Hey fags since im feeling extra generous today i have decided to gift a 50 dollar max game of your choosing to the...

Hey fags since im feeling extra generous today i have decided to gift a 50 dollar max game of your choosing to the first one who rolls trips. Good luck

Dont forget to leave your contact details (kik or email) so i can contact you


LMAO numbers say otherwise. If you want the game give me your steam id and i'll gladly gift u that shit

How about no.

go to 4chan you stinky arab

Dat makka me saaad

smelly and unfunny

You mak me do dis


But oilanon, if you spend your money on us you won't have enough left to donate to Clinton's 2020 election campaign!

Let me guess it's $5 at most in American dollars?

If you look at exchange rates 1 kwd = 3.5 usd your currency is much inferior to ours. That money in the pic is worth about 60k

america still has the highest gdp in the world

fuck off smelly poorfag

I'm going to die.

Dw im an avid hater of clinton, the woman of course not her brilliant husband. American republicans are cowards for not yet banning the practice of islam in ameica

give me gta v cunt

Only if you roll trips or ship me a a carrier full of vegemite

Rolling for OP to use the money to buy himself a new game instead.

rolling for op to burn the money for travis

hows this?




Thats what you'd like to think so you dont get jelly and sob your pathetic existance poorfag


Funny joke

Be a goodfag like australia here and start rolling




We have our own currency here, asshat.