I know he wasn't a Communist, or even are Socialist, since the theories hadn't been formed yet...

I know he wasn't a Communist, or even are Socialist, since the theories hadn't been formed yet. But what does Holla Forums think of Thomas Jefferson? Out of all the fathers I like him the best, his dislike for large government and preference for the people to rule themselves has always echoed a sentiment we can all agree with, or at least in my eyes.

What of the other fathers?


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He's always been one of my favorites.


I prefer Thomas "UBI" Paine, but Jefferson is alright.

Better than most liberals, but remember that his opposition to banking institutions and early capitalism was based on his love of an agrarian feudal economy, not socialism.

Fuckin'-A. Paine was the only truly good Founding Father. Lafayette was alright, but he did not learn his lesson about class conscious until it was too late.

Like most liberals, a bourgeois faggot who would screech about liberty despite having made himself off the exploitation and enslavement of others. His opposition to "big gibermint" had more to do with his dream of feudalism than anything, and would have more than likely opposed socialism.

Only exceptable answer tbh fam

Yeah like just like those faggots Engels and Lenin


>What of the other fathers landowners that cause a "revolution" so that they wouldn't pay taxes to GB, dragged black people into thinking they'd stop being slaves and then became a cult of personality for future generations?

Not really sure who my favorite founding father is lthough I know we can all come together and agree one simple thing

Fuck Alexander Hamilton


why live comrades ;_; ._.

Some of Jefferson's own children were literal means of production. He was a cunt tbqh…

I mean, sure, Paine and Jefferson were pretty based for their time, but the bar wasn't exactly set very high.

If that quote by Paine is legit, WHY O WHY isn't murka the socialist paradise he proposed?!

Mmmmmmm, unconditional basic income. [drooling]

I know next to nothing about the rest of his politics – I imagine he was on the conservative side of things – but this quote from Madison stands tall when I think of all the tankies:

Stop being a weirdo.

To answer your question: the US was basically Ethiopia by its current standards. Slavery was never necessary, but they could never convince people of that before the Civil War.


Weren't Paine and Lafayette involved in the French Revolution? And wasn't it that Paine supported the more moderate factions, while Lafayette supported the royalists later on?

Correct me if I'm wrong. I just remember some lolbert telling me that the French Revolution was a big fat mistake after Lafayette left. I'd like to know more.


i no rite??

Paine supported the French Revolution but he also criticized the jacobins for a little too guillotine happy. Barely avoided being executed himself.
Lafayette was an early supporter, but he was also responsible for the Champ de Mars massacre and tried to escape to Austria in 1792.

Literally a slave owner.

Fun fact, Ben Franklin was a nudist and when he was living in France he held orgies with French prostitutes.

Ben Franklin was also suppose to be the representative for the 13 colonies, he just fucked around instead of doing his job.

So these lolberts were defending Lafayette for opening fire on crowds of petitioners who wanted Louis XVI to abdicate? what the fuck

feudalism is the natural conclusion of lolbert philosophy.

Dictatorship and feudalism are fine as long as they prevent socialism, the worst plague against human freedom.

Oh yeah, the people owning the means of production is sooo anti-freedom. People ought to run their own lives.

Thomas Jefferson had the exact same view. It was more due to pragmatic than anything because after all, the French monarchy did aid the American Revolution. I'm sure if the French monarchy sided with Britain every founder would have gone full Jacobin.

Shortly before being hanged, drawn, and quartered for treason in a British court


what a brilliant comparison

So they would've freed their slaves?



My favorite Founding Father is Hamilton. Fuck Jefferson.


The only thing I will give him credit for is the Federalist papers and BTFO the Anti-federalists with their shitty Articles of confederation

He knew the important role of the state in transforming the economy.

Anti-federalism for life.

They predicted everything wrong with the Constitution and resisted the Capitalist bankers.

However, I do think protectionism and tariffs are a good thing, though fuck central banks. Proudhon's Bank of the People is the way to go.

They only resisted capitalist bankers because they wanted to keep their feudal slave economy.

Jesus Christ, Marxbabbies everyone.

Fuck. Thomas. Jefferson.


Don't get me fucking started…

Most anti-federalists were actually in Northern states and didn't own slaves. They were yeoman farmers and small artisans.

The planters were actually fine with the Constitution, which supported the slave economy.

You can see this in the anti-Federalist rebellions and the states that were against ratification.

Rhode Island (last state to ratify), Vermont (refused to even join the US due to the Constitution), Western Massachusetts (Shay's Rebellion), and Pennsylvania (Whiskey Rebellion) were all Northern states.

Thomas Jefferson's personal life aside. There are plenty of slave-owning Federalists, including Washington himself.

Actually, most of the territory gained in the Louisiana purchase would end up in the hands of free states, being above the Mason-Dixon line. It was actually the southwestern lands gained later on where slavery would spread.

The reason for the Louisiana Purchase was actually to make that small non-slave-owning citizens can get free land and escape from the increasingly land-concentrated East, especially in the Southeast where the planters grew to be a dominant class. The assumption being that an oversupply of land would make sure that everybody had property, or means of production, and thus delay to advancement of both capitalism and the plantation-economy. (Hence, those same Western areas become battlegrounds when Southern Planters wanted to spread slavery to them, and this alienation of this Western yeoman populace in the early 19th century led to the rise of the Republican Party and the election of Lincoln.)

Also, good job proving that you're just a stormnigger with your Holla Forums-tier conspiracy theories.