
What does Holla Forums thinks about gulags?

better than auschwitz. at least we put those people where they can be somewhat productive instead of wasting resources to kill innocent people for their religion.
proof that ML, despite how dumb they are, are still 1488 times smarter than Holla Forumslacks and stormniggers

its gułag lads

The idea of putting CRIMINALS to work amuses me but the american propaganda about this is too strong.

Gulag unlike western prison do not put a veil of bullshit arround them.
They are work camps, intended as punishment.

Propaganda about putting criminals to work? That would be hilarious given the existence of UNICOR.

i dunno comrade
i think the work was too harsh and inhuman

I agree.

perfect for nazis tbh

i opposed them before this election and i encountered american public opinion in the full glare of daylight for the first time

About the 300 billion gassed in the gulags propaganda.

The soviets built an industrial system based upon slavery, thus proving that you don't need capitalism to do so.

Marxists will still shit on peasants and say that peasants can't emancipate themselves and build industrial machines though, claiming this as the reason the USSR failed, even though their own praxis disproved this.

Marxists are fucking LARPers and religious fanatics.

Note that the gulags were not death camps like the Nazi camps as the goal was not the extermination of those interred in the camps but were used as slave labor instead.

Though personally I think Stalinism is worse than Fascism mainly that unlike Fascism Stalinism marked the degeneration and betrayal of an originally emancipatory project, but also continuing the original ideals of the project in a perverted way. Notice how Stalinists still refer to the wheel of history or historical progress etc

Started with a decent concept: a more humane alternative to prisons. But the Russians had to go and fuck everything up.

It really doesn't take much to spark a temper tantrum out of an anarkiddie, huh?

Nothing about what he said sounded anarchist.

We need extermination camps for the bourgeoisie and fascist scum. Gulags are going too easy on them.

Stalin was just finishing the Czars work.

The fact that you think that everyone who has a beef with historical Marxist methodology MUST be an anarchist is frankly quite sad. All you've done is reinforced just about everything he's said about us being religiously dogmatic about ideology.
You lot, the kind of Marxist that can't face up to the historical mistakes of our theory's application, continue to be the stain on global communism. You're anti-intellectual depravity will be the death of us yet, sealing the fate of the international communism movement within the soon-to-be dusty textbooks on 20th century history.
Our socialist experiments thus far have been a mess, ranging from mediocre short-term successes to long-term spiraling shitshows. The fact that the body of our theory continues to grow through all those developments though means we as a movement have not resigned ourselves to go quietly into the night out of some misguided notion of shame. How about actually using those developments instead of suckling on the hairy teat of Papa Stalin for once.


They were pretty terrible, but nothing compared to the nazi camps, me thinks.

I dont buy into "arbeit macht frei" so I would rather go for something like nordic prisons, even for "enemies of the proletariat" that survive the revolution. Rehabilitation>revenge

They work well as capitalism simulators.
Where porkies are getting porked and lied to by gulag politicians.

I don't think it matters what the stated goals were. Whether it was through incompetence, greed, corruption or malice, the end result was largely the same with millions of people dead.

Those people were criminals, not sent there for having the wrong religion or ethnicity.

and why does their intentions matter?

why not look at their consequences and make a judgement from that?

If you call the large portions of the gulag population who were sentenced for political crimes under article 58 "criminals", you must also accept people of the wrong faith being deemed criminals.