Why do so many of the goodest of goyim ("leftists") hate Israel?

Why do so many of the goodest of goyim ("leftists") hate Israel?
I fail to see how this could benefit the jews.

a large part of the left sees israel as one of the main agents of american imperialism and western style capitalism. also, >>>palestine.

Ever heard of the golem?

The jews forgot to destroy it before its containment runes started to break down.

Now it turns upon its master.

Also: leftists love islam and brown people more than white looking (but not white at all) jews.

The leftists anti-Israel groups never really accomplish anything, and most of them support the existence of either a more tolerant Kikestan or a two state solution. At the highest levels, they're controlled opposition.

They think kikes are white and that Israel is an evil apartheid state of whites oppressing brown people.

Noam Chomsky loves to shit on Israel and he's the top leftist hero.

israel is white to them
this is their south-africa moment

Because muh human rights and xenophobia

They want to signal how pure their mental disease is so even leftist jews are turning their backs israel

They see it as the last bastion of """""white""""" colonialism and therefore oppose it, that's the majority of the BDS movement anyways.

They don't boycott or oppose israel for Holla Forums reasons.

People on Holla Forums like to project their politics onto people boycotting israel/having unfriendly israeli foreign policy like Russia or China.

Truth is that if the US didn't support israel and instead supported Iran then Russia and China would support Israel, they just do the opposite of US policy

Yeah, they hate Isreal. And?

Do they stop billions of foreign aid from going to Israel every single year, despite it being a first world country that shouldn't require aid like some banana republic?
Do they oppose their apartheid? (Well, FEMEN did, and got unfunded, let's hope that happens to BLM too)

Leftists hate Israel, but don't do shit to them. They're fangless dogs. Israel isn't worried about what they say. If anything, it helps fuel the "muh oppression" meme they've perpetuated among the normalfags.

because palestine is more oppressed than israel and that is litterally all they care about

controlled opposition

Jews believe in one world government with them at the head of it, based on their presumption that it would end all wars against them and all criticism against them.

Jews control both sides of the political process. They control the pro-Zionist side and the two-state Pro-Palestinian side.

Guess what both sides coincidentally support? A 100% ethnically jewish state. Neither side promotes the Palestinian right of return, which is what would truly kill Israel.

That's how it benefits the jews. No matter which side wins, left or right, Israel remains 100% jewish and in a dominant position over the Palestinians.

duh, he's a kike

The jews play 4D chess, they use their own country as a foreign political talking point to show who the goodest of goyim are, they don't have to worry about anyone doing anything about them though since they have everything under control.

This is where conventional Holla Forumsthink starts to break down.

Actual leftists (i.e. socialists, communists, etc.) are not being supported by the International Jew. It is true that quite a few of them are Jewish (e.g. Chomsky) but they are by no means pulling the strings. Leftist philosophies would decimate international finance and cut off Western support for Israel. Do you think the Rothschilds with their banking empire are going to be supporting socialists who want to rip up the whole system? Of course not.

It is rather the liberals - those who want a freer market and freer social policy - who have the power. If you want to know the agenda of the International Jew, read the Economist, which is partially owned by the Rothschilds. In it you will not see a hint of communist or socialist thinking. The liberals might want more state involvement in some things (they are by no means lolbergs) like rescuing banks or 'infrastructure' to support the mass flow of third-world immigrants they are demanding, but they are not about to return the means of production to workers or support Bernie Sanders.

So there you have it. A lot of leftists have been and are Jews, but they are not the ones in control (outside of academia, at least). Accuse me of being a shill or whatever, it's the truth.

You know how some teenagers hate their parents?

Like that, but in a political sense.

The Jews promoted "equality" and "anti-racism" and their minions took those to their logical conclusions.

Cause Jews can't directly control the normie good goys, only the powerful politicians are directly controlled. The unwashed masses are controlled via media, academia, and other Jewish places of influence. As such, the shabbos goyim often develop a belief system a bit different from what the Jews really want

Who do you think financed the rise of Bolshevism and most other communist revolutions?

Truth. To those megalomaniac superjews, Israel being a "normal" nationstate is just another obstacle. Even more so when Israel drains the Jew networks everywhere of its people.


how fucking new are you?

also, reported for "redpill me on x" thread

he's actually a zionist, user. he's a "why not 1967 borders(ish)?" person

Sure, but that was a century ago. Today it's most definitely different.

The answer is simple

It's the same exact reason liberals support refugees and Islam. Same thought process.

Now, I don't mind this position because I honestly don't give a fuck why you hate Israel, as long as you hate that terrible cesspool of shit. All that matters to me is that Israeli interests are cockblocked and the kikes are exposed for the subhuman scum they are. The way they treat kebab in their own region is exactly how they would treat whites if they could get away with it… except with whites they have to be sneaky and infiltrate our governments and media to subvert the culture over time instead of straight killing women and children with airstrikes.

Because they see Jews as White people and the state of Israel as European imperialism against non Whites

Not only do they not accomplish anything, but they (especially Chomsky) spread the falsehood that the reason the US supports Israel is "imperialism" and not the Jewish lobby.

According to Chomsky, the Jewish Americans who support Israel have been manipulated by US imperialists into supporting a US policy that uses Israel as cannon fodder in their imperialist games.

This is of course bullshit, but that's the point. The only thing the anti-Israel left really care about is convincing goys that whatever Israel does, it's not the fault of Jews, especially American Jews.

All Jewish Utopian plots have an attendant anti-Semitic backlash, from Christianity to Islam to Russian Communism to the anti-Semitism of American blacks to American academic Marxism. It's built-in. It perpetuates the Jewish persecution narrative and allows them to keep repeating the myths driving them.

The golem has turned on the evoker.

Its not significant enough yet, due to pure arrogance.

It's because regular people see these communists acting poorly and associate their shitty behavior with their political beliefs. Only the right wing can effectively push back against Israel, and yet the right wing is either emphatically pro-Israel or they're derided as Nazis. Notice that the anti-Israel left is never anti-Jew, nor has it ever been to any significant degree. Name one anti-semitic pinko, other than Bakunin. Pro tip: you can't.


Playing both sides placates the goyim.

They are both on the same side in secret.