Barbra Gordon is now a nigger


This shit had actual potential before. But even a comedic Batman movie can't escape the grip of CURRENT YEAR ideology.

That's more ambiguous brown than black

Like the actor

Really? That's pretty neat actually.

Explain how it's neat please.

I don't care if she's voiced by Rosario Dawson, Barbara Gordon should not be fucking brown!

So let me get this straight. The DC Universe which is known for having multiple different universes where character's genders, races and species are shifted around all the time. What gets you mad is another universe, not the main one, a lego universe having a brown Barbara Gordon?

No wonder this board has gone to shit, so many fags making click bait threads for attention.

This place, like nearly every other board on 8cuck, holds members from 4cuck from the recent exodus.

You know damn well that's not why they did it. It's a purest form of virtue signalling, and it should be punished.

We should be talking about it because it is an animation and we are the animation board, but you're right in that OP is being a faggot.
This isn't the only board that has gone to shit; notice how is even here? I don't remember seeing a SINGLE unironically tumblr-tier post even a few months ago.

Also, dubs confirm

Fuck off nigger
They only do this shit to virtue signal and they will suffer for it

But a black chick voiced Barbara Gordon in the 1st 2 Arkham games. Also Barbara doesn't look black but orange kinda like Starfire.

I'll still probably go see it

inb4 Jim Gordon and his wife are revealed to be white

Yeah but you're missing an important detail.


Don't care… now if they turn Jim black, that's when I won't see it.

That only means her race was forced, doesn't mean it'll be a bad character, before you I had only seen tumblrinas being this petty.


No one said it'd be a bad character. We're just pissed at this blatant race swapping and SJW pandering.

you have to go back

Exactly, is like a tumblrina complaining about whitewashing without unserstanding is just adaptation to the local society.
This is just an adaptation for local current society, that we hate current society should be unrelated.

How about you adapt your language to the local society

You are acting like the little bitches you constantly complaint about because of the same reasons.

Nope that's still some foreigner gobbledygook. Learn to speak English.

Not only are you a retarded hypocrite, but also a whiny little kid who goes; "I can't hear you, I can't hear you, la la la la la".

Now see, was it really so hard that you needed three attempts to go without a basic screwup?
And no, it's nothing like the idiotic thing you said. Tumblr complains about whitewashing because they want less white people on screen and I don't want 'adaptation to the local society' at all. Who the hell would, that's how you get jelly donut rice balls and horrible derivatives of decent foreign movies based on whatever idiotic notion pops into the drug addled brain of some hollywood mucketymuck who probably got the job because of nepotism.

Go back to cuckchan.

Well that's a stretch. It's more like a mild tan. You can barely notice it in most shots.

I see virtually no difference between tumblrtards bitching about whitewashing and the faggots in this thread bitching about Barbara getting a tan. If it is some attempt at virture signaling then you're no better.



Really makes you think

End this.


Hi Hinjinx

Are you implying this is new?


You are the niggers.


Alright folks shows over
Power girl autist is the one who made this thread and most likely most of these replies are him as well
Nothing to see here, move along

Nigger Nigger batgirl or White White batgirl?

Damn. Though she looks more orange in terms of her skin color.


diversity is strength.

We'll have new places to eat at.

Good for Barbra Gordon

If the race is unimportant, why change the race?
If it is to 'reflect' current society, why not create a new character?
If it is to 'reflect' reality, why make a batman movie?
If it is to be more realistic, why make it fantastical?
What does the character gain from being brown?

Eartha Kit is a great Catwoman because she acts like Catwoman.
Luke Cage is a character whose race is important to his character, as is Thor.
Khamala Khan is a fine character because she is Moral woman and her own thing.

Get it yet, faggot?

It's like characters are their own people and not interchangable cogs for corporate diversity purposes.

No user, don't think that - It's 2016 why can't Iceman be gay despite his character never indicating so?

Why can't Kate Leith be Hellcat because Patsy got lobotomised with autism off panel?

Why can't X-23 be whedon spawn?

Does it really matter?

Yes. Look just above your post and see why.

I really miss old X-23.

Take your meds

Back to cuckchan with you.

Now I wonder if any nigger characters will be turned into YTs :^)
It is current year after all

Silly user. In the world of [CURRENT YEAR] the only way to have true diversity is to make almost everyone black then make a very few number of people asian, middle eastern, or hispanic. White people aren't allowed. They're not diverse enough.

It's pathetic when they bitch about race-changes, it's pathetic when you do it too.

This place has fallen on hard times.


Keep sperging, m80s

You are smarter than everyone else, just above it all, wow, i wish I had your intelligence. How high is your iq?

I'm actually way more bothered by the water being actual water and not clear blue lego.


Oh hey it's the guy who posts Bugs Bunny reaction images in response to Holla Forums


You have to go back

She is a redhead
Niggers do not come in red

Kill yourself right now!


Why can't we just lynch niggers and gass jews like in the good old days?

Pick ONLY one


ok, rabbi.

Burn the coal, pay the toll.

They can't make new dindu heroes because they won't sell. They have to shit dip White ones.
…and all you faggot cucks cheering this will be the first on the day of the rope.

No fun allowed.

This thread turns me on


i doubt she'll be an important character in the movie


It is a lego Batman movie, who cares?
Lego's movies about other franchises have been anything but accurate.

Barbara's a Gerudo now?

It doesn't bother me, but it's still weird for her to be a Red Headed brown-ish person for seemingly no reason.

I snicker every time I see this, and it's always from some self-serious Holla Forums roleplay faggot that acts like the next 25 years is gonna amount to anything beyond shitposting and cuckoldry

Maybe its just me but it doesn't look a movie meant to be taken very seriously.

Looks more serious than Suicide Squad.

Quick correction, it's actually Black and Yellow that's playing at the beginning, the song Green and Purple was based off of.

It's not that she's not canon, you fucking nonces

People are really dense, user. Sometimes it's just not worth the trouble to correct them.

user, I didn't have to click it to know that's the nakinyko mashup you posted. It is objectively better than the source songs, though

Do you want to hear to Morrakiu's version of black and yellow?

People like this is why Holla Forums should be renamed /cuck/. Seriously, you people are either fucking doormats or crypto-SJWs. This is embarrassing. I remember post-exodus the fags that run this place promised it wouldn't get resubverted, but that didn't last long did it?

Oh I understand your point, I just don't see the issue, seems like whining for the sake of whining to be honest.

Its whatever to me, keep being little bitches about some dumb kids film I guess.

Doormats or not, that racelifting debacle is still stupid. Quit being fucking paranoid, faggot.

This shit should not be tolerated on principal. That's what you got you to the point comics are all SJW pandering all the time. You thought if you didn't tell these people no it would just go away. It didn't the, cancer quadrupled in size.

You're so above it all ;-; so cool

basically Holla Forums

It's the intent you retard, they're doing it to pander.

For all we know it could be just a tan, and even if she's black who the fuck cares. Im more skeptical on the fact if she'll be a good character or not.

Plus this ain't anything new

We need to care because this trend of race swapping characters for no reason is nothing but bullshit pandering. Yet so few here seem to understand that. This kind of ignorance is why Marvel is the way it is now. Just saying "who cares" or "i care more about them being a good character than actually being a good representation of the character that isn't just a cheap trick to pander to niggers and SJW" is why the whole comic industry is fucked.

I'm pretty sure 99% of them being awful writers is the problem. I'd go for a good story about a minority any day over a bad story not about a minority.

It's not an issue of them being a minority. It's an issue of race swapping an established character for brownie points. How can people not understand any of this?!?

And you already have "minority" heroes that are well established but they insist in pushing for race swapping.

Exactly. They do that because they know a brand new character isn't guaranteed to work. But making an ethnic character to replace a current big name character guarantees sales if only for the shock factor.

It's lucky that Barbra is a shit character who has always been shit, and LEGO Batman The Movie looks like the worst DC LEGO movie.

So they can't try anything new on something that already exist because its not accurate?

Apparently people can't have their own interpretation on something according to you. Was the race switch or tan really necessary? No. Should it have happen? That's totally subjective. Why did it happen. I can't give you an "full accurate" answer because i'm not one of the writers.

Even if this was a SJW stunt, it still doesn't change the movie, just the color

I didn't notice.

If only you reached this hard for your dick you'd find the microscopic thing under your layers of flab you dumb fucking cunt.