Everything (EVERYTHING) you do has a chain reaction

Everything (EVERYTHING) you do has a chain reaction..
prove me wrong

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Everything (EVERYTHING) you do has a chain reaction..

I'm spinning my fidget spinner right now

what chain reaction does that have?

You are wrong

You're mom had a chain reaction after I fucked her last night.

it's a very good song

why do you spin it?

for kicks

for kicks = chainreaction

no it isn't

define chain reaction


fite me fgt.

spinning it makes you feel something "for kicks" feel makes you act differently then if you didn't spin it and had a feel, (perhaps it relaxes you) the things you do from that feel makes you do other stuff, your future has changed, everything including things that happens in other galaxies have a effect on our in the future.
spin > reaction > feel > reaction > unknown > reaction > and so on > reaction….

What is the chain reaction of nothingness?

everything has a reaction on something else = chain reaction.

it's impossible to do nothing unless your dead, dead = chain reaction

it's impossible to do nothing unless your dead, death = chain reaction

doing nothing have no reaction on the other things and that is a reaction it self? i don't get it..
no reaction = reaction?

I'm not doing anything.

How could you do nothingness though? As soon as you "do" nothing, you're no doing something. You're no longer doing nothing


That's a solipsistic fallacy. When the body dies it is still attached to samsara.

There is nothing to be done.
There is no self to do it.

don't pull it back and it will react in it being still


It's still oscilating at an atomic and sub-atomic level

lets say you sit and do nothing.
you're still aware you don't do nothing: thats a thought.
if you're brain dead and can't think, your body still work, your hearth beats and organs works, you use air, food, water, and poop, your poop

pooping for an example has a chain reaction.

energy can't stop existing, so even when you die, your energy still exist.. your life and death had a reaction, but lets say that your energy stop existing, that will have a reaction, and further on since not existing things has a reaction on existing things, it doesn't change them.
not chancing has a reaction to

Not if you're doing nothing, including not having awareness.

Not if you're fully aware of doing nothing.

I am not the body. I am not the brain. True self is without form.

don't pull it back and it will react in it being still
not reacting = reaction.
i am right, prove me wrong

This guy gets it

But again, you can't "do" nothing. Nothing isn't a "thing," it's the lack of a thing. As soon as you even "think" of nothingness, you're thinking of the concept of nothingness, ergo not nothingness. Everything you have talked about so far has been the chain reactions of "things."

say bob doesn't talk to alice
alice react differently then if bob had talked to her

thinking of nothingness is thinking.
but what you do not do, still does something.


Go and play Life is strange you fatass

thinking of nothingness is thinking.
not reacting has a reaction

say bob comes in here, and does not post, it will not have a reaction on us, and that will be a reaction? wtf

explain this


It would have a reaction on the person who decided not to post wondering what would have been different if they had.

This. I'll add further that in addition to the Self being without form, the body can not act upon, but is the result of being acted upon

im not the body = not the brain
I'm only my mind, my mind is energy???

The issue is one of language then. Not going to the store is still as much of a thing as going to the store, in the same way not staying home would be just as much of a thing as staying home. Which would you label as "nothing" in that case? Neither.

No. Energy has form.

imagine a space in space where there is nothing, nothing at all, not even space. nothing inside it will have any reaction on anything inside of it (or will it have a reaction on not reacting, no?) but it will still have a reaction on everything or something outside the nothingness? throwing something into it and it stops existing, lets just say that, it will still have a reaction on our research/thoughts and lets say a object flying through space flying into this nothingness, stop existing, it will have no reaction on where it would have arrived.
no reaction = chain reaction


in that case nothingness has a reaction on the object that would have arrived..
no reaction = no reaction = chain reaction?


Mind = Energy
Brain = controlled by mind
Body = controlled by brain

Reactions are things, and nothing is not a thing. Therefore, "it" will not "react," because in doing so there would now be a thing, "reactingness," which is a thing and not nothing.

That would be a chain reaction of "things," external from "it." In order to do anything for a "chain reaction," you must create a thing, including "chain reactions" themselves.

The mind is not in control of the brain. The mind is not energy.

imagine there is a world, in that world there was a rabbit, inside that rabbits stomach nothing exist, when you are inside this nothingness not even the nothingness nor the stomach, the rabbit, the world, and the universe exist. not even you if you where inside of it, now you leave the stomach everything exist again.

Nothingness would, by its very nature, not be among the "things" reacting to create a chain reaction. Therefore, it cannot be part of a chain reaction by its very nature.

I have realized something about these posts though.

In them, space is discluded, but not time. There is this implication that "nothingness" is this thing that operates in a chronological chain of events; however, "time," is also a thing, like "space." In order to make "not" interact with a thing, there must be a thing external of the nothingness. Nothingness has no reaction or chain reaction, because not only the products of the reaction, but "chain reactions" themselves as a concept require things. Nothingness cannot even catalyze "things" because "beingness" is first required.

OP build a time machine
op not sure if it will create a new timeline/universe when he travels back in time, or if he will arrive in a Parallel universe so he wants that when he travels back in time and if he arrive in the same timeline but in the past that he won't change time by not chancing anything.

traveling back in time in the same timeline and not doing anything won't change the future, i guess but since we have no available/viewable/obviously proof of this we don't know.

when op travels back in time and chances something that will prevent us from ever being born, when will then die? the moment he travels back, therefore this haven't happened yet
will our lifes stop existing the moment op travels back to the past and chances things that will prevent us from existing, or woul

everything and all have or will be part of..
THE Chain Reaction