Make compelling argument about how capitalism is not fair

why do I even bother

It's okay, even the Buddha failed when he just started teaching. Just gotta keep at it.

Just ask them what's wrong with trying to make it more fair. Also, ask them why they use any modern convenience or medicine that makes life easier.

Yeah because they though that he had abandoned the path.

It's funny cause they are the same people who botch about taxes and minimum wages as being "unfair" to business owners

There's no need for eveyone to be "converted". Communism should be spread mainly in the working class, it is them who need to think, vote, and act in their own self interest.

Post your argument.

He probably doesn't have one, other than circumstantial whining. Socialists love to pretend that their bitching is actually some sort of philosophy.

Admittedly I responded ~3 hours after he posted the OP.

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now.

If it's not something on social media, he should be able to just copy paste it. Pretty sure iphones have that capability.

It's called real life, homo.

These goddam socialists just LOVE to make up bullshit to justify their shitty opinions. Just like the JOOOOOOOZZZZZZZ

You need to be making compelling arguments about how your ideology of choice will improve their lives, not simply pointing out faults in the most popular ones. Life is indeed unfair, and you have to work around that. We did not develop the ability to fly by simply talking about how physics were keeping us on the ground, we looked for ways that we could twist those rules to our advantage.

Don't give me that bullshit. Life is unfair because people coerce and exploit others. A fair society is possible.

It isn't though, why shouldn't I take what you have with force or guile, cause it makes you feel bad? That's not a compelling argument.


materialism, bitch!

Why do I bother.

You'd be keeping the illegals in, m8

That's what I implied, dumbass.

Stop projecting.

Which is also our argument of choice, we just choose different people (with some overlap) to hold accountable. is still right in that you need a compelling argument of action/a plan about how your ideology of choice will fix the rigged game. Simply calling out porkies for being porkies and telling them they'll get theirs one day is just going to make you look like a smug jackass to normal people.

More or less this. Politicians and lobbyists are a bigger threat to your job than some wetbacks.

Don't highlight a sick burn by replying to it. I know damage control is always the first instinct, but it makes it seem worse.

That's great. Explain how that's possible to people instead of simply complaining about our current one

So. You only want solutions without knowing why we need those solutions?

Inform them that they're resorting to a thought-terminating cliche.

I want both. One without the other is pointless. You're only offering one, and therefore your complaints fall upon deaf ears. People are aware that life can be dissatisfying. If all you do is talk about how dissatisfied you are without proposing some sort of a solution, all you're doing is making unpleasant noises. It's all well and good to know that fire will burn me if I touch it, and that it will cause me great pain. What's truly important though, is that I move away from it. Without action, my knowledge is worthless