Laughing at Holla Forums

ITT we post screencaps of Holla Forums's greatest minds in action.

Other urls found in this thread:



It'll be nice to be able to show them this in a few years if Trump does win.



hahahaha. A deep Jewish level. That's all you need to say to write off any information that you are presented with. Just jews, my man.

personal favorite of mine.


Obligatory Namibia mention.

I really should put a collage together, shouldn't I?

Holla Forums BTFO:

kekkest keks



/r/ing the dragonball z ones

who the fuck is pert



and why does pol love him so much

They hate him because some alt-right used his music in a refugee hysteria video and he wanted to not be associated with it. Eventually he capitulated because they are whiny children.



Their whole belief system seems to center around this idea that "we don't wanna get cucked by the jews and the blacks, so we need a narcissistic strong-man figure to cuck us instead".

The sudden rise in popularity of the word cuck is one of mankind's greatest tragedies.


holy fuck that smug fucking Holla Forumstard with the "you said current year xD"

don't they realize that the also place a completely arbitary emphasis on the past as libtards do on the present? But no spicy meme to accompany their delusion so it's okay I guess.


Hear hear comrade

It's not Holla Forums but Jesus fucking Christ.

rectal pain leads to dyslexia when making phoney headlines and presenting them as real


can't remember if this is Holla Forumsyp, /shillcen/ or both, I just remember it was on /n/.


into the trash meme

Because a Terminator quote sums up the immigrant problem.
"It can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity of remorse or fear and it absolutely will not stop. Ever. Until you are dead."

The immigration problem is like humans vs. orcs (>>715342)
, or humans vs. Skynet


idk what this is even supposed to prove?




Every time.


Evolution is a magical process that magically stops operating when humans are concerned.

Homo Sapiens Sapiens are a relatively new species. Our history as humans is not long enough for serious, species-level evolution to have taken place.



does anyone remember when people on Holla Forums got carried away and thought the world was going to end in september?
people quit their jobs and went into the woods for days because of it

Jews think and write, Whiteys obey.
Because whiteys can't think for themselves.
Truly the master race.

Always remember:

Bump, any more?

Philosophical questions of rights and hierarchy and freedom, immanent critique, cultural/historical/traditional factors don't mean nuffin when it comes to why people have certain political beliefs. It's jus biology ;). Also, entire species are r/K selected, how are some humans r and others K?

The guy who came up with the idea of applying r/K selection theory to different human races, J. Philippe Rushton, has also been criticized as being basically ignorant of how evolutionary biologists think r/K selection actually works, see , especially the section "Selection Scenario for Race Differences in r and K" which says:

Rushton’s (1989) third argument was that harsh arctic conditions during the ice age favored a K reproductive strategy and that exposure to these cold conditions was greatest for Orientals, followed by whites and then blacks. This argument disregards the very literature on r and K selection that Rushton used to build his theory. Current theory about r and K selection has its origins in the work of Dobzhansky (1950), who suggested that natural selection operates differently in tropical than in temperate areas. He argued that mortality in temperate climates is affected by physical factors, such as severe storms, that are independent of population density. In these relatively unstable environments, natural selection favors those that take advantage of favorable short-term conditions by having many, rapidly maturing offspring. In contrast, tropical areas have more stable climates where mortality is population dependent. These conditions favor those that invest time and care in a small number of offspring. McArthur and Wilson (1967) labeled these two types of selection as “r selection” and “K selection,” respectively. These types of selection are not limited to temperate and tropical areas-r selection operates on any opportunistic population in unstable, rarefied environments while K selection operates on any equilibrium population in stable, population dense environments (Pianka, 1970, 1978).

Rushton’s (1989) argument that harsh, cold conditions during the last ice age favored K selection for Orientals and (to a lesser extent) whites is obviously at odds with the biological theory described above. It is not the harshness or temperature of an environment that makes for r selection or K selection; it is the environment’s climatic stability and population density that produce one or the other type of selection. Thus, if anything, Rushton’s scenario suggests that blacks should be more K than whites and Orientals who evolved in less stable and less populated environments. However, the kinds of year-to-year climatic changes that favor r selection have a smaller impact on large mammals like man, so the predictions of r and K theory do not apply within these species (Richard, 1985).

There are black people with genius level IQs. There aren't chihuahuas the size of german shepherds.

jesus christ


Holla Forums on suicide watch.

It's so cringe. Who says an inside joke in public, when no one else knows it? What an autist.


He's right we're fucking young bloods my dude

100M track sprint all from certain region in Africa

100M freestyle swim all White European

World strong man all white European

Basketball/NFL 80% black

Chess/math/sci/tech - 90% white/asian

Over represented in all violent crime - blacks/arabs

etc etc etc etc etc


and dog breeds have been around for trillions of years.

Arabs and Niggers force women into marriage and have 5-10 kids–exactly like Europeans and Asians.

list some



Domestication and the creation of different dog breeds is an artificial process that can take place a lot quicker than regular speciation. You are comparing artificial selective breeding to natural non-selective speciation. Animal populations don't randomly decide to only mate with an individual if it has a certain trait naturally.


Indeed, comrade.


>post pix of random shit, pass it off as FEMA death camps, mass riots etc. like they do with protest clips at the beginning of zombie movies no subliminal message there that the overarmored guys firing into the unarmed crowd are the heroes
it was fun while it lasted

Maybe in the US, but in the UK if you look at the highest academic achievers, blacks are actually overrepresented compared to whites, see for details

because he makes good music

who doesn't like perturbator ?

you know a lot of em are self-proclaimed nazis. If the user who made this comment saw your meme, there's a decent chance they'd feel it was a compliment.

That's hilarious. I love how all the tradition and genetics and crap gets thrown out the window with "she looks white to me", which he only says because he can only stand up for his ideals on the internet rather than actually face someone and tell them to get out of the country.

thats basically what all conservatards are like nowadays tbqh. blabbering buzzwords and say whatever their god and savior (trump/milo/shortpiro) says and act like a smug piece of shit without realizing how ridiculous they sound

Oh christ, the deleted post was the r/K thing?

That "Anonymous Conservative" dipshit doesn't try to change people's minds, he's a perfect example of an echo chamber profiteer.

Every time the topic of vaccines comes up, Holla Forums shows up to unironically insist that vaccines are dangerous scams designed by Jews to give children autism.

I remember a thread on Holla Forums a long time ago where an user was asking about the truth on vaccines. So many people were heatedly insisting that vaccines were a trick by evil Jews that cause autism. I was a student studying health sciences at the time, so I posted studies showing that the claim they cause autism was bullshit. I was told that the studies I posted had "kike methodology" and that I was a Jewish snake shilling for big pharma and trying to hurt people. The lack of basic scientific literacy in that thread gave me cancer.

Aren't those guys the very same people that are constantly moaning about how gultural margsism supposedly destroyed the scientific method?

Doublethink, my dude.

What happened to all these deleted posts quoted here?

Damage control.

Check this shit out: