Who hasn't played the Joker that you think would make a good Joker?

Who hasn't played the Joker that you think would make a good Joker?

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Johnny Depp

Idris Elba.

watson would have killed harley quinn but fuck you capeshitters

Except that the character of Quinn is literally a Jew, look that shit up

scarjo post-facejob ('05 ish) or thora birch had she not given up acting would've been perfect in this case

Interesting but I still think casting wise she would have been a great choice as a devilish sidekick, I'm not into comics or anything of the like though.

Scarjo just bores me. Thora Birch could have been ok

Jim Carrey

he already played The Riddler and it sucked

I thought that was due to direction since Tommy Lee Jones did the same with Two-Face.

That bitch has a forehead the size of the moon.

I didn't suggest it I dont think shes attractive really

Oh shit, I just remembered Kat Dennings.

I fear she might be too obnoxious.

Outside of TAS the Riddler is just Joker Lite, not much to work with.


based Tommy Lee



Hmmm… Mila Kunis perhaps?
I'm trying to think of kikess sluts that have the necessary assets and I just remembered she was in that godawful American Psycho "sequel".


thats pretty funny

Well, at least now I know what Jim Carrey's going to look like in his old age.


Willem Dafoe

>"Farewell, shark-bait"

Peter Stormaire

kunis is shit

m8, that is Jim Carrey…

Willem Dafoe would be a fucking amazing Joker.

Holy shit. He would make a good Joker.

Now this I want to see.

Only a genius could make such cringe. Genius!

Yeah, I figured. It's just the hair and the beard seem to conflict each other, making him look young and old at the same time. Take away that hair, and he'll physically age by about 10 years.

If his voice was dubbed over by Mark Hamill, he'd be the best Joker.