Hillary Campaign Issues CHILLING Threat to Conservative Websites


Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign has issued a threat to a major conservative website that should have all conservatives — and anyone that believes in the First Amendment — very concerned.

The Daily Caller reported that Clinton’s campaign sent out a fundraising email with a serious threat to conservative news site Breitbart News. The email essentially said that the site has no “right to exist,” and threatened that if Clinton is elected, she will work to take down Breitbart, sites like it, and presumably their readers.

The email, which was sent Thursday and signed by deputy communications director Christina Reynolds, goes on to claim that the “regular conservative media” is fine, but that Breitbart is different.

“We’ve had a conservative media in this country for a while. I don’t always like what they have to say, but I respect their role and their right to exist,” Reynolds wrote…

Other urls found in this thread:


Not surprising. The left has wanted to go full commie for awhile, and we all know if Hillary gets in we are going as commie as possible.

In a way I even respect it. This is the way you treat your irreconcilable enemies. In identifying the right as the enemy, she's being quite honest.

(((they're))) afraid. ffs kikebart is infested with kikes and they could do far more than they do, but because they don't fall in line with a globalist agenda 100% the time they need to go.

I can never tell if the Hillary campaign is really this stupid or if they're being sabotaged from within

good for her
too bad she's still losing after shitting herself in public

A good a thread as any:
Report: Alan Dershowitz Helping Clinton Prepare for Trump Debate


makes sense
dems are trying to coddle weak minded cuckservatives who never offer any genuine resistance (ideal enemy) and won't be any danger electorally once the demographic transformation is complete

The bitch barking big. Trying to look like a real player
Wasn't she like 4th behind even Johnson and Shill Stein on a legit poll?
Even the core of her own party has stopped to support her after she BTFO Bernie.
And now Trump's muh dicking nogs.
She won't even survive till the elections.

Over from
They're convinced that Hillary will win.

You'll notice how the media shifted its focus from Hillary herself to how she's already picking up who's gonna be her presidential staff. There's absolutely nothing positive about Trump, and absolutely nothing about Hillary.

Combine that with Hillary promising on air how she's gonna shut down any news outlet not under her control (like Breitbart, for example) and how they're killing any potential leaks everywhere. Throw in that she said, again on air, how she's coming after her enemies.

They're absolutely convinced that they've won. Which means one of three things:

My guess? All three.

Does anyone have an actual screen shot of the fucking email?????

I don't want to read another 10 articles written by some cuckservative about what she "Meant" with this email.


Breitbart are merely kikes who smelled change on the wind and figured they could make a lot of money banking in on the post-Bush Right.

But if they've pissed off Clinton and her handlers then they are doing at least 'something' right.

It's not going to help. She'll have to switch brains with Dershowitz to even have a 5% chance of winning those debates. She's just got way too much baggage.

If Breitbart is on her target list, I can bet you every single imageboard user, especially is, will get sent to the gulag.

I mean they think Breitbart, jew founded and owned, is anti-semitic.

the only help that would do anything for this cunt is getting her an excuse to skip the whole thing. there is NOTHING she can do on stage that will stop her from getting mangled raw

These people have multi million dollar think tanks. I imagine they have some sort of plan. We must stay vigilant.

why do people think these "think tanks" are some sort of sci-fi mastermind-gathering full of geniuses? more often than not, these are nothing but overpaid idiots hired to talk in circles and making fluffed-up powerpoint presentations about nothing tangible.
there was even some user from a london tank that made some threads here some time ago, and they guy was a blatant idiot that couldn't argue for shit

it's amazing what prolific cheating, gratuitous blackmail, and well placed bribes can accomplish
and let's not forget her (((support from above)))
it's all going to blow up right in her face though
Trump will either expose her or counter-bribe/blackmail everyone she thinks she has firmly secured
nobody wants her, compound this already huge shitshow with her failing health and it's safe to bet that the next few months are going to be interesting, to say the least

the dems will likely let trump win, block all his shit in congress and senate, say how terrible he was, and go full force next election season. they need to wait for some more old white people to die off before they can completely destroy america, it is too soon.

they cant stop him from deporting the illegals; enforcement of the law is the presidents job. If Trump gets rid of 30 million Democrat voters, they wont be able to slink back in for a long time.

Are you basing this on the anecdotal evidence of an user who worked for an unknown company's "think tank"?

Think tanks are responsible for the vast globalist agenda and the cultural subversion that is so successful today. Why do you assume it's some sort of after school gathering of millenials?


You can be sure Hillary is going to crack down on 'white supremacists' as much as possible if she gets elected.

What if the democrats win after Trump and then completely just dead-out open all the borders wide for all the deportees to come back in and for any other people who "want to be American" to come in?

What's up with these click bait titles? Good on you for archiving, but why use that shit wording here?

They were responsible for thinking it up but not implementing it. Now that we have the internet they can't implement their agendas easily anymore, and it's getting harder for them.

I'll take memes over think-tanks any day. Hell we are a think tank.

Congrats Dems and CTR faggots as well.

Prepare to have a digital prolapse.

it'll be worse then that
they've been staving off the eventual economic collapse for as long as they can
once he's elected, they'll try and completely release the entirety of it at once and blame it on him
i'm betting that trump has contingencies for that though
it wouldn't take much more than pulling a hitler and getting the globalist banks off our backs or at least attempting to, that shit is dangerous as fuck and putting similar social and economic policies in place
before hitler, germany was in financial ruin, similar to what we're looking at
in a matter of years it was a superpower so incredibly powerful it took the entirety of the civilized world attacking at the same time to bring it down, and even then its loss can almost entirely be pinned on military blunders
we are looking at a startlingly similar scenario, but this time instead of having a world war blamed on us and our country paying the "debt", we're stuck with being blamed for being white; payment of our "debt" is achieved by flooding our countries with outsiders, massive amounts of money spent on their care (in the case of america it's mostly welfare going to niggers and spics), and constant anti-white propaganda pushing for the destruction of our race
before the conflict was mostly ideological, it was a battle against marxism, and people fought for their nation against other nations. while the fight against marxism continues, there is going to be a very distinct racial element in this next fight. in fact i'm going to say it's going to be the primary dividing line along which people are going to be picking sides. instead of nation against nation and ideology against ideology we're going to see race against race. whether or not the average person will become aware of the jews remains to be seen, but people are definitely waking to the problems that niggers, spics, and mudslimes are causing. the race war isn't a meme or a joke; it's a very probable eventuality

it's like WWII all over again

the similarities are incredible - and frightening
this time we're looking at something biblical in scale, a true world war.
this is how our destiny was always meant to be fulfilled, we've been led back to try one last time
this is the great filter

That might just be a ploy to keep the would-be bad goys in Kikebart's goyim corral.




Where the fuck do these websites come from out of nowhere as of late? Whose financing these? I'm seeing them everywhere in the past 6 months. Heatst.com is another.

That's a big fucking rat he got there.

Check out this article from The Daily Stormer. Clinton's most trusted aide is a Muslim Brotherhood spy:



This is the stupidest thing I've read today, congrats.

Heatst was some cuckservative hambeast trying desperately to maintain the narrative amongst the youth, as cuckservatism's foundation crumbles more with each passing Boomer.

I wouldn't say this shift in coverage towards "President Clinton" is driven by any belief of theirs that Trump is going to win. I'd wager this is a calculated move that was put in place according to a schedule that was decided upon weeks ago.

heatst comment sections are rife with fashy goys now, it's a whole lot of fun

Yes, before the internet, the ZOG lackeys were operating unopposed.

If we remain united, we're the most powerful think tank in the world. We don't play by the system's rules.

Soros has deep pockets when it comes to election cycles.

called it


notice that they specifically target places like Breitbart and not what was considered the conservative go to a few years ago. this is proof that the Republicans and their media lapdogs have been nothing but controlled opposition for the left for at least 20 years now.

Yep. They call them racist whites for years, because they were the only representatives for racist whites. But they didn't really represent us.

Now that someone does it's time to fire up the Stasi and the gulags.

All this is going to do is question what she is doing behind closed doors.

Restricting speech now? Why? Because it caught your lies?

Breitbart will now let loose. You've just beoken their shackles.


Except this time America and Russia will either be on the same side or fighting each other.

And if they're on the same side the rest of the world can't do a single fucking thing to stop us.

Frankly I've ditched every conservative news site except for Breitbart and Gateway Pundit. The rest have either gone Hillary or have turned into whiny pro-Cruz shill sites.
And yes you're right the "conservative right" has exposed itself for nothing more than pro-establishment agents.

"Conservatives" are like the team that gets their asses kicked by the Globetrotters; all entertainment.


I found good articles on conservative treehouse.

No surprise there, this is their banner

I've read some good stuff from that site.

The ZOG underestimate KEK.

Big mistakek.

Please for the love of god tell me there are more of these?

GOPe is in bed with the globo-corporatists. The corporations love the TPP; illegal immigration; UN mandates et al. The idea of citizenship and established rights get in the way of reducing every American citizen into an interchangable labor unit in a global profit machine.
-Why I Need Fascism in a nutshell

I know there are, there was a Holla Forums *humanity fuck yeah!* thread a few months back, but I foolishly neglected to take any screenshots.

Speak of the Doubles and He shall appear.

Holla Forums is my news site user

Just goes to show if you associate yourself with (((certain disgusting subhumans))) you will grow to resemble them.


Christ-cucks have handed power over to the jews, its really our fault too. Its like building a nuke and handing it to your enemy hoping he will use it wisely.

You sir are a big guy and the fire rises 4u

I don't think they handed over anything. they were subverted and merely pretending to be who they say they are.

Even if Trump loses he's utterly exposed how rigged the game is and how the GOPe are nothing more than establishment controlled opposition to tens of millions of white right wing Americans. Not to mention how after this election nobody will trust journalists ever again.

At this point he's already fucked (((them))) harder than any alive.

Thanks guys.
Anyone have that one weird Dr. Seuss/CIA/Bane mashup pic where the title says "those who crashed the plane have always been the same" or something like that? I cannot find it.

It's a trick.
Get an axe.

Very nice story, but…

Do you nigs even into 40k at all? They're basically a satanic space nigger death cult who corrupt entire planets with their jewness.

Correct. And we overestimate the ZOG when we ignore their missteps.

They put up a zombie hag to be the puppet president. Why can't they brainwash someone more attractive?

Alex Soros posted a picture of Obongo visiting his apartment.

We have e-mails containing the xoxo between Hillary and Lynn de Rothschild.

They are not as powerful as they seem. The ice sculpture of their system can only continue in the shadows. Our frog memes originate, as we have discovered, in the scorching desert of Egypt. If we continue our discussion, the people will follow us to freedom or to war.

seems like the perfect person to start another war if you ask me. also lets Kain run twice afterwards for 3 straight terms of kosher fuckery.

i wrote that story fucking forever ago
in all honesty i didn't know shit about wh40k back then, i just liked the memes and thought the pic was badass

It's a great story. Imperial Fists or Black Templars purging some orks would have been more appropriate though…


Only because they have had total media hegemony for decades. Not because they are masterminds or anything.

Holy shit, you really don't understand how dumb liberals are do you? Let me guess, you still think that they're humans?

it wasn't a wh40k story though
we had this big thread derailment where we started writing stories about jews and shitskins conquering the planet while whites flee to the stars, barely escaping destruction. the whites eventually come back hundreds of years later and reconquer the planet with their badass technology
fun shit

Trump knows the stakes, user. He will get military support and then start the tribunal. Any politician who has ever voted for anything unconstitutional, any gun control, any limit on free speech will be killed for treason.

I don't have that one, but i do have others

Well thank you for writing it, it was bretty cool.

Shoulda done the Elves as the jews and the Orks as the niggers.

We have to push back hard against this if they actually go through with it. Don't give the fucking SJWs an inch on whatever bullshit they conceive. I'm sure that they'll come up with something like, "Dear freeze peachers, the internet was created by the government. That means that we can regulate speech on it! You only have free speech on your own private property!"

The way to respond to this is not to debate them. Just say, "Fuck you. You're a traitor. That is all." Liken it to the rise of the Soviet Union in America (which is basically what it is).

Even if we fail at preventing such legislation from passing, people will realize that it's mostly white men who tried to make a stand for the First Amendment. That is good for Holla Forums.

oy vey she gonna shut it down


B-but Trump wants to shut down all (((media outlets))) he disagrees with!!


I have more humanity fuck yeah, but I don't want to derail this thread

You sir are a big guy and the fire rises 4u>>7206962


Here goys. I made a thread so we can larp without derailing thread.

Beyond the threat, the question is, how would she go about doing that? She would have to pass a law that clamps down on free speech in general. Hate speech laws that have far-ranging consequences are the only way she could do this. Laws, harsher than any country has seen. And those laws would be passed down to the people as well to maintain control over them in regards to this law.

This is beyond 1984. This is Harrison Bergeron tier dystopia.

She could just lean on/write friendly letters to payment processors, banks, and search engines and have them all come to a consensus without any legal action at all. It's the magic of the free market, goy ;^)

Why havnt they posted proof?

Good question. Maybe the "reporter" at the Daily Caller has decided to go full shill and he's trying to sabotage his employer and make Trump supporters look stupid. His twitter looks distinctly cuck-tier.

Sadly that is possible. This is kind of what is going on with the media. Despite a lot of news media losing money due to their bullshit, they are getting pay outs and special deals from the government.

If we were sensible we'd have all subscribed ourselves to their mailing lists.

isn't hans krieger the robot waifu owning pervert from archer?

When you control the (((media))) you can do anything. Even five journalist assassinations in half a year are left unnoticed.
In theory.
I bet the internet is their biggest regret. This control tool has unexpectedly opened a can of Shai-Hulud worms that will devour every MSM outlet and crooked politician and shit out redpilled spice.

Who would have thought that handing a medium with access to unlimited amount of information to white people would make them have use of it in ways that they arrogant handlers didn't expect.

They will feel the arm of the free people. And it will be powered by memes.

Hillary and ctr are powerless against Kek
Praise Kek


A think tank was responsible for the Project for another American century and that failed to achieve anything.

america will become the second europe with clinton

you will born the second merkel

have fun

haha nice try

From that article. Clinton's campaign manager is named Robby Mook bahahahaha

I feel like Arkan is meme worthy, like a Serb Ben Garrison type.

Arkan was a convicted criminal and a war profiteer.
He removed kebab just becouse he got paid for it. If kebab paid more, he'd be removing serbs.

Of course Huma is, don't forget about Jarret though.

If they are attempting to go full commie, we might as well go full fascist when we win and shut down all their commie websites.


If globalists crashed the economy while Trump was President that would just give him an excuse to declare a state of emergency and then pretty much do whatever the fuck he wanted.

That's the fucking point cunt
You can't get it.
The reason that Trump is so successful is that he's genuine. That's how you make it in the world.

So she hired 36 old loser who got cuddled by the Democrat party since his freshman year. Maybe he was the son she never had?
It's like going through the workings of every communist administration of Eastern Europe.

learn to link to threads faggot

shills btfo

But it is. It's low hanging, Jew-loving fruit.

W-well at least she's not an evil fascist like Drumpf, right goys?

At least we have confirmation that Shillary will lose now. Someone as incompetent as that is certainly going to fuck her campaign over.

Even his last name is slang for idiot. Good job pantsuit witch.

They could be self hating Jews???


Hillary's campaign really isn't doing anything anyway. The media is doing all the work for them.

He said the Hillary campaign is working on her image! Not the media's fault her and her handler's are calling the shots.

Dr. Krieger from archer has a different first name though
it's not Hans

Wow, the Draka ended up in a meme. Nice.

Great ready to feel, user. Get ready to feel…

They obviously aren't.

Reminder that Clinton's not new to ignoring the 1st amendment. Here's where she had a guy thrown in jail over an anti-Islam video when Benghazi happened.

I really miss having threads like that.

Hillary wasn't the original choice, it was supposed to be Yeb with people like Cruz to be the safe controlled opposition in case us plebs were really pissed and wanted a change. Trump caught them completely off guard.

does anyone have the actual email, if this was actually sent out by the clinton campaign someone has to have the email screencaps, no leftist will believe these news sites

and tbh, trust but verify

Liberals are the lowest forms of "life" on this planet. They should be rounded up and tortured to death in grotesque, humiliating ways. Raped and multilated until they lose every scrap of humanity and are effectively just groaning masses of flesh. Not a single fucking leftist piece of shit deserves the air that it breathes.

By the turn of the 20th century the so-called British aristocracy was full to the gills with cryptos, the world wars served the purpose of getting the remaining anglos to die on the field of glory and leave it to their mongrelized cousins.

Don'tcha (Checked) know it!

HFY is the most autistic bullshit possible, I'd rather read the personal diary of "in this moment I am euphoric" aalewis than more of this cringe

Dershowitz is top kike though, master level sophist persuader. He won't be on the stage of course, and chances are near certain that Trump will be unpredictable to them when they rely on 100 percent predictability and rigging to even function, so I am not too worried, but Dershowitz is legit a force to be reckoned with.

Wasn't that a legitimate probation violation?

dont the republicans still have a majority in congress and the senate ?


You don't deserve those dubs, you worthless subhuman trash.

Wasn’t there a law passed in the 80s or something that led to the rise of the conservative-only stations?

No, the RINOs have a majority. The neocons. The ones who want hillary in office. The ones who did literally nothing they were elected to do. The ones who didn’t repeal niggercare. The ones who…

You get it. They’re just what hillary wants.

Who cares, it's all Trotskyite trash anyway.

Gas yourself you fucking faggot

Not sure if that's just a small/young cat or a big fucking rat, but it's pretty interesting to watch that killer instinct in action. The rat can kick and squirm all it wants, but it can't do anything. If it could get the cat with his teeth though, it might be able to do some damage. The cat knows this, and makes damn sure the rat can't turn it's teeth towards him. The cat knows that all he has to do is keep his own teeth clamped down tight on the rat's throat and, in seconds or minutes, no matter how long it takes, the rat will die.

Polite sage for off-topic.

Being realistic isn't subhuman. Wanking about imaginary accomplishments is.

Is this because they fired Benji? They still have Milo there.

faggot chink shit

Its probably because of their comments section and them not going full shutitdown mode on it as well as defending the fagright.

I was also looking at the rat's teeth, they looked pretty dangerous even to humans. Cats don't have particular great teeth or claws: it's their agility and skill what makes them great hunters. Oh, and have decent eyesight and excellent hearing too.

quick bump

Never forget. All of the executive power the last few presidents have gained will be used by the next president. It was supposed to be Clinton after beating Jeb. Things aren't going to plan. If Trump wins, expect dramatic changes. The executive branch has a level of power now that was never intended. The kikes used it for evil, hopefully Trump uses it for good.

Bring it on bitch


"shes so brave"

If there was one dead person I could revive and kill again…

Judging by our think tanks, like NPI and The Hestia Society, think tanks are eceleb organizations that take memes from actual edgelords and water them down for the media. That's not worthless, but it isn't thinking.

Cats are straight killers.