Let me tell you a sad story


you were cucked when you have a trap for a sex doll.

How did meth head and tarp start speaking? Like shit op you must have taken 10's of minutes getting water

meth heads talk to everybody and can be very personable before they come down

Sounds like all three of you are godless degenerates.

You should honestly just kill yourself. You probably aren't even enough of a man to take them with you
inb4 OP is in the news


They will all burn in hell together, so I don't see what OP's problem is

OP here, yeah it is pathetic, but at least I had a date today. look where you are on a friday night, neckbeard- wishing you were socially intrepid enough to manage a life that includes other people

Either your trap gf is very indiscriminate with conversing or that was one charismatic, unthreatening meth head qt. Every talkative crack, h or booze addict around here is ignored/ avoided when they try conversation

I sincerely hope you get aids and die. No, I'm not trolling. You're a piece of shit human being and you and your mentally ill boyfriend need to die.

she was charming until she came down and started crying because her children got taken away and she lost the second chance to get them back from selling drugs

You're right. I'm afraid of getting close to people so I put up a wall of hairy hostility. I whish I had someone to treat me like the human garbage I am.

Flower Trap Girl
Moon bathing meth head princess
All sword cuts of gore

So…..shes on the lam…..she could be your sex plaything now. She has nowhere else to go after all. Although. Harboring a fugitive may be a crime?,,, Its a real pickle OP.


You should probably just kill yourself you degenerate faggot, especially for not being man enough to kick them both out of your house. Oh wait, you're fucking a mentally ill man pretending to be a girl, never mind.

we live together and split rent, dummy.
i could call the cops and have the fugitive extracted but that goes against my moral code

methsqank left. goodnight all

Its been fun laughing at my stupidity. I know I have- and I say that very seriously. You have to laugh at yourself and I fucked up. I have seen so many other anons fuck up majorly on many boards, with many keks. I did not have to share this story. I did because its a story that deserves to be told

Where is this hate coming from?


Listen to this guy →

What a degenerate generation.

hate comes from fear, user

Even though you are a degenerate faggot I appreciate the entertainment. God speed.

You think this is the end? It's only just begun. Now you have to have the conversation with your "gf" about "her" cheating on you with some drug addict.
If you don't care about the cheating, the fact still remains that you were seen as less attractive than someone who is so pathetic that they lost their children due to a meth addiction.

You'll be back OP, and I expect a follow up post.

I spend my time eating dinner with my family. Unlike the rest of you who are so far removed from being a respectable person

stopped reading, kill yourself faggot.