About inmortality

If there was a way to become inmortal or expand the youth lifetime of a person, would you go through the procedure?
If so, would it be to endulge in endless hedonism or to constantly better yourself mentally phisically and spiritually?

I'd go through it, and "Why not both?"

If I were you, OP, I would worry more about literacy than immortality. No sense being the village idiot through all of eternity.

Nonsense, op would eventually have to become effectively literate in one language that developed in the future.

Yeah, it's called advanced yoga practices and it's not a "procedure"

That's why you little transhumanist peons are damned from the start


An eternity is really long though. It could start as hedonism and end in 10D artworks that take millions of "years" and are impermanent.


I think the real question would be. Is the Human mind fit for immortality? I mean, would one not go insane?

you'd have to process and store centuries of information that you'll most likely suffer from memory loss, probably just eventually go insane.

I'd definitely just walk the world until I die to some asshole or I trip down into a crevice for the next four thousand years. I'd want to be known throughout history as an immortal, so i'd start leaving notes of my name is every place I visit, I would make sure almost every landmark would have my name somewhere on it.

You're onto something, you'd be fine and dandy well after 100 years if you're at your biological peak. After that though you might have a hard time remembering what your first car was or what your mom and dad looked like. Hell I have a hard time remembering those things my self right now.

See? You are already well on your way to being the eternal retard. Now all you have to do is figure out how to live forever!

your pic related was like the easiest maze EVER
only took me 2 hours to do all 4 sollutions

You remember information though.

I didnt mean it as transhumanism, as it is disgusting. I meant it as a cure to elderism, not bodily modifications.

Some are fit for inmortality. I know most people are too stupid for it and it would probably require mental training.


The true price of immortality is to watch helpless as all you hold dear slowly crumbles into dust.






I said inmunity to eldering


There is , but it's a way of life, you have to do it daily and you will live forever and never get sick or die.
and no , it's not eat healthy and don't smoke or drink.
it's something else.

literally live forever.
I will give you a hint, it's an ancient Egyptian practice.

Are you asking it because you have a way to aquire immortality? If you don't it's a silly question. If you do please tell us about it.

I was thinking about preventing chromosome cap degradation

I know fasting helps on that but even if you prevent it that stil doesn't prevent other effects of aging.

Yeah, bud, keep laughing when I'm impaling your great-great-great-great-cumsluts and sucking out their youthful jing energy

sure, I would find a way to make myself forget things, so I wouldn't go crazy

This, i will use my harem for a better world.