America is a republic, not a democracy

Explain this meme.

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It's not a meme.

America is a representative republic. Americans do not vote on laws, they elect representatives who vote on laws on their behalf.

You means when lolberts say it?

They're basically outright saying that the United States is little more than an organized plutocracy established to protect the interests of the rich and propertied, but worded in a way (as is typical for them) to make people think that they're the ones being protected from the "mob".

Then what is representative democracy?

Something you just made up.

The founding fathers didn't lie about the definition of democracy unlike their less honest bourgeois predecessors throughout the 19th century. They understood they were setting themselves up as a new ruling class while excluding the population from government and were quite open about it. And of course, it's still true today. The US is only slightlymore democratic today than it was two centuries ago.

You guys are thinking too deep. Its a hick and dumbass way to legitimize Republicans while delegitimizinf Democrats through semantics. Its really as retarded as it sounds righf off the bat.

Aren't dictatorships republican non-democracies?

Basically means that America is Roman, not Athenian.

Why would anyone want to be like Classical Rome? It was a genocidal dictatorship with a transparant false republican front from the time of Sulla onward.

Seems to describe the US federal goverment with a fair bit of accuracy.

Because it was in the interests of the American slaver class to repeat the pre-Caesar oligarchy of the Roman slaver class.

America is a democratic republic, not a direct democracy.

It's true, America is obviously not a democracy.

Reactionaries use this argument for why America should STAY undemocratic, but it's not false in and of itself.

Foundercucks are the most insufferable of all Americans, especially because they cover the entire mainstream political spectrum. Rather than grappling over the soul and who gets to inherit the moral authority of the fetishized Founders, people should be denouncing them for the porky fucks they were and rushing to bury the Constitution in a garbage heap.

It's true. America isn't a democracy, and will become even more authoritarian if Trump wins. The US is the ultimate tool of international corporations and the wealthy elite, it is used to bypass international law, detain any who oppose the Corporate Empire, spy on civilians all over the world, place pressure on foreign nations to introduce free trade, and build up the military and police to insane numbers. America is simply a corporatocracy, serving the interests of the financial elite. Almost no one in Washington will actually change anything, with a few exceptions. (Sanders, Warren, etc.)

Republic is the form of state.
Re=thing public=common
It's a republic because it belongs to the people and not to a monarch or whatever.
Democracy is a form of government.
Demo=people cracy=rule
It's a government the people have a say on how it's run, unlike say a Theocracy where the religious leaders run it or a Military Junta or whatever (doesn't mean it belongs to them, those are commonly Republics). I wouldn't call US a democracy because of BS like the Electoral College and private parties and whatnot.

TL.DR state and government aren't the same thing, the state is how a nation is organized, the government it is run.
The US is a Democratic Republic.
The UK is a Democratic Monarchy.
There are undemocratic republics out there (most dictatorships keep the old institutions while cutting the people off)

t. studied Law in my old highschool for a year, shit was cash.

US Constituition is best constitution. SocDem faggots often end up writing a 10 bibles-long document which is open to being reinterpreted and exploited. Keeping it simple and maleable is best. Also gun rights.

yall ever heard of South Africa?

Res Publicum. Latin

Demos Kratos. Ancient Greek.

check this video, it explains what is a democracy
it has english subtitles

How exactly were they genocidial?