Jew York Times "Donald Trump is Making America Meaner"

I know (((Main Stream Media))) is a load of bullshit, but this hit piece against Trump made me happy.

To summarize for those that can't read…

Now this would be just another article coming from msm, but this should show us something. Thanks to Trump, anti-establishment rebellion, and memes we are finally breaking through and attracting the youth to our cause. This is something the left has prospered on since the 60s constantly pushing that what was considered liberal just a few years ago is now boring establishment pushing the youth further and further left. But now we are the anti-establishment, we are the appealing option for the youth that wants to "fight the power." Even if Trump looses this rigged election we will win the war.


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it's great because it's actual genuine anti-establishment sentiment and not manufactured alternative establishment bullshit that only exists to sell marked up t-shirts.

I've noticed that millenials are the most polarized generation. You're either pissed off about the direction we are headed, or a complete degenerate retard


i agree. the funny thing is the left is still trying to depict itself as the underdog…

Is there a term for this effect? The closer they get to implementing this Commie hell, the harder it will become.

I noticed another example NYT propaganda earlier, but did not feel as if it deserved it's own thread. However, this user appears to be attempting to maintain vigilance so I will contribute here.

He Likes Trump. She Doesn’t. Can This Marriage Be Saved?:

Essentially the article argues that it is morally defensible to argue in favor of couples getting divorced if one of them supports Donald Trump for president.

Every person or group of people that is mention in the article are Kikes.
The jew-harpy even goes as far as to contact her lawyer because he doesn't back down. Well hes a Jew too so you know this whole tale is staged.
It concludes with the kike cuck professing his love and maintaining that he will vote libertarian and not republican this year.
These kikes are shameless.


sounds like diminishing returns to me.

Someone needs to ban this avatarfagging cockmongler

Agree. Or they're the apathetic type that rather not take notice at all.

filtered and reported

I'm really getting annoyed at how they aren't even hyphenating "African American" anymore. It was bad enough with the hyphen.

The way leftists have fucked this country, they're lucky people are rallying around someone as nice as Trump.

lel, they're going to go completely insane when he wins.

*be shitskin fishmouthed mongoloid*

They can't put this back how it was anymore. It worked after 9/11, when the media were able to pound it into everyone's heads that real Muslims are totally okay, but between current events and constant scab-picking by Trump and our people, their gay little multikult game is coming apart.

The comment section is made of confused and scared lefties

Isn't great? and look how much attention it has garnered. We are bleeding in and staining there chances.

God I hate libs

Four years ago, I never saw a bunch of beaners attacking Romney supporters until now.

Gas yourself.

post some, it always takes me forever to whitelist the scripts to read comments

The jews are now making up stories that Trump is tired and confused.
Pathetic little people.

I keep seeing this meme spread everywhere.

The thing they completely fail to realize is that this is the end result of their actions.

You can't be an anti-establishment Liberal. If you're a teenager then literally all of your cognizant young life has been dominated by a liberal president and people saying how good that is. You can't go into soft niche hobbies(comic books, video games, ect.) to decompress because that same establishment is trying to bring them out for a quick buck. They're telling you everything's fine but you have no goddamn money and outside of the MSM everyone you see on your social media, even getting past filters, is in bad shape.

Even if by some miracle you believe in the system they set up and vote for Bernie, a weedy beta career politician, it's now apparent you never had a chance even if you threw in what little you had.

When Trump says it's Clinton and Obama's fault, he's directly blaming *the man*. They're so out of touch they don't even seem to realize they've been the authority people want to rail against. Even if the average 18 year old doesn't know exactly who founded ISIS or why the economy is in the shit they'll usually know about proxy wars and maybe glass-stegal and that the liberals aren't exactly innocent there, if not being directly complacent.

If you're a young punk, Trump is an easy way to rebel. You put in your vote and that scares the shit out of mom and dad and the teachers you always hate and the asshole's you don't like.

But what about muh aging white men on the wrong side of history?

I still want to believe that the MSM really believes the things they say, but it's hard to reconcile such doublethink. You say that Trump supporters are all aging white men and that youngsters are all obedient Marxism-loving cocksuckers, but then you go and cite evidence that this is not true. It's pretty clear that a lot of reporters are consciously lying.

No it didn't, nobody liked anyone who was a muslim after 9/11

I've been this way since I can remember, aka obviously before trump, I grant them he's woken up some bluepill plebs, this is a good thing, and mean? Nowhere mean enough, a bloody revolution has been past due since before even my grandfather was born.

Tolerance is what got us into this disgusting, kike-run mess. Let's see what vigilance and vengeance get us this time around.

Dan Stackhouse NYC 9 hours ago

Good points Larry Lundgren. I think the change is, these racists got the notion that their unthinking hatred was acceptable. Shame kept them quiet before, but now that the GOP candidate is nodding and winking in approval, they think racism is completely reasonable and should be loudly promoted, whenever they're in mob form. It's scary and it happens all over, Rwanda was a particularly nasty recent example.

Ryan Wei Hong Kong 33 minutes ago

"Hate" itself is not important. The question is, is that hate good?

White males, sensing their zero sum power slipping, are naturally going to hate the people causing their decline. Minority and women, sensing an (albeit largely exaggerated) oppression at the hands of white males, may well hate their oppressors. Nothing wrong with either of those positions.

But the two hates are not equal. Humanistic values, including social egalitarianism, is regressive. It is a failure in every society it's been tried, especially wealthy first world countries, where people fight over the slightest offenses, and where political interests are dominated almost exclusively by identity.

So sure, a country can progress towards nationalism based only on ideology, without emotional attachments. But people are emotional beings, and this is not realistic. If hate can help create a nationalistic and patriarchal society, then let them hate.

Mark Dobias Sault Ste. Marie , MI 9 hours ago

America is psychopathic. Meanness is just one of the symptoms.

Superficial charm and glibness. Check. Look at American mass media culture And how relationships are treated ( or mistreated ).

Inflated sense of self -worth. Check. USA, USA USA …. Little or no respect for other societies, nations or cultures unless it financially suits us.

Constant need for stimulation. Check. A throw away consumer society. 24 hour news cycle blathering away with lots of noise but very little signal. A market-driven throwaway popular culture.

Pathological lying. Check. History and current events are automatically revised to suit the needs of those in power. Concealment and misrepresentation of crucial and important facts to the American citizens.

Lack of remorse or guilt, callousness, lack of empathy, etc. Check. We are addicted to war. It is the fault of The Peoples of the Middle East that the place is in such dire shape. Our healthcare system. Our prison and criminal justice system. One would swear that the Statue of Liberty has a cudgel in her hand as she scans the horizon for Syrian refugees.

Irrresponsibility, being impulsive blaming others and refusing to except responsibility. Check. See above.

Lack of realistic long-term goals. Check. We have never been known for strategic planning for our society. We lurch from crisis to crisis. And then blame others and/or rewrite history.
And then blame others and/or rewrite history.

John LeBaron MA 7 hours ago

If Donald Trump failed to grow up at age 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60, there's no hope for a maturity miracle at age 70. Even if he were to scrub-up real nice, nothing would change in his core which has been on display for decades. Watch the videos if you have the stomach for them.

So there's no hope that "Trump and his aides will soon come to recognize that words have consequences." The candidate has no concern for the American social fabric. His campaign is all about him and the sound of his own voice. There's no care for his party, his country, his voting constituents, or the world at-large. He is more important than all of these things.

Whatever happens in November, as he himself has declared he will go back to a "nice" life, leaving – as always – other people to put out the fire he will have ignited. To add insult to injury, he'll keep dousing it with kerosene.

aka cuckstianity.


hen3ry is a trusted commenter New York 2 hours ago

No, this is not yet Kristallnacht. And that's what frightens many people who are not with Trump. Some of us do remember or we've read our history and know that this is how Kristallnachts are created: by a person who says all the petty, horrible, mean and prejudiced things the rest of us may think when times are bad. That is what Trump is doing. By saying that Second Amendment people can take care of Clinton, claiming that Obama and Clinton are founders of ISIS, and other lies, Trump is setting the stage for just such an event. Saying that he would block Muslims from coming here does lead one to wonder what he's going to do about the Muslims already here. Calling people losers because they disagree with him, saying that the Russians should find more emails to release in order to influence the election, and whatever else he's going to say in the weeks leading up to the election should frighten everyone. He is encouraging the worst in people. Is this the sort of person we want running our country?

The GOP started this process with Reagan, continued it with Bushes Sr and Jr, and went to town when we elected Obama. The GOP has consistently supported bigots, worked against the middle and working classes, refused to admit that other countries solutions could work here(health care, unions, education), and refused to help all but the richest corporations and citizens recover from the 2008 recession. They are still doing it. Shame on them and shame on us if we vote for Trump.

Well, I'm done going through all the shit they post.
I'm just curious how long it would take for them to go from "We must love everyone !" to "All non white must die." if I dropped them in one of these multicultural places.

Top Kek.

Such dishonesty!

The guy in that picture is 74 years old and looks like a hard 40. Goddamn, Trump supporters really are more attractive.

He should tell his wife to lay off the hair dye. That might happen on its own once her politics are fixed up, though.

I'm going to move to a place with a greater density of whites so I don't have to face the consequences of my multicultural stupidity.

You do realize that both you avatarfag and sageposter are the laughing stock of this board right ? The only thing you ever do is shill, slide or give your opinions about which nobody cares

You sound like this is news to you.

That's pretty based for a chink.

I'm not saying I'm beginning to dislike christianity, but DAMN.

I don't mind if their prettiest, lightest skinned girls stay.

Everyone else has to go back, though.

Just wait until the debates. Those lies will melt like peeps in the rain.

can you shut the fuck up and never come back to my board