Tfw it's really warm tonight but if I open my window mosquitoes will fly in

I literally have to choose between filth in my house or melting. I wish I had the Atlantic Ocean to cool me down!

My name is Bartolomeus btw I don't know why that field is gone but I'm still too hot please send help


Then go buy some of that window mesh, retard

I have the exact same dilemma right now

I just turn off the light before opening th window and going to bed. Go to bed, it's late. Exams are coming


only solution: kill the cockaroach
slew dem
deport dem
murder dem

Buy a window ac unit.

tape a trashbag over it


europoor can't afford air-con.

like Holla Forums pedos


If only there were some sort of screen that you could get to put in the open section of the window to allow air in but block bugs. You could make it out of really thin wire, loosely woven but tightly enough to keep the bugs out. All you would need is that and a frame of some sort the size of the window opening. Or you could even make an adjustable one! I should patent that idea. I would call it "an adjustable window screen"! pic related

Summer is god's way of telling us to move futher north.


So we're supposed to use utter shit like Yahoo instead?

jk just go to a library


Use or


This is a legitimately good alternative

atlantic coast fag here. just got back to town and the fuckin mosquitoes are real bad this year. i look like a fucking plague victim.

lmfao 3rd worlders

startpage IS Google, you retard.
It is essentially nothing more than a proxy specifically for Google searches.

$6 at Walmart, btw.
Fuck you OP, you nob.

+17787913277 faggot

i didn't know netherlands was such a shitole

Do you have any unused bed sheets? Tape them over your window. It will block air flown somewhat, but it is better than a closed window.

OP is just faggot - even we have screens (or AC) and we are self-proclaimed shithole.