Evening Holla Forums, is anyone else seeing some slight historical parallels between now...

Evening Holla Forums, is anyone else seeing some slight historical parallels between now, and the fall of the Western Roman Empire, around 400 AD?
We have problems like
And overall decadence in the empires, like our nations today. And the cultural split between Western Europe/America and Eastern Europe.
Do you think these are accurate historical comparisons?
Are we heading for a second dark ages?

For reference.

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Christcucks were responsible for the dark ages, but luckily this time around they will be tossed out with the shitskins. Folk nationalism will result in a second space age to match the visions of glory the Germans had before the Zionist Allies burned Germany to the ground.

An extreme over simplification. Christianity spread equally through the Eastern and Western Roman empire, but only the Western empire fell.
Plus there were a multitude of other things going on at the time. Climate change, viking invasions, Muslim Invasions, etc.

Yeah russia will be the eastern roman empire after putin is killed of course

Have a great and recently released overview comparing the fall of Rome to current western civilization.

And to the shills that are going to attempt to derail because its Molyneux, suck my fat aryan cock.


feels bad


ITT: Historically ignorant fedoras who don't know what the Byzantine Empire was.

Which is why Crusades were called to attempt to retake lands in the East?
There is no simplification about it, Cuckstianity is the root cause of the degeneration in European culture.

Do you know what it was? They allowed paganism in Byzantium m8

> soundcloud.com/user-555435950/34-death-throes-of-the-republic-i-hardcore-history-dan-carlin

Lil bit.

That wasn't because Christianity that was because islam

> huffduffer.com/Daveje/211179

There is no difference between strains of the Abrahamic plague, they are all harmful to society.

We get it, you're and euphoric fedora that hates religion. Now fuck off.

Tbh fam, that's not a fair claim.

Lots of religious people in the world not fond of the Abrahamic faiths which originated and spread from the Middle East.

The first 'Christians' were almost-certainly ethnically Jewish.





No I think that technology has changed the game so massively that nobody can predict what's going to actually happen.

True, knowledge can't be lost anymore. It used to take a massive library and many workers to upkeep to keep even a fraction of the Empire's knowledge.
Now the entirety of the internet can fit on one USB drive that requires no upkeep.
However will whoever digs that up be capable of replicating it, or will the meek truly inherit the Earth?

Similarities that I have noticed:

While I don't dislike making comparisons between Rome and the modern world, I think we need to examine a few differences as well. != means 'not equal to' in programming

Rome fell apart naturally because empires are inherently unstable. Our society is falling apart unnaturally, because it is designed to promote Jews, instead of self perpetuate its existence.

I disagree, that completely happened in the west. The subversive propaganda wouldn't be able to take root without there not being other problems.
Good luck convincing someone they're pansexual when they have to worry about getting shot at.

Good. Albions were the Askenazim of the White race.

I can understand the hatred of Brits but what have the canucks and aussies ever done wrong?


That's Holla Forums for ya.

Cycles of Empire is a lie. Empires are not cyclical, parallels drawn between epochs and entities are not proving a theory as multiplicity of causes and issues provide false correlation.

Rome is the prime example - people take Fall of Western Empire as a point after which Rome did not exist, treating Eastern Empire as a separate entity, without realizing the historical, political and cultural continuity that was carried on in the East and it existed with a lot of success for another 1000 years.

Other empires last for more than 200-250 years and drawing arbitrary cutoff points to make the theory fit is foolish.

The only thing that really kills empires is external influence - be it immigration, corrupting ideologies or invasion.

Yeah, except at least their own leaders didn't fund it

Chinese are meek.


- republic
- spoke Latin
- pagan

- theocracy
- spoke Greek
- Greek Orthodox


Rome was crucially imprtant to Western culture.

Byzantium was irrelevant. It created nothing important.

Western Rome falls 476 CE
Viking invasions 800 - 1000 CE
Islamic invasions 650 - 1000 CE

To be fair, our leaders don't fund it either. It's the people funding our leaders that are funding it.

Hello there, Holla Forumsacks. If you're reading this, it's because you're about to be granted several truthbombs whenever someone wants to compare the fall of the modern world to the Western Roman Empire.

Christian Germanic kings were held in higher regards to Rome than pagans. This improved diplomacy between both sides and assured that whenever there was a need to hire more soldiers, the tribe you're hiring from has the same beliefs as yours, to prevent rebellions in an economically destroyed empire.

If anything. Christianity gave several months to a patient who was going to die anyway.

More than 95% of the Western Roman Empire's military force was composed of people not from the Empire itself. For a soldier to truly become a Roman citizen, they'd have to serve for enough time that when they do archieve citizenship, they're already too old to fight.

ALL of the world's leaders wanted to become the next Roman emperor. The ultimate goal in life was to become emperor. There was no religion conversion in place. No cultural replacement. They wanted to be the ultimate form of what western society had to offer. This contrasts a lot with modern immigrations.

Yes, the roman Empire prospered in the East because it had so much money it managed to bribe Attila into not raiding it for years. The bribe was one of the highest lumps of money ever paid to someone in the history of men; think something on the lines of a hundred thousand pounds of gold. Yearly. No wonder Attila managed to cross up until eastern France; he had enough gold to bribe, pay and maintain all vassals he could as long as this kind of money kept flowing into Hunnic pockets. Then when his brothers took over when he died, no surprise, the cash flow stopped they retreated into insignificancy.

One could say Byzantium was the ancient George Soros, paying money to sow the chaos to the West, so it could be effectively destroyed, leaving behind only the strongest, most economically sustainable places the Romans could manage; the ever-profitable Black Sea/Mediterranean/Silk Road trade routes in Byzantium.

So a nation fueled by merchant money managed to prosper. Hm. Wonder who does Holla Forums keep mentioning that reminds me of shekels and merchants.

The Tetrarchy served to stop a political problem in the 3rd century, but only fueled the flames for complete sessession of the empire in East and West. So it was a short-term solution which led to long-term problems.

You're welcome, Holla Forums.

You mean like funding the people who want to destroy you? Sounds familiar…

I'd also like to add that the Roman people were not completley ethnically replaced by racial inferiors/foreigners. The empire collapsed, but the race remained in tact. In our modern world, our very race is at stake.

Capped for posterity.

Not true. The Romans were replaced by slaves and freedmen. The Imperial administration was based on freedmen. All of the Roman territory is ethnically the descendants of slaves. This is why Southern Europe sucks and Northern Europe shines (shone).

Southern Europe is ethnically so weak that it cannot function as democracies without Northern Europe paying for them.

You're a retard who has no idea what he's talking about. The Romans were not racially replaced by shitskins and niggers. Roman slaves were overwhelmingly, if not completely white/European, and were taken from conquered territories such as Gaul or Germania.
If you're implying Southern Europe is dysfunctional because of shitskin DNA, then you're completely wrong and evidently retarded.
stop posting.