/leftpol/, my state's lottery is $251 million. If I were to win it tomorrow...

/leftpol/, my state's lottery is $251 million. If I were to win it tomorrow, what's the most non-bourgeoisie yet productive thing I could do with it?

Buy up a bunch of land. Start building an open commune.

Start a co-op

Buy guns.

You could buy cheap houses in impoverished areas like Detroit and give them to homeless people to live in.

But you won't, so these fantasies are useless and a waste of energy.

create a "plane crash insurance" for families of pilots who crash and die.

I think you know what comes next

I'd splurge about $2-3 million, give around $3-4 million to family, then put the rest in the bank and live off of like 30% of the annual interest rate, donate the rest of the interest rates to charities.

Buy acrobat safety nets and leave them at the base of Wall Street towers.

Don't play the lottery, it's a tax on the poor and gullible.

Honestly, the best thing you could do would be to use that money to start a high tech commune. A biodome that could support about a thousand people in an isolate area would be the perfect base of operations.

Pay porn artists to draw commisions.

Fixed that for you.

I thought of that, but who will maintain these houses after I'm gone? How will I stop rich people from some how sneakily acquiring them for bourgeoisie purposes? How would I stop them from becoming drug houses?

Just a hypothetical user, you could replace lottery with inheritance or what have you.


Pay ISIS to release all attainable CFCs into the atmosphere, ending life on planet earth and bring an end to this shitty simulation

this get us glorious Alunya art

1. fund revolutionary cells that will start the war against the mainstream media, politicians and the current economic system as such. example:

2. fund leftist propaganda machines (local radios and newspapers) that will get more people to engage in militant action and complement the activity of the cells.
during the autonomia in Italy radios were a good way to give info and directions about a given situation

who is the qt on OP's pic?

Mess with the stock market and create a crisis in Capitalism.

I don't know exactly how… .. but I'm sure there is a way…

Buy a lot of X stocks and then sell them all together, or something?

Make major investment and then let the corporation collapse, or something?

Some kind o James Bond villain plot.

Welp, your lottery is now $260 million (approx $170 million before taxes). What would you plan on using it for now? Using suggestion from this thread?

That picture gave me syphillis.

put enough of it aside that you can get a normal slary every month until you die, use the rest for starting a credit union for cooperatives.

Ignore name, i forgot to remove it.