Donald Trump wants Politically Correct Tests for Immigrants

Donald Trump wants Politically Correct Tests for Immigrants

Trump is also expected to propose creating a new, ideological test for admission to the country that would assess a potential immigrant's stances on issues like religious freedom, gender equality, and gay rights. Through questionnaires, searching social media, interviewing friends and family or other means, applicants would be vetted to see whether they support American values like tolerance and pluralism.

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How can one man do so many things right?

Im having mixed signals here.

The whole point that shitskins in their home countries are completely opposed to those values, so they will be instantly veto'd from entering without any need for further justification. OP is a retard unable to understand politics

Transcript: Donald Trump's National Security Speech

Our nation stands together in solidarity with the members of Orlando's LGBT Community.

This is a very dark moment in America’s history.

A radical Islamic terrorist targeted the nightclub not only because he wanted to kill Americans, but in order to execute gay and lesbian citizens because of their sexual orientation.

It is a strike at the heart and soul of who we are as a nation.

It is an assault on the ability of free people to live their lives, love who they want and express their identity.

It is an attack on the right of every single American to live in peace and safety in their own country.

We need to respond to this attack on America as one united people – with force, purpose and determination.

Many of the principles of Radical Islam are incompatible with Western values and institutions.

Radical Islam is anti-woman, anti-gay and anti-American.

I refuse to allow America to become a place where gay people, Christian people, and Jewish people, are the targets of persecution and intimidation by Radical Islamic preachers of hate and violence.

It’s not just a national security issue. It is a quality of life issue.

If we want to protect the quality of life for all Americans – women and children, gay and straight, Jews and Christians and all people – then we need to tell the truth about Radical Islam.

The burden is on Hillary Clinton to tell us why we should admit anyone into our country who supports violence of any kind against gay and lesbian Americans.

Hillary Clinton can never claim to be a friend of the gay community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists to our country who suppress women, gays and anyone who doesn’t share their views.

Ask yourself, who is really the friend of women and the LGBT community, Donald Trump with his actions, or Hillary Clinton with her words? Clinton wants to allow Radical Islamic terrorists to pour into our country—they enslave women, and murder gays.

Trump campaign intern, pls go.

Tons of democrat voters are not pussy liberals, like Muslims who observe Sharia Law that counteract the idea of feminism, freedom of speech, and gay rights. They vote Dem cause they import sleeper agents by the boat load, and don't enforce the law in their neighborhoods cause that would be racist.

But what about Right Wing nationalistic Europeans fleeing to America?

Anti gay is anti white.

Brilliant. Just imagine a britcuck fleeing the Sharia Kingdom they created. On being questioned about the 2A, Nigel says he doesn't believe civilians should have access to funs. Sorry cuck, we're not able to admit you on account of hatred of freedoms. Non-cucked Euros/Boers flooding in instead of third worlders.

This. He's using biases of shitskins against them and calling it tolerance. Op is a cuck shill.

They are not as fucked in the head as muzzies though. Muzzies think gay shit is terrible while fucking little boys in the ass.

This is a really good idea. Ways to filter out terrorists are good, but terrorists will lie. This is really better for filtering out potential Democrat voters.

A progressive would put agree on all counts and expect applause for it. It's a foolproof filter.

OP is a homosexual and is probably a power-bottom.

They are smart enough to hide their power levels.

They love their boy fucking. Chia tea boys and the marines crying because they couldn't do anything and had to listen to their screams as they got fucked in the ass in Afghanistan.

Yeah I see them looking for inconsistencies in beliefs and filtering out far left fucks at the same time than anything.

if they can't get in without foaming at the mouth about homosexuals and jews we honestly don't need them, we have enough fucking retards willing to stab themselves in the dick to stay pvre arvan

got a drivers license dude?

wouldn't the boers be the cucks: because they're watching niggers fuck their country right now.

or not have a 50 question multiple choice test for every passenger on every inbound continental flight every day because that's a huge stupid waste of time and money.

In other words, nobody from the 3rd world is allowed to enter.

Thank you for (((correcting the record))), I'm totally going to vote for Shillary now :^)

I'm fucking loving this guy.

average WHITE bozo maybe, but niggers and muds? good fucking luck, plus if you bothered to read before shitposting you would see it's a lot more than a written test

weak try CTR

Why do you continue to do this if you know we have your dox? You think you won't be punished?

1. They're gonna stay and fight.

2. They're not retard shitskins, so they'll see the writing on the wall and arrange shit ahead of time. Also, there are other things trump can do to tip the balance in favor of their admission, like stack the ins and state dept with moonmen.

Well CTR, they obvs deported and flogged if they were found to falsify their application.

- incompatible cultures BTFO

- in order to pass the test you basically need to be a liberal

In all seriousness, we've seen countless young teenagers in their thirties appear in Europa. I'm sure that they would lie for a chance to Love Jihad all the white women. Allah permits lying if it advances the faith.


We have to protect our LGBTQ citizens.

Reminder that belief in Halal practices is counter to our belief in animal rights. Also, bacon.

We don't know that yet. How the test will be truly scrutinized is up in the air. I do think they will shutout hard liberals as well as muzzies.

I don't know what's worse: How terrible you are at shilling or the fact that you have such a gay picture on your computer. I expect this from faggots but still, that's disgusting.

So it's a more ambitious and costly waste of time? One that increases the cost of intercontinental travel and validates every conspiracy about prism and data collection?

not familiar with all the memes. Crash Team Racing?

If they successfully falsify their application, is it not likely they've already done some terrorist shit or crimes before it gets reviewed?

He should hand immigrants a plate of bacon to eat and see how they react and how fast they down that shit.

Donald Trump is the most pro-gay Republican politician ever.

Anti-gay is anti-Trump.

Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with Communist Russia. Once he had taken Western Europe, that was over.

You're not very bright.

If Obama wanted to institute politically correct tests for immigrants, you idiots would be calling him a gay leftist Muslim nigger.

But when Trump wants to institute politically correct tests for immigrants, you call him a brilliant 4D chess playing crypto-Nazi.

You Holla Forums Trump niggers are quite possibly the stupidest, most delusional retards I've ever met online.

So he wants to make it so you literally can't even get into this country anymore without loving fags and niggers?

The difference is that Obongo is a proven retard that has bumbled his way through the white house for 8 fucking years now and never had a career before being handpicked by kikes to be their star puppet, while Trump has decades of successes and a vastly documented track record. You are stupid and your embarrassing attempts at trying to fit in are cringeworthy

Because Trump has shown that he plays 4D chess time and time again. That said, you still did not explain why you have such a gay picture on your computer and schlomos dick up your ass and in your mouth while being so fussy about faggots. Self-hating much?

if the test is just
then I'm okay with it. 2/3s a pass right?

You guys are worse than the lugenpresse.

What? If Obama wanted to institute vetting for immigrants, I'd be questioning how closely his handlers are paying attention. That would be the single best decision he made as president, whether or not you want to slap on your buzzword to the vetting process or not.

And by the way, the narrative you're arguing for is inherently fallacious, because "politically correct" in the current sense dictates -not- vetting, or in any way questioning, muslim immigrants. Because it's wayciss. Are you okay, CTR?

They can just lie. Their religion literally allows them to lie.

Personally I'm in favor of a more traditional test. Toss them in a lake and if they don't sink they are witches and must be burned at the stake.

Of course it's 4D chess you kike. If leftists admit that wefugees can't pass these simple tests then they are admitting that their rape apes are incompatible with modern first world life. To say that these tests are unfair is to admit that the "moderate muslim" is a contrivance; the reality is the same old moslem swine who despise the freedom to even draw their prophet.

The whole family is investigated as well as their ties to groups and such. This is basically the same shit Trump has been saying he will do with OP focusing on the additional test because OP is a faggot. This will make terrorists have to go through considerable work to doctor and fabricate their backgrounds and connections just to get in.

I still think that this will lead to us having an easier time gathering evidence of who is funding and backing these people, both abroad and here. This is probably the primary thing along with keeping people out. Communication with people on the inside of the system on how to pass the exam will show who is funding these fucks.


That's stupid.

This is stupid.

Why are these people so stupid?

What is taqiyya?

I dunno, who cares, let's just ask them if they like fags and Christianity and freedom of not being a fucking Muslim slave, I'm sure they wouldn't lie to gain entry.
I mean, who would do that?


How retarded are you motherfuckers? Are you really unable to read past the first sentence or is this the "focused swarm" shilling CTR does?

Yeah, Muslims don't know how to lie.

You're right.

This is a clever gambit.

If he uses this to lead into a public exposure of the concept of taqiyya, I'll be very impressed.

Why are they not making Germany great again?
also, if it costs one Swede to keep out 1000 shitskin muzzies, I think that is a fair trade.


That's more like it.

We can hope.

What's to prevent them from lying?

Or from some liberal invigilator overseeing the test from helping them cheat?

Best solution is still to block all muslims from nations suspected of funding terrorism and doing a thorough background check on everyone wanting to enter. It may take years but screw them. If they want freedom that bad they can wait.

Shills are going to twist this, but fact is religious freedom, gender equality, and gay rights are values not held in high regard by shitskins.

This is a Muslim ban, but framed in a more normie-friendly way.

The most important thing though is that simply requiring a vetting process such as this will effectively slow immigration to a trickle compared to now. It will take time to do "through questionnaires, searching social media, interviewing friends and family or other means" to vet each immigrant one by one. Vetting each immigrant in this manner is sure to be a horribly inefficient and wasteful mess of red tape, and that's the whole point.





Why are Trumpcucks so predictable?


This is why he is doing a multi-stage screening. He has been saying that and it even alludes to this in the article. Did you people not read it?

That would be illegal then, if they allowed someone who ended up having radical ties. They'll start screening the screeners then and have an excuse to do so.



Its not hard, give them a 3 year probation under surveillance and if they're caught lying take their fingerprints, and permanently ban them from entering the country.

Trump isn't an idiot, it would take 2 minutes to think of something to stop them from doing that.

+ $0.10 shekels


Muslims have Taqqiya just for this.

Is your pay that bad that you're not even bothering to be subtle?

Or are you maybe doing it for free?

what they don't have is basic literacy which is why you heavily weight that in whatever "test" there might be

that alone eliminates 2/3 of the trash right off the bat

At least you're honest with yourself.

wew lad

All part of Trump's master plan, I guess.

Doing it for 0.10 dollar-shekels per post.

Clearly a test to filter out mudslides.


wtf I hate Trump now

Thanks for Correcting the Record

Any slime caught going to a mosque will have proven they lied on the entrance exam, and would be subject to deportation.

sexual degeneracy is anti-white. you're a fucking aids toilet. kill yourself.

Is "Alt-Right" actually just a lügenpresse term to describe fags who want lower taxes and immigration controls? The Nazis may have had homosexuals in there ranks, but there were no fags.

This. It's amusing the bind they will put terrorists in.

The average Holla Forumsack really is a simpleton.

Stop stimulating my sides, user.

one word:
Also, I don't want westernized shitskins either. Trump's original plan of banning all muslims was better.

hitler was biseksual and people were ok with it

wew lad what a fucking retard

Goodness gracious.

This is the equivalent of sticking your finger in a leaky pipe to plug it, and then have two more holes burst open.

You can't stop non-white immigration and the destruction of Western Civilisation, two consequences of (((tolerant liberalism))) by reinforcing the very values that have created this shitshow in the first place.

What this policy does is reinforce the idea that America is only a set of worthless liberal values, and suggests that allegiance to these (((values))) is more important than allegiance to the white race and the America nation.

I know people are screaming about "muh 4d chess", but this doesn't achieve anything other than entrench the degenerate ideology that's destroying us further into our society.

The only way we'll ever stop and reverse non-white immigration is by rekindling pride and self-respect in whites. None of this pussy-footing will ever solve the problem.

He is still doing background checks. He is still investigating people. This test is only one part of a large number of things they do to check the person entering and looking into their contacts. I don't see how thorough background checks on people coming in is somehow a bad thing. Unless you're a fucking idiot and didn't read the article.

Did any of you people read the fucking article? I've seen more literacy from a shitskin on crack. This is embarrassing.

Bump for the God Emperor. Indeed 4D CHESS

isn't this extreme vetting only for countries that are incompatible with it's liberal questions?

I'm referring to the "political correctness test", you fucking mong.

That is obvious you fucking nitwit. You're acting like one singular aspect of a larger effort to screen people, all the while not understanding the details of this nor comparing this to the intent of the screening process nor comparing that to his past actions and comments is somehow going to be the ruin of this shit. You're a fucking idiot and an over-dramatic faggot.

I sure as shit don't believe in any of those things.

I completely agree. You can't build a structure on a rotten foundation. It's the real problem with fair-weather right-wingers, they still accept the underlying principles that took us down this road.

You're completely missing the point.


this is perfect for an immigration test. you have to be non-violent and supportive of gays, which would keep out most africans and muslims. women, africans and muslims and asians, WHITE CHRISTIAN MALES, which would keep out most european cucklords.

and niggers. which would keep out everyone else.

No I'm not. He doesn't want people that will go around throwing fucker off of buildings because they feel offended by shit. You can still disagree with shit and try and see it removed from society without being a fucking jihadist. Trump is trying to bring on people who are actually smart enough to contribute to society and fix things without acting like fucking retards the minute that come across shit they dislike. This is an indirect way of dealing with the issue because the alternative is screaming gas the kikes race war now and actually staring violence. Anything else will get you ignored. Anything else will get you where David Duke and that guy in TN are in now, begging for money for campaign funds while having a hard time fending off the kikes. If you are ready for that, then go for it and we'll see how that works out.

Some of you faggots cannot think ahead for two seconds and are too given unto grand sentiments without actual practical application.

Thanks, user. That was a good speech for quotes.

The point of having an ideological litmus test without explicitly going against Islam is not suitable. Pussy-footing around the problem of Islam allows for the same rules brokering that brought us such joys as the Hart-Cellar act. Leftists don't like confrontation, it's part of why Trump has been successful, given them room to subvert with implicit language and they'll have a field day using pilpul and other bullshitting tactics, knowing that we won't say what we mean.

Further having a test like that establishes cultural values that aren't shared by actual Americans anyways.


This is horrible for an immigration test. You can't build anything great if your foundations are made of shit. These "liberal values" are the shit that is rotting the core of America.

It's another way of saying "we won't take any more nonwhite people" because nonwhites will fail the test no matter what.

It's all you can do without a violent revolt and an alteration of the laws since the laws as they are will not allow for it. How would he, from a legal standpoint, be able to push a ban on a people from a given religion? Claiming banning people from those countries will do nothing since they can go from other countries into the US. This is why he is taking this route because coming out against a given religion is akin to screaming gas the kikes which at that point, everything he has been doing will be a waste and used as fodder for the leftist outrage machine to push even worse shit.

Sure is Common Cuck in here

bump to counter the shills

I agree that it is, but why?
It needs to be more of a structural thing to stop needless shitposting. Not enforcement of left ideals.

What details of the test make it horrible? What questions are you taking issue with? This is the problem. You keep ignoring the manner in which the test will be used and who it will be used on. It's the muslim ban without saying it's the muslim ban.


That might be a good idea actually.

It is far from libertarian though.


(same guy)
I've already explained. The problem with this is that it reinforces the very values and ideology that got us into this mess in the first place. It's fighting fire with fire. Doubling down on these (((liberal values))) to stop some shitskins entering our country doesn't attack the problem at the roots - the liberal marxist anti-white agenda - but simply reinforces it.

None of this questions whether non-white/non-European immigration is bad in principle, it only suggests that non-whites have to accept destructive liberalism to come here.

This immigration policy basically makes it so that non-whites immigrants need to be twice as shitty to get in rather than just shitty.

This thread so far

Apex kek.

Anti gay is anti white.


fuck off, TRS

This basically bars 95% of Arabs and niggers from immigrating to the US, in addition to a significant portion of low-IQ Latin Americans. Why are renegays so buttthurt about this?

It makes it so that the non-whites that come here are weak and less likely to be reactive, combustible nitwits. The establishment of a country's ideals will not be determined or subverted by a test that is part of a larger screening process that is only being directed at terrorist countries. How weak would a countries ideals, how weak would the people of the society of a given country be if they could be defeated that easily by a test like this that is designed to weed out the more violent people and stop the strong horse/weak horse situation from taking place. At some point the people have to do some work. The local governments have to do some work and this is what the test is intended to be. It is part of a larger process and a good way to avoid legal disruptions to his larger goals. How would he be more discriminatory without getting into an argument about constitutional law then?

What is TRS?

Anti gay is anti white.

They really don't.

Isn't this already a thing?

Actually yes. It is part of the US citizenship test. They just word shit around the constitution which makes a lot of the complaining about it even sillier.

you cant fight this shit directly. you have to change peoples minds. getting someone that supports gays and immigrants, and turning them into someone that just supports gays is an important step to make.

removing gay acceptance is a different fight for another day. but it will be easy. and what trump is doing isnt making it any more difficult.

once we remove common core the kids wont be as indoctrinated and the gay thing will quickly go away. it is naturally detestable.

just like with beating jews… you cant just go full anti jew or it will turn people off. gotta go anti-bank first. anti-media… make people hate what they do… and they will naturally start making the connection.


Posting the same unfunny joke doesn't make it funny, user.

It's not a joke. It's reality. I know you're scared of the dick but it's okay the dick isn't going to come out and start raping you user.

The whole foundation of the west was created by raging butt fuckers.

Anti gay = Anti white. Deal with it.

Just give them an IQ test with the cutoff at 110. That would screen out just about everyone with bad psychometrics like psychopathy, high time preference, low impulse control and hypersensitivity to ridicule.

Gas-lighting nonce.

Sorry all scientific studies have shown those who express homophobia when their willies get hooked up to machines are are exposed to gay shit you get a tingle down there.

What's the matter user you see two men kissing and get a shame erection?

Hell is forever!

Hell isn't real.


oh… okay, that's fine too. Pretty good!
>and gay rights.
>and gay rights.
>and gay rights.
>and gay rights.

Trump is better than Hillary (and still more sincere than Cruz) by eons but he is not "god emperor"
Sadly you cartoon frog worshipers who place your faith in man will ignore reality in favor of idolatry and delusion

(same guy)
What kind of mental gymnastics does it take to rationalise this as good? Haven't you been paying attention? Non-whites don't need to be jihadis to pose a threat. The biggest threat to our race is the gradual demographic replacement we are undergoing, which this policy doesn't just not address, but REINFORCES with this very libshit ideology.
The "country's ideals" have already been subverted, you massive tard. Our whole nation is already inundated with liberal Marxist ideology. All this does is set a bad precedent and sends the message loud and clear to everyone both within our nation and without, that Americanism is synonymous with sucking off faggots and eating up liberal pluralistic ideals of tolerance. Our goal should be shifting away from these ideals not reinforcing them.
You're honestly completely clueless. The problem of immigrants doesn't lie with whether they are "strong and violent", you moron. The problem lies with their threat to our demographics. They have already invaded our country and are gaining ground every day without having to fire a single shot. Why would they need to when we're handing our entire country over to them on a silver platter? What this policy does is let in all the libshit anti-white shitskins who will only further promote our racial decline
Non-citizenz are not protected by the constitution. Trump could simply ban all immigration from "regions know for higher terrorism", which would potentially block the ME, South America and SouthEast Asia.

And this doesn't fight it at all - it reinforces the destructive ideology causing the death of our race
This policy doesn't change people's minds one bit. It reinforces the entrenched libshit ideology that got us here in the first place. You're not going to put out a fire by lighting another one.
No it's not. You don't even understand the underlying issue here. You will never convince a leftist while operating within their ideological framework and appealing to their moral sensbilities. It's simply impossible. This policy has no reservations against immigrants or non-whites in principle. All it does is say "you have to be extra pozzed to be an American citizen"
"Gay acceptance" is incredibly low hanging fruit compared to anti-immigrant stances.
This isn't anti-jew at all, though. It reinforces the Jewish weapon used against whites for centuries - liberal marxist ideology.

Spencer is radix, not TRS. Get your memes straight.

as much as i hate degenerate fags, i'd raher have them than bloodthirsty mudslimes

Yes, I too would love to gas the kikes race war now reclaim Evropa heil fucking Hitler restore Byzantium, pragmatism be damned.

They're not degenerate, user. They are abomination.

Nope they hooked your little wieners up to electrodes and whenever you see gay shit the blood rushes thorough your johnsons you like gay sex and the image of a big juicy penis excites you user. It's ok as soon as you learn to accept that you can let go of all your hate.

You don't have to go full drag queen and start fucking dudes just admit you shorts get a little tighter when you see two men together. You'll learn to love yourself and the white race even more. Anti gay is anti white there is no getting around it.



Talk about devoid of reality. A white America act sailed away a long time ago. It's not coming back and no amount of you crying on Holla Forums will ever get it back. Trump is trying to win. If he did that he would lose. He wouldn't be 2-5% down in polls he'd be down 20.

This is why you're sitting on Holla Forums and not a campaign manager for anyone or in any way involved in politics. You have to work with what you've got.

Whites may end up a voting bloc in the future worth catering to but us our numbers decline you'll never get what you want. Trump is the only one who might stem the tide even if it's just by 1% that 1% is the best chance you going to get, you worthless fucking nigger.

im gonna stop you right there. keeping 3rd worlders out of our country is fighting "it".

the rest of your argument is about how the 1st step doesnt do anything thats in the 2nd step.

gay acceptance being easy to quell is my point. immigration is our largest problem. thats my point.

And then they would come in through other countries, especially when you have european governments that would love to subvert this system. Canada themselves are getting ready to try and subvert the wall. You're a fucking idiot and faggot if this is not clear by now. This is why the multistep screening is in place. And your muzzie ban does nothing to stop the very people you are upset about as well, the fucking liberals, sjws, and jews. This plan as a whole can but it is aimed at stopping jihadists and terrorists. A mere region ban is not enough.

A simple test that is barely different than the citizenship test as far as we can tell, is not going to change things especially when there are other things taken into consideration during the screening process you fucking idiot. The only person who would be flustered by this is some idiot that can't contain his powerlevel and spergs out screaming gas the kikes every two seconds.

You're a damned fucking idiot and a blight on the white race. A simple test would not fix this. So not only do you want to run around screaming gas the kike every two seconds, you want the government to fix all your problems instead of realizing that this is just one part of fixing a complex issue without using undue force.

This is not reinforcing them any more than the citizenship test. It's made to keep terrorists out. The rest is up to us and local governments. It's like you fucks forgot that shit existed.

That said, I find it amusing that despite all the lugenpresse has done and we still have idiots not reading between the lines and buying into their spin. Hot damn.

Muh 18d chess
Trump dundu nuffin

They have to give their fingerprints initially anyway.

Please read the actual process and documents for Visas and immigration, knowledge will only help your arguments.

If the cuck media wanted to attack Trump on gays they'd use an anti-gay angle, not pro. That's why the article is focusing on muzzies.

Hi Sinead. Still fucking niggers?

Call them anti-white, user.

Enjoy your cult faggot.

So that's a yes.

Reminder that this is the whore who's behind this thread

please. this isnt a complex issue. its just a jew agenda that has hijacked our country, government, and culture to the very core for the past 100+ years.

this shits easy to remove. you just shift away from it. thats it. just shift away. and keep shifting until its not a problem anymore.

dont bother fixing 1 problem at a time. that will just make things worse.


It's called commons sense and not giving a fuck about the interests of the elite.

Think long term. Yes, you do get white folk, but those white folk would be unlikely to breed in comparison to the minorities here that do it constantly. As a result, you would get a huge amount of minorities with libshit opinions. That would be disastrous.

Are you secretly an anti-sodomite for being critical of anti-sodomites? :^)

But won't they just lie? Why not just shut down all immigration? Labor participation is at the lowest levels ever, people on government assistance are at the highest level ever and we're not facing any kind of population shortage. Why does no one ever ask the question: why do we need immigration at all at this point in time?

Yeah, we do have to protect our faggots from outsider invaders.

I oppose animal cruelty, but I don't believe animals have rights, hell I don't even believe humans have any inherent rights.

It's a great idea because he know muslims can't pass the test. Briliant idea

You can't just shift away when the whole legal system can be brought in to fuck up anything you do. At the end of the day either he follows the law or he doesn't. If he does the latter, then he needs to use force, which is very unlikely. How do you fix this problem within the confines of the law, and no shutting down all immigration is not the fucking answer since that fucks over white immigrants and puts a strain on relation with white nations and shitting down immigration from terrorist countries will lead to terrorists flooding white countries even greater than before to get into here from there.

It is unless you intend to use force for everything. Trump can only do so much without shitting everywhere.

That would fuck over white europeans. It would also give other countries an incentive to shut down immigration of Americans to other regions and so on.

Are you Sinead, the clown at Renegayde Broadcasting or the loser who runs Ropeculture.something ?

Sinead you have to go back, the Earth isn't flat.



when you see that picture it's either:

A) Sinead
B) the Renegayde Broadcasting loser
C) the Ropeculture.something loser


I've defended homo's this entire thread but I can't defend mud sharks. Disgraceful.

Daily fucking reminder that the congress has within it's power the ability to create any test for entrance they want.




also, this is great politics. how can the lefties even argue with this? imagine the headlines….

4d chess, bro. 4d chess

rome and ancient greece collapsed because of decadence. degenerate hearsay is grounds for execution.