How do we despook liberals on guns? A well armored proletariat is needed for the revolution...

How do we despook liberals on guns? A well armored proletariat is needed for the revolution, but it seems liberals don't like guns simply because conservatives do.

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You don't. It's a meme issue.

Tell them to stop being such fucking pansies.

Please, for the love of Christ, kill yourself already.

Fuck off lifestylist. To have a revolution you're going to have to shoot somebody.

Just shut the fuck up for a second with your assumptions and think about what you're talking about.

This is literally one of the most meme-tier, lifestylist (in a real sense), social issues in America. It is the product of one side of the spectrum of liberal democracy trying to appeal to a demographic, and another appealing to the other demographic. That's all it fucking is, and memeing about how we need to have moar gunz for muh ebin revolution is going to go over the heads of every fucking liberal you preach that shit to.

The problem is far deeper and more profound than that. It is rather fundamentally an aspect of liberalism to be political only to an acceptable degree, to idolize pacificism, to only support an issue as long as you don't have to put your ass on the line.

If you wanna get liberals to arm themselves, you've gotta fucking start with tearing apart their pussy liberal values. Not taking part in the bullshit political spectacle about gun control.


Kill yourself lifestylist

Suck my dick you retard.

Convincing liberals the necessity of owning a gun to protect oneself from the ruling class is of less importance than actually being able to purchase a firearm and ammo. I don't care if liberals don't want guns cuz they're icky and for white trash poor ppl. But when liberals begin infringing on other people's ability to own a firearm, then you have a fucking problem.

The first concern is to assure my ability to own and operate a gun. The second concern is to convince liberals that their pacifism is bullshit.

You'd like that, wouldn't you, faggot.

You're right actually.

Revolutions don't occur because the workers have hunting rifles in their attics.

If we were ever in a revolutionary situation, the army would have at least partially split, or armouries could be raided.

Having an M9 isn't really a revolutionary act tbqh. At best it's cosplaying as a rebel.

While that is true, there is value in having a lightly armed force for driving off pinkertons and similar thugs.

You are right about that, but you're also delusional if you think liberal democracy will protect you if the State gets a whiff of revolutionary sentiments. At a moment's notice, the US would institute a police state (not that we don't already basically live in one) and crack down on anyone who might be a threat.

Sure, you should have at least a rifle and a decent supply of ammo in reserve for something like that, but really you're going to be getting all your ammo from military defectors and raiding police stations. Unless you form a militia, which is a different story.

smh I've got no patience for responses that literally amount to that

inb4 kill everyone I don't agree with anarkids

Free speech for fascists rite gaise? XDD

Firearms are largely redundant now, tbh. Computing technology is such that western revolutionaries can have cruise missiles and drones off the peg if needed.

Most liberals are still market-friendly. Even Denmark and Norway hate the term socialist.

Just use conservative arguments. The only reason they don't listen to us is because "the right" are supposedly "country hicks" and "rubes."


Liberals ARE market-friendly. From the social liberal to the classic liberal. The whole market thing originated from liberals. Denmark and Norway are liberal democracies. Why would they like socialism if they aren't socialists?

in germany, raids against nazi groups happen every now and then. something they'll always find is guns, granades and other weapons.

never would they ever find weapons hidden in any leftists houses or hideouts.

nazis are constantly committing crimes such as murder or assault. it is always right wing terrorism that is using violence and weapons against people, most common blacks or homeless ones.

something i'd like to see are organisations that hand out affordable guns and rifles that will also give safety instructions and basic training for self defense.
unarmed leftists are willing victims.

Your dear friend Cenk "What Armenian Genocide?" Uygur has finally had enough and openly calls for a full ban on guns.

Who's friend?

You know exactly what I meant, and if you don't, you need to get outside more.

Don't play coy.

The full comic is worth sharing

I'm going to assume that Germany has somewhat similar gun laws as Norway. Hunting license and recreational gun licenses shouldn't be too hard to get. And guns come in a wide variety of prices.

Your point was lost when you made the incorrect assumption that not all liberals are market-friendly.

Guns without class consciousness are useless.
With class consciousness we have the military on our side.

Anyone who questions the infallibility of a laissez-faire free market is anti-market

impossible since they dont crave a revolution as much as we do. say what you want but liberals are in fact the least revolutionary faction of all.


Liberals are by definition pro-market



You cannot reason a person out of a position they were not reasoned into.
You have to come up with an emotional appeal that's more powerful than "guns kill people."

Guns are gender neutral and are used by people from nearly all cultures, even PoC!

What class do you suppose the military is recruited from?

Also you might as well not revolt at all without part of the military's support.

I for one, as a Leninist, agree that only with the support of the military, or parts of it, the revolution can have any chance.

But, the military has to have lost the will to fight for the establishment. and I think US is getting there

The military and police always have fascist leanings. Which doesn't even matter.A communist revolution should come from the common people pushing up. Not relying on some outside force like the military to take power for us. That's a good way to end up with a military dictatorship or one of the failed Marxist states of the 20th century. It's utter nonsense.

Remind them that they are part of the oppressed and exploited people and that their lives are literally being exchanged for businessopportunities. Cognitive dissonance probably push many of them into justification of effort and makes it hard for them to realize. But without at least a significant minority I don't see much hope.

Then the liberals will sheepishly admit they think of nonwhites as savages.

sadly, most liberals, when confronted with this, will say that the racist cops are just bad individuals. exceptions to the majority.

What speech should be restricted and who should be the one deciding?

First of all, stop using "spook" to describe anything that you don't agree with. Second, liberals have no use for guns because they also have no use for "armored" workers and revolutions.

They're liberals because, by definition, they agree with the basic principles of the current system and limit their ambitions to the creation of a more humane version of it. If you speak about gathering guns for a revolution, you're more likely to come off as a left-wing tea party and scare them away from guns even more.

So instead of talking about overthrowing the current system , go with the the standard "you need us" narrative: explain to them that the elites become more open to liberal reforms when there are genuine, dangerous radical movements around. Explain that if we become a threat, they will become the "lesser evil" and the establishment will go with them, but we need guns for that. Basically, tell them you're willing to be the bad cop.

Oh and is being cheeky but he actually has a point. You can always find examples of people involved with civil rights movements defending the right to bear arms. Just look at pic related.

So if anything that isn't IdPol-related is failing (which is very very likely) just tell them they're denying minorities a right to protect themselves against oppressive power structures or whatever. Tell them that they live in one reality, but muslim/mexican/poc communities living in Trump-friendly areas live in another.
