After all those years you finally found a 3dpd qt

how would you react?.

reaction images are welcome.

would you dodge the bullet and forgive her?



preteen love is the purest love there is.
you just know she doesn't love you for your money or to take care of her used up rosties because she's old and no Chad wants her antmore

burn the coal, pay the toll

I have done myself and my waifu a great dishonour, I do what needs to be done.


You deal with it and move on. A lesser woman would have kept it secret from you indefinitely. The "used goods" meme is just that, a meme, and you don't throw away a whole person just cause they're a little scuffed up. Its an often unspoken agreement among normie couples not to talk about past sexual encounters, especially ones that happened while drunk at a party. Learn something from them and thank her for disclosing this, but agree never to mention this sort of thing again.

Or you can fuck up your prospective future with her and take your chances at finding another m8 and tell the used goods whore to fuck off for some sucker who is just as trash as she is.

Don't you have any self-respect, mate?


Yeah but, unlike, say, you – I don't have to settle for the bargain bin. I've cut others out for less, I can do it again, until I find a shoe that fits.

Or you're old and going to die lonely or with someone way less than what you had before.

Don't be so certain life is going to go the way you want it to. It's ruined better people than you.

Virgins are a meme


I'd as her to tell me who it was so i could watch him fuck her on our honeymoon

My standards aren't actually all that glamorous, tbh, but a red flag's a red flag, and I've more than enough experience to recognize that these types aren't worth my patience. There's always another fish,

so you would break up with her few days before your wedding?

Definitely leave her, that shit would haunt you the rest of your lives together.

Become an internet Nazi.


Oh god its the algayrien and his shitty threads.

That's the only time to do it.

Pam Pam!

I wouldn't give the 3DPD the chance to tell me she is a coal burning whore, because she is 3DPD and therefore shit, and not worth my time