So last night i got together with a few friends food was amazing we each contributed equally had a nice chat and a good...

So last night i got together with a few friends food was amazing we each contributed equally had a nice chat and a good time overall


Tell me what you think of our friendly getogether


that's the most backwater redneck thing i've ever seen in my entire life. thanks op

God damn Americans truly are disgusting.

kek that was so fun!


Methinks this is much better than any of the food in your gay ass getother

thx op made me kek'd

What's the red thing with the pineapple slice on top?


I see no problem with this

I bet you all did some buttfucking and spread some HIV. Bunch of shitty dicks

McDonald's is better than all the shit I saw ITT thus far

I can't count the number of times I've seen these pictures. Does anyone know anything about this incredibly sad dinner party? Why are they eating gross shit in a hay loft?

Word has it was a meetup from a reddit or some other food to mock foodies

How did I fucking know

looks like a can of cranberry sauce lmao.

Chef here, this is truly disgusting and an insult to food. Also why the fuck is there a pile of hay inside and why do you have more friends than me.

Surely it was done ironically. Those niggas can't be srs. They do look awful fucking sad though so I dunno.

not really..

Gtfo blackie. We dont use the word 'niggas' here we say 'niggers' and we only mean it as an insult. Back to reddit for you

Nigger plz, fuck reddit.

Shoo, monkey

But seriously… you are the cancer in every town you visit.

this is fake news

You're fake news.

Looks like a nice gathering of well adjusted friends. I am glad you had a nice time OP. What do they do and what was the occasion?

Thank you friend :) we were celebrating one of our friend's barmitzfah


Why the fuck is there gravy in a windex bottle?

me on the left

Wasnt this an anons thanksgiving? I recognize the cake and turkey

Did you get the chance to look at the end of the story? Boys need to play with the golden points. Thanks again for your family photos.