Open 2GB file with text editor of your choice

Windows 10+Sublime: Everything freezes, sshd no longer accepts connections
Manjaro Linux+Mousepad: Xorg freezes instantly

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Gentoo + vim: opens in 6 seconds, no lag

Hannah Montana Linux + Emacs, it will open on the next full moon.

Yeah let me just pull a 2GB text file out of my asshole

What is the ratio of more split files versus one large file read time for programs, zips, mkv, mp4 etc? Is there a linear graph where the amount of files and there file size is slower than a large file doing the same thing?

How does Winrar open a large file compared to a notepad program opening a 2GB txt file? Does Winrar read the file as a stream instead of loading it into memory or some other system crashing operation?

Just pondering these questions. If you want to answer them, I'd be happy to learn.;

Slackware + Nano
about 11 seconds, but other than that no problems.

I only have xedit and leafpad after yearly HDD crash / gentoo reinstall. Can't be as bad as being cucked by gedit again. Latest gedit took like 10 seconds to run a search on a tiny file - the worse thing yet they've managed to churn out after successively shitting it up through the years.




dd if=/dev/urandom of=2gibfile.txt bs=1 count=2G

this is not a text file but a random bytes.

opened in Sublime Text 3 on macOS,
took 5:48 to see something, then it continues being unresponsive and the kernel_task process is also eating 100% CPU
at this point I killed it because I thought it may crash the whole thing

i believe when you open a large zip file, you are only reading the file names and contents of the zip file, you cant actually view the contents of the files themselves until they're extracted
i could be very wrong though

this is true

if I open a file with text editor then copy the content to another text file and save will I have the same file ?

not necessarily
use hex editor for these cases

or you may try comparing them after, but this only works if you didn't make changes, and then there's no point in doing this instead of using `cp` or `ln`

Sure. I'm on Gentoo Linux, using neovim.

I generated my random text file with this:

#include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv){ static const std::string selection = "\n\t !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"; static const auto seed1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count(); std::default_random_engine rand(seed1); std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(0, selection.size() - 1); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < (1024ul * 1024ul * 1024ul * 2ul); ++i) { std::cout

what are the chances someone could use an oversized text file to execute data inside a protected memory space and use that as a security exploit?

WinRAR doesn't just load a whole 2 GB rar into memory lol

It reads a little bit of the header/terminator, maybe some small bits inside, just enough to know filenames so it can show you. Depending on the archive program it probably won't even read the whole file structure, fetching whatever parts are needed as you navigate to them.

If you ever want to fiddle with the files, they usually create a buffered byte stream. The OS then handles reading small chunks of compressed data and feeding it into the decompressor, which is able to operate on chunks.

The decompressed data is usually another buffered stream that is written to disk. You can sometimes catch WinRAR or whatever making copies of the files under your temp dir.

A virtual impossibility. VMEM prevents that.

Huh, so that's C++ now. I guess they decided to use perl as inspiration for readability and Java as inspiration for syntactic sugar.

kill yourself

dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=1500 | base64 > 2gbfile

Gentoo+Vim: 25 seconds, works flawlessly

Poorfag detected.

No problem with this problem.


EXPLAIN please

The main developer is a frenchy who made some anti-National Front comments on Twitter or something. Basically he said you should uninstall NP++ if you support them.

Personally I don't care what the developer's political views are, so long as they aren't forced down my throat. Anyone making quality GPL software is doing good in my book.

Honestly, this is a minor thing, it doesn't change the quality of the software (which is tbh just ok), but good to know so I don't promote it.

why would I?
are you being envy or what?

Yeah, but on the other hand, fuck the National Cunts. Knowing all this just makes me want to use Notepad++ even more.

What's wrong with NA? This is a webm from them, they look fine.

What's wrong with them? Uh, maybe the fact that they're a gang of neo-nazi fucktards?

And don't even start with the "cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck!" bullshit. It IS possible for someone to be both against the censorious SJWs, and ALSO against fascist pricks who think that genocide is A-OK.

What a coincidence, those SJWs also think genocide is A-OK.

You didn't read a word I said, did you. You just had some imaginary conversation in your head, and you're replying to that fantasy exchange.

That doesn't make you not a "cuck", user. Also I advise you stop typing like a redditor before you stop lurking and start posting.

Sage for shitty template tier thread.

Brainwashed TV zombies like you belong on >>>Holla Forums

Yay! I do so love a good ad hominem attack. Can't think of a genuine reason-based defence of the National Cunts, can you? I don't blame you, really. They're fundamentally indefensible.

I'm not going to be cowed by the likes of you, so get used to me posting frequently and loudly, buttercup.

You should namefag and avatarfag if you really want to piss people off. Being a leftist cunt pretty much triggers everyone on this board, but you can do better.

I'm a Nationalist btw, so debate me.

Nationalism is a retarded idea that boosts up the development of technology. Either we abandon the state and abolish all technology, or we head towards singularity and cyberpunk (humanity dies).

I prefer the latter. Its only logical that we create a Singularity.

Nationalism is simply doing what is in the best interest of the nation, just as you do what is best for your family, just as you do what is best for yourself. To be anti-nationalist is to be anti-self. Just invite people from foreign lands to your nation and let them outbreed you because replacing 100+ IQ citizens with sub 85 IQ citizens is best for the nation? No. Do you find girls from Africa or South America attractive, the average woman? Why would you want more of these in your country? Why not limit ot eliminate immigration for your own benefit? Do you like Brazil? Do you see people trying to get into Brazil like they try to get into the USA or Europe? Face it, nationalism exists because we have nations, not some global universalist government. If the day cones that we have obe-world government I would still advocate that we eliminate disease and practice eugenics, because that would make us healthier and smarter. So what you don't like about nationalism is...?

In all seriousness, nationalism is always a failure, because it always results in the supression of civil liberties and the stagnation of science and technology. Every time, without fail. It replaces a meritocracy of ideas and healthy free-market competition with nanny-state spying/intimidation, and a perversion of capitalism where a business doesn't succeed or fail on its own merit, but on the political connections of the business's principals.

And as for science, just look at the Germans in WW2. They tried applying nationalism to science, with their national Arische Physik (Aryan Physics) program. They rejected all scientific developments that came from Jewish scientists (like Einstein), foreigners (like Neils Bohr), and "disloyal" Germans (like Carl Bosch) in favour of ideas that came from "loyal German Aryan" scientists, even when the latter's ideas were bullshit and not based in reality. (Fun fact: this is why the WW2 Germans completely failed to even come close to building an atomic bomb. The US Manhattan Project that employed scientists of all races, languages, and creeds from all over the world did it in just a few years, leading to American global dominance even up to the present day.)

I'm not against nationalism because of some hippe-dippie gotta-love-everyone citizen-of-the-world basket-weaving gaia-worshiping bullshit. I'm against it because it never fucking works. Ideas that don't work should be shitcanned.

you sure you talking about the right ideology comrade? I just wondered why you perfectly described soviet russia with your text.

On the science part you are partially right. Germans did not succeed with their nuclear bomb but their advancements on other technological fields were incredibly good. Their planes, tanks, assault rifles and pretty much anything was top of the line for that era. One part of the problem was that Hitler was a turbo autist and the other was that with more and more years passing his illness progressed and killed the little sanity he had left.

Nazi Germany was the most advanced nation on earth pre-ww2 you stupid fuck.
They practically single-handedly advanced beyond everyone else
medicine(first large scale human experiments)
economics(first to adapt mass-privatization etc)
war tech(first developments rocketry and super high speed aircraft)

If you thought Nazi Germany was bad, look at Ashkenazi Germany and weep.

Oh, quite right. Soviet Russia was easily as bad as all the various nationalist dictatorships of the past hundred years with regard to suppression of civil liberties, and even more so with regard to free enterprise. Communists are just as much on my shit list as nationalists.

I am against all ideologies, left or right, that elevate the state above the individual. Where governments must exist, they should be as minimally intrusive into individuals' lives as possible.

Nationalists and Communists are all motivated by the same hunger for power over others. Their goals and methods are identical. The only thing that differs is the particular lies that they use to dupe the masses into supporting them.

Yeah, the key there is "pre", back when they still had some skilled scientists and engineers working for them, and not just know-nothing fucktards like Paul Weyland. That changed pretty fucking quick once war broke out.

You could also replace all your words for non-white people with technology. It will eventually overtake humans and replace them, just as blacks do with whites.

Germany lost and Berlin was flattened before the first nuke was detonated, therefore the point is invalid. Further, Germany lost because they had insufficient manpower and material. Although their kill ratio was very high, there is little that can be done when you have the resources of two continents against you and your country is the size of Germany. Germany isn't much bigger than Britian yet Germany almost single-handedly took on all the other major powers of the day. No, Germany lost the war before it even began, despite its brilliant victories over France and Poland. You named some Jews... well that was another problem Germany had. It is kind of like Trump and America today in that you have a bunch of crypto-Jews, half-Jews, etc. that were leaking secrets constantly. Germany had zero operational security and after the Enigma machine was captured and it was possible after some time to break the codes, it was really all over for Germany. 'The Imitation Game' is an excellent movie about this aspect of the war effort. Anyway, Hitler had to deal with a lot of passive-aggressive little shits and straight up traitors so he miscalculated in a few instances. If he had better support from his Generals he would have done better, but even if they had done better in two or three areas, you simply don't get into a land war in Asia. This theorizing about what-if has spawned countless books about alternate history, but to say that nationalism is wrong because one country in history lost a war is absurd.

This is acceptable. Logically we cannot argue against it, can we?

So if you're such a defeatist for humanity, why don't you stop arguing about blacks taking over whites, when there's also a very real threat of technology taking over humans?


Yeah, you totally believe what you're spouting. And Milo's a nazi, too.

Reminder that if the side pushing for your ideology wins (Soros) or the one against it wins (Nationalists), you're getting the rope either way, because you're either the disposable useful idiot, or the enemy's useful idiot.

I'm not concerned about the Singularity. I encourage it because it makes sense that we create greater than human intelligence AI, regardless of our fate.

Not in the slightest. If Nazi Germany had taken advantage of the knowledge of their own physicists instead of exiling or murdering them, they could have built a bomb by the early 1940's, well before their conventional defeat.

Oh, gee, hmm, I can't imagine why those particular German Jews weren't big fans of their government, and would rather see it brought down by outside powers! That's a complete mystery to me! Perhaps you could come up with an explanation as to why they acted the way they did. I'll wait.

Oh, and that's a nice little attempt to get the phrase "The Jewish Problem" into the conversation without actually using that exact phrase. Nice dogwhistle!

I'm not saying it's wrong because one country lost a war. I'm saying it's fucking retarded because it never works anywhere, and civil rights and the principles of free enterprise are always trampled in the process.

Don't let yourself be manipulated by some fucking politician, either left or right. They just want to use you. They're always pushing narratives about some foreigner or one-percenter (depending on their style of lies) keeping you down. It's all lies.

They also could have dumped resources into an unproven technology with no benefit. They made a reasonable decision based on the technology available.

No dogwhistle is necessary. Jews typically were not patriotic Germans, they were Jews first by and large.

The entire Earth except Antartica and the seas is comprised of nations. Please explain why that is.

That doesn't answer my question. If you think blacks are a threat to humanity, then why are you concerned about them? Singularity is a real threat and it threatens humanity. So are blacks. Yet you seem to not care about the singularity, but care about blacks. I cannot see the reasoning behind this.


Blacks aren't a threat. The Singularity also isn't a threat. I'll explain.

We live in a time not much removed from barbarians roaming the wilderness or the Wild West. Most of the 'Native Americans' were living a hunter-gatherer existance 300 years ago, their technology not any more advanced than that of 12,000 years ago. Blacks are simply, and many of these 'minorities', are simply unable to compete. They never were. At some point we will achieve resource scarcity and whatever blacks remain will make new Haitis and Somalias, etc. and our descendants, however few they are, will not repeat their mistake of letting everyone into their lands.

As far as the Singularity, man is a fradgile creature. Our sun will burn out and mankind is very unlikely to survive interstellar journeys. AI embedded in asteroids and shielded from harsh cosmic radiation can lay dormant for a million years as it travels across the universe. It only makes sense that we give birth to something that can survive where we cannot, to surpass us where we cannot go, to perhaps recreate "us" on a new planet, but before we expire on this planet we can enjoy the benefit of AI making the best use of our resources for our benefit, within reason.

Then why treat blacks like enemies while not treating the singularity like an enemy?

Blacks aren't the enemy, we are. We defeat ourselves due to our animalistic nature. Blacks or Jews aren't why we don't study or exercise, or why we don't save for retirement, etc. That said, the culture is derived from the mutitude of personalities, and the personalities from genetic traits. I don't view a dog or cat as an enemy because most dogs or cats are non-threatening. Blacks like to threaten because it makes them feel powerful, the primate asserting dominance, but what is power? Is it stealing from someone or is it creating something new? Power is an abstract concept but the animalistic nature is to try and consume and reproduce, so we could confuse power by the appearance, by the superficial. The French are well-known to be superficial, to place great importance on outward appearances, on status symbols and ostentatious displays. That is why even among so-called whites there is confusion as to what power is. Do we really have concern that Europeans as a whole, on the global stage, will not be able to compete for jobs because they are weak or unintelligent? I'm not worried for the future because Detroit is in ruins, because Chicago is a shit hole, etc. I simply say, 'I chose not to live in Detroit'. In a similiar fashion I don't want to make my town of Jerkwater, USA into a new Detroit by bringing in the people who made Detroit possible. Its not that I'm afraid of them, or that I hate them, I just don't think that it is possible to educate them because its not education, its instinct. Littering is instinct. Is it learned behavior to sweep the walkway in front of your home? Is it learned behavior to not throw trash out of your car? I don't litter because I'm white, its as simple as that. So its not "blacks are the enemy", its just that we don't approve of the things that blacks do, on average, and we don't want so many of them that we live in a black culture, a black city, or a black country. Its nothing personal kid.

i continue to ocassionally use notepad++ on my Botnet 7 box and give zero fucks.

lol thread is kill. noone cares about your gay politics and sheeit

You do geniunely sound like a fag.

I also use Notepad++, with green text on a black background.

Notepad++ is just a shell around scintilla, so the frenchy doesn't really have much say about what you can do with it.

Because of Freedom 0 they have zero say over what I do with it.

Well, he kinda did shove them down everyone's throat a little when the Paris massacre happened. Npp basically flashed a big ol' political message (which I don't doubt he would claim is not political, "just about human decency", in itself a political affirmation of turn-the-other-cheek pacifism). But he only did it once for that particular version so it's a minor thing.

Npp is a breddy gud editor for BotnetOS, and it's not like that changes because some random dude did some completely unrelated things. Me personally, when I really admire a piece of software, I start to admire the person who made it a little for his cleverness and vision. But something like this dispels that admiration, and I start to feel like he just happened to write a good program, but by and large he has no clue. Made it that much easier to switch to Linux and start learning the more patrician tools.

Wasn't it the "Je Suis Charlie" thing?
Because that slogan is perfectly compatible with kebab-removal, it's just saying "I'm siding with a victim of Islam".

Still as said, Scintilla does most of the heavy lifting. Honestly Sublime Text and Atom are better. I don't use Atom because Github's full of SJWs though.

What's so bad about them? They're for less shitskin invaders aren't they? Where is the negative?