We're babysitters for black people. That's what white American society has been reduced to

We're babysitters for black people. That's what white American society has been reduced to.

We exist to provide EBT cards, keep the roads paved, and the power on while apologizing for having higher IQs and a greater capacity to create successful, advanced, high trust communities and civilizations.

It would be nice if we could worry about our own communities and families, but who has the time when we're atoning for slavery?

Hardly any room to think about what we want. What right have we to happiness or ambitions of our own as a people anyway?

We'll squander all our energy and social capital on our dependent black population, and we'll apologize for our existence while doing so.

7 out of 10 suicides are white men. Our brothers, fathers, etc., but there's no time to think about white problems or interests.

To do so would make us callous racists. We're "privileged," so there's no time or resources.

Instead we'll have to obsess about how Tyrone can't fill out a job application or stay out of prison, all of which is somehow our fault.

The exhausting, time and resource consuming African melodrama grinds on and on and on, eclipsing everything else.

Our birth rate declining, our way of life and our values evaporating, millions wondering if there is a future at all…

We can't even discuss it without being accused of racism.

Diversity is strength.

Other urls found in this thread:


stop paying taxes and shoot irs in the face if they come at you

If not for horrors of chattel slavery, would Tyrone enjoy the standard of living that he currently does? The most ardent leftists might argue that Africa would be a technologically advanced utopia if not for colonialism, but most would disagree with that.

Concern yourself not with these grievance-mongers. They seek to create a world which cannot be. Equality is not the way of nature.

funny thing is… Only rich people could afford slaves.. While us poor people(Mayority of Americans back then) didn't agree with slavery.

equality is a false god

For god sake, africans had thousands of years headstart if you believe in the out of africa theory and what exactly did they create?

Your thread is shit and you should feel shit.

I'm no nigger's babysitter.

Is this not already on everyone's mind here?

More like cucked stepdads

Yet you pay for their welfare


It's all by design.

Good Meme

Good Meme

The mpc forums have already deduced the purpose of American civilization.


this quote is much better matched with the obese diabeetus negress hooked up to high-tech hospital equipment.


no we the white productive working race are slaves to worthless niggers.





That's barely above nig tier. Try using trusts and offshore corporations to tax haven. Gotta be smart if you're going to make it these days user.

You're nig tier, faggot.

Americans have ridiculous shit though that they get taxed globally. It's so absurd. I can earn and store savings anywhere and keep what's mine.

made a pic.

==The United States is the new South Africa, welcome to the slavery that is our post cold-war Capitalist-Communist society

Shut the fuck up, idiot.

Good meme confirmed.


Why don't you quit complaining and do something?

Have children, spread awareness, vote, further your career, get a degree and use it for the advancement of white people, give back to your community, donate to pro-european organizations.

Do something.

Shooting a thief dead is not nig tier. It is a just reaction.

IRS agents know where federal money goes, yet they continue to extract wealth from white people. They will not reform their behaviour unless they are threatened with physical violence.

Has a leftist ever demonstrated a convincing argument for how long it will take to repair these transgressions against blacks? The most I've ever seen when they blame whitey for slavery and I have asked how long until our debt is paid (preferably with historic examples), I've only gotten mouth-frothing and pejorative hurling as a reply. To me, that's the leftist way of communicating, "I don't know because I have brain damage."

Not babysitters, we're the janitors.

Ever noticed how classical / white music is referred to?

Soothing, calming, relaxing.

Beethoven, Wagner, Mahler, Verdi?

Soothing, calming, relaxing.

Because white people are never mad, always forgiving. Beethoven? Ah, here comes the janitor, he'll clean up the mess we made.

Have any of you ever played Zenoclash?

It's a game about a society that's delved into nothing but insane and illogical people. An entire city filled with the mentally depraved and wacko. Some men eat their own shit, not for food, simply because it's all they know. One character walks in a straight line, nonstop, until an object stops them, just to keep walking despite the blockage.

The main character eventually finds out that the city exists as a safehaven for the retarded because much more advanced societies disposed of them there. Society could no longer deal with the struggle of coddling the weak and could not find the fortitude needed to outright kill them. So, they left them to their own devices in what was essentially a giant cage.

No purging. No senseless killing. Just let them live among each other while keeping them away from utopia AND the truth.

The games are great, btw. Fantastic melee combat system with very interesting artwork and character design. Not to mention, there's not really any other game that had a story and plot like Zenoclash 1 & 2.

Pic related, the artistic and insane hell hole city I was talking about.

Good thing classical music is poison to niggardry.

Excuse me. White people are nice until they're not.

"It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy – willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate."

So deep, Holla Forums.

A truly pissed off white society is the most dangerous and effective killing machine that exists in the whole world. We created means to wipe off the whole planet for fuck's sake. That's why the Jew tries to fill us with retarded outsiders, they are that deathly afraid that one day our nations stands up for itself once more. What they are too cocky to realize is that when we get rid of their pets, they're getting the worst treatment for creating this shit in the first place.

too right

Youre not wrong, m8.





Read a book faggot.

niggers are not people

I'm with you, bro. The Golems did nothing wrong.
I've stopped going to Holla Forums, though. Either infiltrated completely or fucking summer out the ass



wow, bait/10
more garrisson nazi horror porn. i really think ben is the trump of Holla Forums, secretly laughing his ass of about the people who take him seriously/literally

His face looks like a sloppy shoop job.

Yes goy, pay those reparations for your slavery!

Keep abortion free and legal, whites shouldn't use it because its actually intended to keep the negro race in check.

1. Deport all niggers.
2. Make abortion illegal.


Sure thing pal.

Well, it's about time this actually happened.

Well you know we greatly out number them. Our Dylan Roofs could eradicate them over night if they were motivated and organized.

Just sayin.

What you think some republican is going to make the nigger problem go away? lol.

The above is a Leftist cartoon which quite accurately depicts the current state of American politics. The U.S. government/country personified by Uncle Sam, powered by 100 million minorities and another 100 million white liberals, is inexorably lumbering towards tolerance, while bigoted, racist homophobes – your average Christian, conservative white people, and the backbone of the country – are hopelessly attempting to stop it. Can’t you just hear the “respectable conservative” eunuchs who are pulling on that rope? “Can we please kill a few less babies? Can we please cut 1% from the budget? Can we please be less flagrant about disregarding the Constitution? Can we please do something about voter fraud and border security? Can we please have less public moral degeneracy? Please? Please? Please?” They whine as the Left ridicules them and their impotence, and the beast lumbers on.

But the cartoon is incomplete. Off to the right side and not included in the picture is the goal: tolerance. “Tolerance” is a thousand-foot drop off a vertical cliff with hundreds of sharp steel spikes at the bottom. While this cliff has many different names – progress, liberalism, multiculturalism, Marxism, inclusivism, and others – the result will be the same when Uncle Sam reaches his goal: he will fall to his well-deserved death and will drag everyone still futilely pulling on those ropes to their deaths with him.

The solution is simple: let go of the rope.


Go fuck yourself you dysgenic retard.

Abortion is the best tool for killing Downies we have, and Moralist trash like you want even more useless eaters.

lol fag

Typically, Infanticide Tard babby or not after it's shat out into the world is viewed as less humane than Abortion.

I like things that work. Abortion does that for most people.

White man has always been the baby sitter for the negro. Difference is that back in the day we made them work for their shit. Now we just spoil them.

we just need to do what singapore did: pay poor women a decent amount of cash if they agree to get sterilized.

the black race would be extinct from the United States in 2 generations if we started a program like this.

Abortion should only be legal for children with severe disorders, rape babies, and niggers.

You'd only need to offer niggers 500.

diversity is division

About 50% of them were jews if you didn't know.

plz tell me the face is shopped

This. Do this or you are a hypocrite cuckboi.

Its what I do.

inb5 "I can't because bluh bluh" NO JUST FUCKING STOP



If you work for a living, they take the taxes from your check before you get the chance to say no.

The black race isn't the problem, the jewish race is. We would have to pay jews much more though to sterilize themselves, oy vey!

This is some young adult edge if I've ever seen it.

The problem isn't disgruntled government workers doing their job, it's the structure of our current government and the incompetent idiots that run it.

Dudes aryan as fuck




Those who did own chattel who are not ((molech lovers)) were on the hook to big banks in the south or had their children married of to our ((greatest ally)).

i love redpilled games

ill check it out thanks





you uncultured swine ill murder you to some hardcore wagner

Please, those bitches were just asking for him to "oppress" them.

Just stop working and paying the taxes.

hi fbi

Unless you contract. But it's hard to get paid under the table if you're doing anything other than manual labor.

They're angry you would dare suggest reparations might have an end.


You have work to do, translate that to pest control.