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Spanish women.
Crazy bitches.

Burn the witches

Personally, I liked the version with the DBZ music playing over the screaming. Though good luck on feminazis ever being pure enough to reach the level of super Saiyan.

I wish I could have projectile vomited on that crowd to complete the picture.

you misspelled jews

I Would of Thrown a Brick At Them at Mid Scream… But Aye, That's Just Me…

what a time to be alive

It's Argentina

stupid niggers ITT.
You have no idea what they are "fighting".

Neither do they

What the fuck are they doing.

Someone tell me what they're doing so I can be against it.

Like a fuckin animals.

why are tits so fascinating?

that chick is ugly and most likely a turbo cunt. but her tits confuse me enough to consider fucking her.

what magic is this?


the fuck?


Annnnnd Nope


fuckin harpies

don't be a bad person.

I think I am gay now.


check my quads

refuse to check em

This. If this is what women act like in 2017, then I might as well become a faggot. There's no point in having heterosexual relationships if the female partner acts like a fucking monkey in front of everyone.

b-but why?


forced gets are cancer

you must be fun at parties.



What about them? Just rage in general? I'll join in.

Wont let me embed this link

Who said you have to pick one of those retards ?

This. Don't hate all women, you're joining their ranks by doing that. There are some awesome ladies out there.

This is the most pathetic beta cuck shit I've ever heard.

No it's not. The feminazi narrative of hatred is something I refuse to take part. Congrats on being the male counterpart to their horseshit.


The trick is, it's incredibly hard to find any that are even close to tolerable, because modern western society hands women practically everything and thus gives them no incentive to be anything other than completely selfish, uncaring homunculi.

I'll check you



I have too many Bateman pics to let a good get go to waste

Thanks bro.
have some tits desu~

My boner is confused

does this work like a traffic light

I don't have near as many pictures as I should.

Yeah I saw you re-use the other dog pic in a different threat and was gonna call you out on it but everyone has to clean up their life and delete their memes sometime. Then relapse. Rinse repeat

I have many dogs.

is this territory you want to venture into? are you sure?

Calm down, grumpy. I just see what those people do and want no part of it.

I'll agree that the west has done severe damage to the quality of women, but there are women who are smart enough not subscribe to that.



I'm out, cheers user.

"Femicide" is "Genocide"
Feminists once again not pointing out the true problems in the world that nobody talks about yet claim they fight for both sides equally

I'll take public indecency for 200€.

I need to hear one of these conversations that leads up to this shit before i die.


Spoken like a virginal white knight.

looks like bruxae to me

saved as fuck.

fucking nice



I completely agree, old Vesemir has taught you well….


I second that bid


Tiny benis

Top Kek