I would be a leftist because I believe in issues related to social class but the idiots of the world have made it impossible for me to join the left because modern leftism is all based on gender and race identity politics and deeply triggering and problematic racism.

ALL THE LEFTIST GROUPS with actual political influence in the Western World do the following basic things.

1. Agitate for mass immigration thus BETRAYING THE WORKING CLASS of whatever nation they do that in.

2. Protect islam from any criticism and allow for its most woman hater aspect to be practiced in the West and throughout The World.

3. Agitate for womens restrooms to be opened to transgendered men.

4. Incite people of color against White people in The West and throughout tthe world.

5. Incite people against christianity while protecting other faiths from criticism.

WHAT IS THE POINT OF studying all these very interesting and often times accurate socialist theories when the modern socialists don't follow them?

Why be a leftist when the left is ruining the world right now?

Dude, most of the things you listed are things we also hate. The left is mostly dead yo. The "left" you see today are fools who want to give capitalism a cute cheap makeover that won't solve anything. We're tired of this shit too.

OP is spooked

We have this thread every day. Lurk more

Fucked up the sage

OK but whats the answer to those concerns

this basically, lurk moar

you can't name three actual left wing groups with power or influence.

nationalism is a spook. the international proletariat must work together. "mass immigration" (mass refugee movements) is the result of imperialism and it won't end until capitalism ends.

weird, my favorite leftist groups the YPG and PKK are fighting a dual front against ISIS and Erdogan, both Islamist nutcases

so first you're a feminist who wants to save women from the evil muslims, but now you're angry that some poor depressed tranny will get to use the restroom she wants to use.

yeah the left wing has a horrible history of inciting all sorts of racial conflict, such as slave revolts and the civil rights movement

tell that to liberation theology, immensely popular with hundreds of millions all around the world


Dude… maybe the left wing groups I have in mind you would not consider left but the force that has co opted the left and its intellectual heritage in the western world is doing everything I mentioned.

What is called the left whether it be genuine left or not is basically a force for spreading islam in the western world.

So if you call yourself leftist and talk about all these true theories how is it not just mental masturbation that is ultimately impotent on teh political level due to the true left being co opted by those who do nothing except serve the islamist agenda?

Seriously what is the point of being left when it has been co opted by a bunch of people who are in essence just spreading islam? By protecting it from criticism and agitating for largescale muslim immigration and by enocuraging western males to be castrated in transgender rituals

lol you ignored the whole post
just fuck off to Holla Forums and jack off to aryan woman while telling yourself what an ally to the working people you are
you know that's what you want to do


Does anyone have an answer to my concerns? I would like to be a leftist but I just need an answer to what I brought up.

I would prefer that Western civilization not become ruled by Sharia law a couple centuries from now and if someone can give me something that would indicate a person can be leftist without destroying The West I would really appreciate it.

Because the destruction of the West would just lead to it becoming islamic a couple centuries from now at the most.


my answer is lurk more faggot

Whatever man

I'm gonna be a real idiot here and respond to you as if you're not a troll

This isn't the left, while you can point to leftist orginizations that are for open borders you could also point to the capitalist who hire illegals. It's no different than when the capitalist exports their factories, though it's slightly cheaper for them to skirt the rules because they don't have to import their goods to the US. If you don't think the right is for immigration into tightly packed factories, you're taking a snooze and ignoring the world around you in favor of easily digestible Fox News clips. Cmon dudeo.

You do realize radical Islam in its current for is a direct result of the American right, not just because of the cliched line of argument about our military interventionalism but because of the American right funding these groups in order to combat secular nasserism which was seen as an anti-capitalist ideology. I can provide some sources if you want, but it's too much to green text here. Maybe I'll finish that shitty bunkermag article I'm working on on the subject.

Why do you care? Do you think women can't even go to the bathroom with you vigilantly protecting them? Why are you so concerned with women's safety but ignoring the actual threats which women in America are actually threatened by? It's not trannies that women are afraid of, that's a little tip for you.

Okay so we're just onto Holla Forums memes now. Racial division is usually a result of divide and conquer strategies of rule. We believe in the solidarity of all working people. You're honestly going to need to be a lot more specific if you want any real answers

See above

despook yourself

what does despook yourself mean?

We talk about this shit all the time. Lurk more. As I already said it before, those Islamist groups advocating for the implementation of Sharia Law need to be crushed and gulaged immediately just like the neocons, the neoliberals, the social liberal pansies, the social democrats, etc. You need to lurk more potential comrade.

It's a meme, basically it means examine your beliefs a bit harder. Or it means 'agree with what I say' depending on the poster who uses it.

I see, haha.

I don't know I will think about some of this stuff.

I really like that documentary about venezuela "the revolution will not be televised" and was really into latin american socialism when chavez was in power.

So I will think about being left but… who knows

every time

read stirner

If you think the usage of spook on leftypol in its meme form is the same as Stirner's usage you're literally an idiotic internet intellectual.

Spooks are just illusions. I think that statue dude just meant what it basically implies when used against another person. That is, examine your own beliefs in order to see them as what they are. Illusions.

You need to read more. Check older threads for reading material potential comrade.

Sure I will look into some older threads

o k

The left wing groups you consider left wing are not left wing in the sense we understand it unless they are first and foremost anticapitalist.

Listen to
Most of those people are fools intending to give capitalism a cute superficial makeover.
We, the socialists, wish to abolish capitalism.

No, this is patric.

No. Plz. No.
The working class is not "the ones supposed to be working".
If it wasn't immigrands it would be automation. We head towards less work needed. THE SYSTEM IS THE PROBLEM!

Now, with that said, mass immigration is an issue. Because of far deeper reasons than "THE TOOK R JOBZ".

Read the FAQ.
FAQ. We have more important problems than wether or not a guy will be shitting next door to a girl.

This is racist.
So, … … In china it's against whites?
Stop being racist and see the real enemy. The capitalists.



We are the modern socialists.
The one you think about are liberals and SocDems soon to be Nazis.

This whole post reeks with Americuck ideology and not worth responding to, but I'll pick at the most moronic point.

Firstly, it would be transwomen. Secondly, it works both ways. I see plenty of FtMs begging allowance to use the men's washroom. Anycase, there are also unisex washrooms, like the one in your house or in washrooms specified for staff members. Perhaps it would be better ensuring privacy for your wastes regardless of what you identify as, since, after all, we all excrete. Why do you care so much, anyway, which plumbing a human being chooses when they have to piss or shit? Here's a fun tidbit though, after all this BS against transgenders (hurr is mental disordurrr, they tryna' rape muh kids, muh wife), ciswomen have been harassed and accused of being dude's hiding in the restroom by cismen.

Whatever, though. Those in the LGBTQ community will fight for as much regardless of whether they vote democrat (like Misty Snow) or republican (like Caitlyn Jenner). Right now, the left has bigger problems and our association is only marginal or simply pretense; the point is to cut off artificial inequality at its roots not merely allay the symptoms of enterprise culture.

Fuck off. Don't even lurk more. Instead, read Das Kapital.

No need to be defensive and call the post moronic. You and your ideology are not under attcak just voicing genuine concerns.

The implication behind mentioning the transgender bathroom issue thing was it seems to be that a lot of attention is focused on it when there are other things more worthy of mass attention.

I am not saying some people shouldnt focus on the bathroom issue. I am saying that it doesnt warrant mass attention. Its more like the sort of thing for specialized activists to focus on.


Lok it gets old calling people faggot on the internet. It just gets old. But whatever you probably have to deal with people from pol so I don't blame you.



We have this sort of thread every week, and it's all tired arguments from top to bottom. Why should I respect someone with such tunnel vision that they blame a persuasion of rather little academics (often called SJWs) for all the decay of an entire hemisphere's culture?


Thanks comrade. Saved me from writing an answer to this muh privileged OP fag.

They'll never admit it lad.

The 'left' today is cultural marxism. The orthodox marxists (traditional left) are an irrelevant minority. The main forces on the left today, some may still be socialists/communists at heart but since the USSR got hoop and snapped they see that selling socialism purely on the economic is a non-starter. So they instead seek to change culture first.

Borders are a perfectly rational construct along which the working class should orgainse. Even your beloved Lenin knew that you have to fix your own country before worrying about the rest of the world.

pls do. The Muslim Brotherhood is the root of the modern islamic cancer and predates Nasser substantially.

Unless you're going to start quoting from 'Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy to the Middle East'…

Basically what satan here said, OP.