.

I never go on video-chat ever.

The conversation I had right before I was banned, someone(forgot what age)asked me "What would you do to me? ;)" and I said I'd pull her pants down and forcefully rub her pussy. She disconnected right after that and I was banned. Don't know if that was the conversation that had done it(cause I was having some worse ones before that)

Next time, think before you call someone a degenerate.

Tcch. They shouldn't have been on the video-chat anyway. Doesn't hurt them. And they definitely don't hurt me, heh.

There's a reason why people don't want to see your face online, you know…

Came out've nowhere.. Elaborate?

I was just a little horny..

Is that Klingon or something? I've never been into Star Trek so I don't remember.

that shirt is full of fag


Anglos aren't white, I agree.