Foreign Policy: "There Are No Successful Black Nations"

Foreign Policy: "There Are No Successful Black Nations"

In the wake of fresh deaths at the hands of police officers in the world’s greatest nation, we, the people of the black race, are once again the object of renewed worldwide attention.

Questions of injustice in the United States have been duly raised and protested. And, once again, the black cultural elites in America have seized various platforms to air their grievances and are mostly — and rightly — talking about racism, discrimination, racial profiling, and hate, among other issues. But one issue that has hardly been talked about is the core reason why black people have remained synonymous with the denigrating experience of racism. It is, I dare say, because of the worldwide indignity of the black race.

Racism is not limited to the Unites States. There is no nonblack nation, even among the most liberal ones, where the black man is dignified. History dealt us an unforgiving blow in the incursion of foreigners into black lands. The Arabs enslaved tribes and nations and then colonized and evangelized them. Then came the Europeans, who, persuaded the Africans were of an inferior race, divided up the continent over lunch in Berlin in 1884. They carted off a large population of its people — sometimes leaving entire villages almost empty — and brought those who remained on the continent under their rule. So complete was the transformation that no black nation retained its ancestral nationhood, national language, or national identity. And today we often hear of how China or India or some other nation is “taking over” Africa economically. There is almost no nation whose majority is of a different race that has not spat on the face of the black person, at one time or the other.

Be assured, the indignity will continue. Black elites and activists across the world have adopted a culture of verbal tyranny in which they shut down any effort to reason or criticize us or black-majority nations by labeling such attempts as “racism” or “hate speech.” Thus, one can be certain that any suggestions that our race may indeed need to do something to remedy our situation will not be aired — not by the terrified people of other races. And anyone within our race who makes such a suggestion will be deemed weak and pandering or a sellout, as U.S. President Barack Obama has been repeatedly called. Thus, no one will talk about the painful fact that most African and Caribbean nations have either failed or are about to collapse.

Early African-American intellectuals and cultural elites saw that the future of their race could not be advanced by endless protests or marches of “equality” or “justice.” It could only be done through the restoration of the trampled dignity of the black man. Great men like Marcus Garvey, W. E. B. Du Bois, and Malcolm X all knew that a people is only respected when it has a nation worthy of respect. A man who lives in a shack cannot expect to be treated with respect at a palace. They knew that for us to reclaim power we must first reclaim dignity and that this comes through the construction of a solid black state with a demonstrable level of development and prosperity — and which can stand as a powerful advocate for the global black.

Today, no such state exists.


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Nigeria, the most populous black nation on Earth, is on the brink of collapse. The machineries that make a nation exist, let alone succeed, have all eroded. One might argue that the nation’s creation by self-seeking white imperialists engendered its failure from the beginning, as I did in my recent novel. But this is only a part of the cause. A culture of incompetence, endemic corruption, dignified ineptitude, and, chief among all, destructive selfishness and greed has played a major role in its unravelling. The same, sadly, can be said for most other African nations. States like Zimbabwe, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea are farcical democracies ruled by men who exclusively cater to their interests and those of their clipped circles.

Thus, it is no surprise that in the absence of any healthy black nation — in the midst of chaos, senseless wars, corrupted religiosity, violence, and economic collapse — African and Caribbean people leave home en masse. They beg on the streets of Greece, prostitute in the red-light zones of the Netherlands, and make up 40 percent of the migrants flocking to Europe. As they turn up in these countries, helpless, unwanted, starved, or maimed, they are treated like dogs. Last month in Italy, a newly married Nigerian man was murdered simply for being unwanted. Everywhere from Ukraine to India, nearly every day, black indignity, black helplessness, stares us in the face. And all we do, we who hold the platform can do, is scream “racism!” and court the sympathy of others.

The Yoruba say, “Eniyan bi aparo ni omo araye n’fe,” meaning the world loves a person who is like a partridge. The partridge is a poor bird that, enfeebled by its creation, has little ability to hunt, gather, protect, or feed itself. The Yoruba believe that the world loves these birds because they provide the space for people to show both sincere and insincere sympathy while holding firm to their position as the superior and maintaining the place of the partridge as the weak. Which is to say that if the partridge relies on the sympathy of others, it will not elevate its position. If we, black people everywhere, cannot gather the resources within our powers to exert real changes and restore our dignity, we will continue to be seen as weak. Our protestations and grievances will be met with sympathy, which does nothing to inspire respect.

Black elites should allow for self-criticism and soul-searching and for the restoration of the Pan-Africanist movement with an eye toward building sustainable black nations. We must come to realize that to a great extent the fate of the black man in America is inextricably linked to that of his brother in Africa. Although largely unacknowledged in American political discourse, Jim Crow ended in part because of the African Independent movements. Jaja Nwachukwu, a 1960s-era Nigerian foreign minister and avowed Pan-Africanist who was close friends with American Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Lyndon Johnson, once recalled how American officials were embarrassed when African ministers attended official events in New York’s U.N. headquarters and were treated with honor as representatives of sovereign countries. They were ashamed, for instance, when American blacks could not use the same bathroom as the Africans, just as black. The American blacks were further empowered when African nations started becoming independent, black-governed nation-states, beginning with Ghana in 1957 and followed shortly afterward by other African nations.

As long as we continue to ignore Africa’s continuous wallowing in senseless poverty and destructive failures, as long as the Congolese or the Haitian remains the poster child for poverty and lack, we will remain undignified. As long as we continue to ignore our own self-assessment and soul-searching, we will remain the undignified race. Sadig Rasheed, one of the leading African politicians of the 1980s, once told Polish journalist Ryszard Kapuscinski: “I worry about whether African societies will be able to assume a self-critical stance, and much depends on this.” I add: Our dignity — and even survival — will depend on this.



Just fucking admit Sub-Saharan niggers don't have the brains and the temperment to run a modern country.

Just confine the niggers to Africa and let the nature take course.

And stop sending aid and financing the largest growth-spurt the world has ever seen. Feeding and paying for these niggers is literally going to destroy the planet soon.

So what if kikes really are descendents of fallen angels and the niggers are just descendents of their golems that can't handle free will?

The one award they are worthy of is that only a Negroid can destroy a continent

Do this animals have any level of self awareness at all? Why do they think there aren't any successful black states?

But on a happy note we should really use this momentum and encourage it. Black states for blacks. It'll give us somewhere to deport blacks to and help gain support for the meme of ethnic states. If blacks can do it then why not whites?

How do they explain the success of whites in frigging Africa?
Like the 10 000 whites in whatever country next to Zimbabwe delivering maize because Zimbawbaboons are too frigging stupid to organize basic shit?
Is that "white privilege"?

There are at least twenty well-educated, reasonably intelligent, black people in the United States. They're the people who need to bring about fascist revolutions in Africa. When I say fascist, I don't mean a strongman state which works to empower only the leader of the nation (Africa already has plenty of those). I mean a state in which those of the greatest ability – the Elite – work in conjunction with the commoners and ne'er do wells. This is how a society should work, and it is the only chance you negroes have to 'overcome'.

Evolution is what it is, but international bankers have further crippled various nations across the Dindu Motherland. The African Elite must call out these people as the Jew moneygrubbers that they are, refuse to pay them, and start afresh. Make a very public stand against them. Gather your stick-toting armies and let the common man know that these brave Dindu Warriors will fight to the last man against this capitalist Jewry banking system.

As stupid as it is, the black mythology you have about being 'kings n shit' could be helpful to building a society. Perhaps you should consider replacing Christniaty and Islam with a pan-African version of your indigenous religions. The myths should promote strength, intellectual ability, and the sanctity of the African family. Also eugenics.

If you actually surprise the hell out of Holla Forums and Make Africa Great For The First Time, then (((they))) will come against you. With our limited shitposting resources, we probably won't be able to offer you any help. Best of luck, though!

This. Let Afroniggers fend for themselves. Christcucks need to bail on that place.

not a terrible article

what about the jews?

Mediocre people of the world love partridge people. Exceptional people see them as an annoying ball and chain. Nice story though. They need access to the better thoughts in the gospels, Nichomachean Ethics and Aesop's Fables if they ever want to stop evolving into scarier and scarier monsters.

Israel for Jews, Arabia for Arabs. I like this idea.

Then it will become obvious how low our birth rates are and we can focus on bringing it back up.

I think the problem is that Europeans have stolen Africa's most precious resource, it's human capital. We just have to send all Africans currently living in the West back to Africa, and Africa will once again be whole, creating a first-world paradise.

We ought to exterminate them for good and take Africa once and for all, tbh

their biggest mistake is that they let you live

history has proven that you are only "successful" when you have a white master.

so, either die, or be a slave, nigger.

Good point.

Although, the Jews don't have the shear numbers unlike the wild lesser spotted nigger, they have a nigger tier hivemind.

If I might add to this, aspirant Negro-Fuhrers, there will be those who accuse you of 'acting white'. This is malfeasance – treason, even – against your Negro-Reich. It should be regarded as such.

Drug dealers, criminals, rappers, and their sympathizers must be shown that things are going to change. Put the fear of the Dindu Gods into them. 'Stop Snitchin' must become 'Give the Furher the 411 on Degeneracy'

100 whites actually.

Greed; Believe it or not it's profitable for some.

I hope niggers eat them, i really do.

36.6 result of climate change? why does that sound like a jewish scheme?

But…we wuz kangz…

"white people's fault: the meme"

The problem with articles like this is that they will never reach your average negro on the street. Most of them can't read, or if they can they're functionally literate and aren't able to process what they read. Unless you get popular rappers like Lil' Wayne and Jay-Z ooking about this stuff, these ideas will never gain traction because they don't have the braincells to seek and gather the information to figure out how to rid themselves of being a parasitic, lazy race.

That's such bullshit

What a fucking joke.


There are no black nieghborhoods that aren't shit either. One time I drove into an all black hillbilly town in the woods. I was amazed they could actually maintain it. Actually impressed. It looked like shit but not that much worst that the worst white towns

There are no successful black nations because nogs don't build- they destroy. And there are those who "think" they want their own nation, but deep down they really don't. Building a nation requires work. Toiling in the hot sun, all day every day, creating sustainable infrastructure.

To me that sounds infinitely more difficult than collecting free gibs from whitey.


Wonder why…



The best way to apologize for slavery is to send all the descendants of slaves, back to their homeland.


It's called the Republic of Zimbabwe, racist!

Have niggers ever not been a tool for some other superior people?

First they were slaves to whitey and they're they're used as weapons against whitey by Jews.

Has there ever been a time throughout history where they have been anything other than a slave race without agency?


Don't consider it removal, think of it as a gift from the white people, who are very sorry, to repay your people for slavery.

We took you from your homeland, and now we're giving you the chance to return.

Africa has been under IMF and world Bank financial colonialism since the 1960's

But its the Niggers fault they can't figure it out.

Even the >98 IQ Russians figured out Communism was a scams after 80 years.

Feels like "Liberia 2: We still suck at everything without Whitey" is coming soon to a mudhole near you.

does anyone have the Zimbabwe graphic?

192 Billions is what the yearly GPD of Bangladesh?

Even if that number is true it's fucking nothing that's Walmart gross for A QUARTER…

This, now and forever.




Black nations are unsuccessful so Jews had to invent one.

This shit was hilarious. Practically every other nation in the universe is a real one, but the black one is complete fabrication.

Didn't they invent a former Yugoslavian country, too?






This. We took their best workers, their strongest men, their smartest thinkers. It's the only reason why the West prospered for so long. It's time we make amends for that and return to them their kings.


But honestly i don't know if all these are accurate. How many people were tested in sierra leone and Albania? I bet with with more tests I bet sierra leone will be closer to 80. the average for africa is right but the data for a specific country propbably isn't, especially if it is at the top or the bottom with out anthropological dofferences

Is there a Reader's Digest version of that textwall?

Blacks are dumb. Lincoln wanted to send them back to Africa.

and everyone else untill the sixties. The North wasn't pro-black. It was against blacks taking working class white jobs.

I mean is there an abridged version of that infographic with the same images but more, um, whitespace for ease of reading.

But thank you for the prosaic summary.

The funniest thing is that this nigger maintains the impossible fantasy that Sub-Saharan Africans had anything resembling nation states or 'national languages' in their savage jungles each divided by a thousand tribes of cannibal headhunters with a thousand tongues before Whites / Arabs came in and civilized them.

Liberia called, didn't work

Why couldn't Lincoln have ordered ever nigger in the country to be permanently resettled in Liberia? We would have so much less crime to worry about today…

Get your Jew radar straight, user.

That is a fictional country from Marvel Comic so it doesn't count as a successful black nation.

yeah, sort of. he went down and hit the groud with the head after one punch given after he and his wife were beating up a guy with a pole.

sure, the guy called the woman a monkey, but he might as well be the dead or the severely injured if it wasn't for that punch.

yes, and they turned the country into shit, as he said previously. and they were dealt far better cards than other countries coming out of colonization.

good article, all considered.

must be hard being a smart nigger.

Why should there be states in Africa at all? That's not the level of complexity their societies organize around. It is racist as fuck to hold them to the same standards as white people.

you know that there is people in africa getting paid for that stuff right?
you know that it's how developing countries pulled themselves out of shit? working their ass off and selling us cheap stuff to feed our consumerism? why niggers can't?

how do you quantify that?

If you really wanted to fix Black nations in Africa you need to cut off all aid and force all the Chinese/Indians out militarily (Assumming USA). Then let the Warlords of Africa fight for like 5 years or so and let it become an anarchic state in the center and stop all flight in/out except at a few locations. If you did this you would have to make sure the Spain/Italy smuggling routes were totally locked down. Then take out the warlord gangs that are left with a slow Sherman type offensive with Helicopters and large mech infantry movements and if any fair democratic/rio type slum vigilantes systems had emerged than maybe let them expand and prosper and give them economic links to the west but dont let immigration occur and force them to stay within Africa as workers for international bidders who could bid to log/mine certain areas. Give them boundaries they have to stay in and make the rest of Africa a giant national park and exterminate all life in the areas where shitty warlords ruled. Only a few nations would be allowed to stay that have critical industries in them like Ivory Coast. Idk how the fuck you would deal with superstates like South Africa and Nigeria though, and also how to prevent Arab nations from expanding into this empty soace other than by extreme military force.

200 billion dollars is fucking chump change in a geopolitical stage, did you forget our YEARLY BUDGET is 4 fucking trillion?

I feel sorry for negros like this guy, who try to make arguments for their people's betterment.

I just looked up his picture, and while most people would simply mark him "black", he's at best 50/50, about the same as Obama. (and btw, well-spoken/written blacks being light-skinned is as consistent as anti-white articles having jewish authors)

But what could you say to a person based on that?
"Hey, what wits you have to put together these arguments come from your white blood. Your audience, however, doesn't have the wits to listen"
Its just another reason why miscegenation is such a crime.

Liberia failed only because we didn't send enough back, we selfishly kept the smartest and fittest workers for ourselves, we can't be allowed to continue hording Africa's precious human capital.

-Santo Marco


And they say that modern man lacks creativity…


Is it time to annex Egypt and give it to blacks?





Do we have any examples in history of a reasonably successful Black African state? The Ethopian Empire perhaps?


Ethiopians had a reasonable lot of Caucasian admixture though. Shit got worse about the time at which they started interbreeding with Negroids.

The problem is that African leaders tend to be extremely thin-skinned.
We need someone like

That's impossible.
Basic reasoning varies at a fundamental level between cultures, so what is logical and obvious to us may seem nonsensical or unintuitive to other cultures.

I remember a study where westerners and isolated tribespeople both plotted numbers on a line.
Westerners plotted linearly, tribespeople plotted logarithmically.
Neither is right nor wrong, we'd be hypocrites to say a logarithmic plotting like that is wrong when we write numbers ourselves in a way to reduce the string length to log10 of the value.

But it clearly shows some very different basic reasoning. Our IQ tests are heavily based on finding things that fit into a linear progression or a pattern, but other peoples could be better suited for doing different things; such as projecting patterns rather than patching them, much like how we can look at a region of space and quite accurately predict what neighbouring regions will look like.

Why can't they just get their shit together and go full African National Socialist?

Nah, abbos are better in that.

I think I'm gonna go ahead and side with the authors of the 1994 Mainstream Science on Intelligence on this one mate.

If you can prove your claims hold any water, you might be in a better position to talk.


Impressive how many of these shitskin rapist invaders hide their faces. Literally all of them are wanted criminals.

Even if you completely disregard standardized testing because you feel it may be biased or whatever, how do you explain the perpetual failure of the black race? Is it the white man's fault?

I wonder what he means by this, was it the artificial boundaries which led to multiculturalism, or is this more leftist clap-trap about how colonial rule was so horrible under the Europeans, despite the relative prosperity when compared to before and after the colonial period. Leftists can't seem to make up their minds about who's rightfully to blame for black failure.

This bitch is a jewess and ate toe jam. Don't be fooled, she's a kike infiltrator the likes of sinead

You have to address the root problem of breeding the turd world, christcucks. christcucks have been breeding shitskins since the beginning of the 20th century, if it weren't for them there wouldn't be 1.2 billion niggers in africa flooding the west.