Is this the beginning of the end for Pony Conventions

With Hasbro announcing Hascon. Is this the begging of the end of Bronycons? if not the Brony fandom at a whole? Sounds like what happen to comic con but in a much smaller scale.

Brony fandom died at Dashcon.

Dashcon was mainly tumblr shit in general, not ponies.

I really hope the hardcore bronies that are still around come to the realisation that they became fans of a shallow little girls show because of a shitpost.

The show was fairly good by Holla Forums standards. I don't understand why anyone is still a fan of it though. It's been completely bastardized at this point, not to mention how terrible the fandom has become.

"hardcore" "bronies" live in their own little world now, being completely blind do what the show has really become.
Most of the fans probably hang around just for the porn.

What's with the autistic retards making pony threads as of late?

The fandom is basically in it's deaththrows.

How many fandoms are in ther deathrows now ?

Not nearly enough.

Get the fuck out.

Habsbro will find a way to screw up Hascon.

Out of here waifufag!


Go back to /mai/ Otaku Hahaha !

Isn't that mostly for toy people?


ya its not gonna go anywhere anytime soon

I'm actually kinda of surprised myself that its still going thou don't know how the story as a whole would progress anymore besides reforming sombra if he is still around and reforming the changeling queen

It died years ago

wish i had your kinda of delusional state

What next? Equestria Girls/main series crossover, of course.

You know what I mean

I won't let it die.

horsefuckers not wanted

Fuck off

I'm sorry but are there actually people who unironically sexualize MLP characters?

An occasional thread for a Holla Forums audience is alright. Go back to 2011.

If they're human, there's less of a problem.

Too bad EqG are teenage and not really human

Yes, and…? Also, as far as I remember, the main cast is at late teenage.

No, it's not.

I almost feel like spamming pony or SU threads here just to spite you

Hi Hijinx

Like naming a con Hascon?



Hello honey

No Anime = trash

Dubs, I know the pic that OP's pic is based off of. Its based off of this dude who kneels near peoples buttcracks at magic the gathering tournaments.

So MLP is what brought me back to cartoons after being a kid and teen during the boring as shit 2006-2009 gen.
I didn't care if it was bad, at least wasn't tasteless, I stopped watching it after from MLP I moved to Gravity Falls, Gumball, Rick & Morty, Over The Garden Walls and from there to the things I didn't watched as a little kid like Samurai Jack, Gargoyles, KND, Duck Dodgers, and then I formed a taste and so on, until I found a taste I could call my own despite objective quality or themes.

I also stopped watching it because season 4 let me the fuck down after season 3 being my favorite.
How is it going? I heard that season 5 was relatively good and season 6 is bad even for bronies.

I stopped watching after they did the final episode with that pony who had that commune thing going on. That episode was okay and it was cool seeing the alternate timeline. Can't say about anything after that.

There are multiple boards for MLP.
This isn't one of them.

Yes it is, it's Holla Forums.
The only reason /mlp/ was created was because it was cancer.
By that logic we should have a DC board considering there are more DC threads than MLP threads.

We remember what MLP shit did to old Holla Forums. Not interested in having it here. You people made your bed, now you can lie in it.

But why dubs? DC isn't cancer and is getting better with their comics and tv shows.

One, we have a thread for female characters go masturbate there. Two, MLP got too big for the board to support and DC literally makes up 45% of comics. Three, make your own damn DC board faggot and Four, if that were the case why not split Holla Forums into two dumbass.

MLP will not be tolerated here.

Well fuck you too user.


Disregard the vomit inducing fandom, don't forget who MLP was targeted to. Kids are probably still watching this, it's still just another cartoon cash grab.

Fuck off.

WEW sonny that sure is an insult!

You forgot to sage but I'll disagree that some effort could at least be given considering season 1,2,4, and 5. But lets not continue upon it and let this garbage thread die.


Keep crying.

Sage is not for bullying.


I remember too user, it was the quantity of the shitposting, not the shitposting itself, it has never been the shitposting.

no thanks

Nice mental gymnastics there but shitposting is still shitposting and not funposting or bullshiting.

There's a nice safe place over there that can give you all the attention you want and dem some. They also need the more lurkers so be a champ and help them out.

Shit forgot to sage

You forgot to sage. You also forgot to not engage the shitposter. It encourages him.

Of course it is

Already acknowledged it
