Whats wrong with anti-racism? Whats wrong with feminism...

Whats wrong with anti-racism? Whats wrong with feminism? Whats wrong with trying to make the world easier for old and disabled people?
Sometimes i feel like people here confuse their anti-liberalism(or as internet calls it anti-SJWism) with being anti right causes that left-liberals are fighting for, with their wrong methods.
Don't get me wrong liberalism, and political correctness should be fought against, but it is not a bigger problem then racism itself.

And before You will start shouting about how Marxism is only about material conditions I'd like to remind You that left is not only Marxism, but rather older movement all about freedom, equality and brotherhood(or sisterhood).

Equality, because it's bullshit.

There's nothing wrong with feminism
/anti-racism in the face of genuine oppression, but most incidents that liberals deem racist or sexist really aren't. The whole Black Lives Matter movement is based on false accusations of racism. There's nothing to suggest that the various incidents of supposed police brutality were racially motivated. Ferguson was a socioeconomic issue, not a race one.

This. I knew this black guy in high school who went to Stanford and had a perfect SAT. White boys can't compete with that.

Because you've turned it into harassment and hate campaigns designed not to promote equality, but bully your opponents.

Nothing wrong with these things. However, they are symptoms of a competition based society. The liberal left wants to hide the symptoms and not solve the fundamental societal problem of capitalism. As long as they are not opposed to capitalism they are not fighting for freedom and equality. They use the misfortunes of others to make themselves feel better by pretending to care.

What I meant to say here was that the problems anti-racism and feminism address are symptoms of a competition based society.

What lies behind the SJW movement is not opposition to racism or sexism, but the very racial and gender supremacist ideology that animates those things. It's an authoritarian para-fascist movement in a thin coat of leftist rhetoric; don't mistake opposition to them for support of racism or sexism.

What's wrong with competition? You would prefer to live in a society where nobody competes with each other? No sports or fun allowed? Everybody has to play nice? You're such a faggot.

It distracts us from the struggle to end all struggles, class struggle. Once it is eliminated all other struggles will be eliminated.

fuck off anita

Did he later become the best cornerback in the game and pwn the shit out of Michael Crabtree?

So you want to live in a society where everyone is sedated, lazy, comfortable and numb? A world without adventure?

Kurdish men must be a bunch of pussies.

Nice bait, retard, I'll bite. Capitalism creates a society where people are literally pitted against each other for survival, this breeds intense animosity. Competition for entertainment purposes has nothing to do with this. Now go kill yourself.

It wasn't bait as I'm being sincere. Do you really consider something bait because you disagree with the premise? Do you only respond to points you agree with?

inherently, nothing. The proletariat has no race, gender, or sexual identity. I'd go as far to say that racism and the left are like oil and water, as soon as someone starts being racist, they immediately cease to be truly leftist.
A problem comes in when people try to use anti-racism or feminism as a way of shifting the discussion away from class issues (see that screenshot "why marxism is racist" or whatever it was). And, more insidiously, when cultural capitalists use anti-racism and feminism for their own profit (see Deray McKesson using his popularity as a voice of anti-racism to sell sponsored tweets for McPorkies).
If you start to look out for "Buy my book/Subscribe to my blog/Fund my kickstarter and you'll help end sexism/racism!" you'll notice it's everywhere in anti-racist and feminist circles.
That's the problem.

Oh please. If you are sincere then you really are retarded.

I call it bait because your lack of comprehension is lower than I expect from someone who can write.

This has nothing to do with anything.

This is misrepresentation of what I said and is a straw man.

Sorry, just meant your comprehension is lower.

They divide up the working class and promote solidarity between classes.These concepts also paint a false picture of reality in which the major problems are society faces are due to intolerance and that the system itself is fundamentally alright. It doesn't help that a lot of the issues that idpolers bring up aren't even actual examples of sexism or racism like the pay-gap myth or rape culture hysteria on college campuses.

Yes, not wanting to base social interactions on the implied threat of death means not only opposing but actively prohibiting all instances of consensual competition.

Wow, you're so smart, you totally saw through his leftist bullshit.

*tips fedora*

No it wasn't.

wew lad

Nothing is wrong with those things.

People on here tend to talk obsessively about PC liberalism, about SJW shit, because they normally can't talk about it elsewhere. Fortunately, this trend of not being able to discuss PC zealotry appears to be subsiding. Unfortunately, every other place to discuss left-wing politics already believes Holla Forums is the devil because someone insulted them or whatever.

when will this meme die

The basic concept of feminism (equal opportunity for women) is not bad. In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find people who disagree with it. It only starts to look like cancer when you get into the schizophrenic philosophy that managed to get married to the concept. Reality is sexist, because it resembles a penis. The world-wide mad deadly communist gangster patriarchy is at the heart of all oppression. Feelings > rationality. It is like a caricature of postmodern philosophy that postmodernists inexplicably actually take seriously.

This. You won't find anyone on here that disagrees with the basic idea of gender equality on here. It's all the other baggage that feminism carries that makes a lot of people hostile to the ideology around here.


Guys, if you want to actually get something done, if you want to actually inflict some wounds on this specific,virtue signalling, PC-pushing, feels b4 reals dogmatic fourth-wave feminism then just start calling it "American feminism" to remind everyone that it's been reduced to a trend for spoiled American college brats.

It's become racist.

It has become the monster it fought.

I don't know… Am not a neoliberal!

I like that idea!
Goes well with my poor opinion on 'Murica.

We cannot let then hijack feminism.

Breaking news: most feminists outside the states deeply loathe 4th wave feminism.

Feminism has been causing shit for the left wing since the First International.

I thought it was 3rd!

They are multiplying too fast!
US was always backswords in intellectual trends.

Illiberal anti-racism and illiberal feminism are fine. Liberal anti-racism and liberal feminism are shit. Pic related.

fuck, that's a good pic

Far-left Twitter can occasionally produce gold.

Anti-racism is just code word for trying to get low-IQ people to be able to do things they just can't.

Literally the only people who care about IQ in politics are baffled dictators with a pathological need for hierarchy.

Because the memes I study in place of theory told me so.


Bullshit. Maybe ten years ago but sjws are a global phenomenon now.

You misunderstood me. I don't support feminism of any variety. It's all idpol to me. I have no interest in being associated with any form of the movement.


Here. Let's all study some feminist theory.

le reverse racism maymay.

Come on now. It's true that modern anti-racism is just a diluted, post-colonial circlejerk. It is retarded, yes. But anti-racism is and always will be salvageable for as long as capitalism exists.

PoC is a more racist term than Nigger.

Reverse racism isn't a meme. It's a misnomer. Reverse racism is just racism.

I agree. It basically lumps all ethnic groups into some shapeless brown mass. It really illustrates the problem with modern "anti-racism". It complete buys into the meth addiction narrative of the 19th and 20th century and strips people of their agency and identity.

PoC, PoC, PoC, PoC, PoC, PoC, PoC

I am one-hundred percent PoC

These types of movements pin the blame on people within the working class, ie all white males poor and rich, which only serves to divide the working class.

We only need to promote anti-discrimination under capitalism to the point where people are willing to fight along side eachother in revolution, not to protect feelings.