Holy Shit the Green Party Could Become Fully-Anticapitalist

There's a new amendment before the green party that will have it support some cross between market socialism and Rojava style communalism. It's supported by Papa Wolf and looks totally legit

SUBJECT / TITLE: 2016 Platform Amendment Proposal – Ecological Economics TYPE OF PROPOSAL, EXPECTED APPROVAL THRESHOLD: Platform Amendment – 2/3 of all 'yes' and 'no' votes cast for passage REQUESTED PROPOSAL DECISION­MAKING TIMELINE: Two week discussion period.

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: This new platform plank removes the old wording entirely and addresses the economic inequalities, social inequalities, and productivism of both capitalism and state socialism and emphasizes grassroots democracy—in the workplace. This workplace grassroots democracy has been largely absent from the Green platform, and many believe it is the way forward for a truly ecological economy and a new system. This new platform plank does not promote expropriation of privately owned small businesses and should not be interpreted as such. Rather, the plank outlines the type of businesses and type of economy we would like to create.

PROPOSAL: To amend Chapter IV. Economic Justice and Sustainability 1. Ecological Economics Paragraph 4 Current language of plank that is being addressed: “Sustaining our quality of life, economic prosperity, environmental health, and long­term survival demands that we adopt new ways of doing business. We need to remake commerce to encourage diversity and variety, responding to the enormous complexity of global and local conditions. Big business is not about appropriateness and adaptability, but about power and market control. Greens support small business, responsible stakeholder capitalism, and broad and diverse forms of economic cooperation. We argue that economic diversity is more responsive than big business to the needs of diverse human populations.”

Proposed amendment of the current language: Greens seek to build an alternative economic system based on ecology and decentralization of power, an alternative system that rejects both the capitalist system that maintains private ownership over almost all production as well as the old narrative of state socialism that assumes control over industries without democratic, local decision making. We believe the old models of capitalism (private ownership of production) and state socialism (state ownership of production) are not ecologically sound, socially just, or democratic and that both contain built­in structures that advance injustices. Instead Greens will build an economy based on large­scale public works, municipalization, and workplace and community democracy. Some call this small­scale, decentralized system “ecological socialism,” “communalism,” or the “cooperative commonwealth,” but whatever the terminology, Greens believe it will help end labor exploitation, environmental exploitation, and racial, gender, and wealth inequality and bring about economic and social justice. Production should be democratically owned and operated by those who do the work and those most affected by production decisions. This model of worker and community control will ensure that decisions that greatly affect our lives are made in the interests of our communities, not at the whim of centralized power structures of state administrators or of capitalist CEOs and distant boards of directors. Worker­owned production, embedded in and accountable to our communities, provides an incentive for enterprises to make ecologically sound decisions in materials sourcing, waste disposal, recycling, reuse, and more. Democratic ownership of the means of production would decentralize power in the workplace, which would in turn decentralize economic power more broadly.

IMPLEMENTATION / TIMELINE / RESOURCES: Approval of this proposal will amend the 2016 Platform, which will be published on the GPUS website in or before September, 2016.

REFERENCES: In addition to having been edited and/or reviewed and endorsed by Gloria Mattera (GPNY), David Cobb (GPCA), Ben Manski (GPWI), and others, this platform amendment has also been reviewed and endorsed by these individuals: Gar Alperovitz , Green Shadow Cabinet; the Next System Project Richard D. Wolff , author of Democracy at Work and other books; lecturer; Green Shadow Cabinet; founder of Democracy at Work nonprofit organization

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Almost forgot, there's a petition you can sign to support this.


Get the popcorn boys

pls don't go over the edge with the socjus stuff

Yeah, I don't like some of the idpol policies like supporting reparations to blacks for slavery, but this might just earn them my vote if it succeeds.

As much as I hate this trend of unironic neo-mutualism that's been going on since the mid-80's the fact that this is being considered shows that maybe, just maybe we have a chance to swing a large portion of the American working class in the right direction.

*left direction

It would be a huge step forward for a party that gets a decent share of the national vote to be openly anti-capitalist.

There is a decent opportunity, but first and foremost we need to push out the retarded New Agers that want to make preventable disease mandatory.

A small group of small business fetishists in the party are trying to water the amendment down a lot.

*If* you lobby your state delegate (find the ones labled "delegate" here, not "retired delegate") for the amendment without small business shit…

we could have a socialist party with a national infrastructure again.

if you think that's the largest problem with the party, you haven't been in the party.

The Greens are complete shit in every way. Claiming to be anti-capitalist won't help.

The alternative medicine stuff got taken out of the platform that will be released after the convention. That issue is done with. That's really a relic from the Green Party's past and it's been on the chopping block for a while.

This. Along with all the SJW/idpol elements.

If they pass this amendment, I swear I'll get into that party just to twist it into shape.


ayy reform don't work

Why is this bad?
Black Americans are in much worst conditions than whites. Just look at the numbers.

reparations relies entirely on a reactionary view of race and identity
it should focus instead on improving now not trying to pay for a crime committed ages ago commited by no one now

This isn't even a reform. It's just a petition. lol.

I honestly wouldn't give a shit if reparations were paid out. Still doesn't fix the root of the problem, which is the huge property disparity between whites and blacks i.e. we need to abolish private property

The problem with any concept of reparations is where to draw the line. Do you give everyone with native American blood a bunch of money for all nations destroyed and land stolen by the US government a hundred years ago as well? The undoubtable fact of the matter is that everyone on Earth at some point in the past had an ancestor who was served and injustice.

The reparations argument views the issue superficially. It's like the UBI except only for Gibsmedats. It's not a radical solution. If anything, it would only preserve capitalism–the mode of production which saw the return of slavery.

Besides, a lot of the reparations rhetoric relies on idpol and it's pretty cringy in general.

Policies like that are why I won't vote for Jill Stein. Until the left gets it's act together they won't get my vote. Maybe one day they'll earn it but they haven't earned it yet.

You guys better push harder because I got worker cooperative support into my own Democratic party state platform recently. I wasn't able to convince them to outright reject capitalism though, of course.

but a small percentage of whites (barely 30%) actually owned slaves back in the days, not to mention there were white men who died for the abolishing of slavery

Speaking of Wolff-senpai, did anyone else listen to this week's Economic Update? He gives infamous snake oil salesman Paul Krugman a delightful beat down this week.

It's doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.
Reparations only perpetuate the idea that people should be treated differently based on the colour of their skin.

If you want to fix poverty, give money to poor people.

I did.
It was pretty great.
Did you happen to hear the one where they were talking about revolution?

No, when was this?

Often by other ancestors of theirs, no less. If a person has victims in their lineage, then they undoubtedly also have perpetrators.

If anyone's curious the Convention is from the august 4th through 7th in Huston

*Houston Texas.

I already emailed my state delegates, promised I'd volunteer for green if they passed it. Might call them later.

I agree, but having the most successful third party support "work place democracy" (i know, i know) is still a step in the right direction. In 5 years we'll have masses behind an international socialist party in the US, mark my words!


Does this mean I'll be on the ground floor of the pink wave comrades?

video related, it's you:
you cuck

Only if you post vid of you shouting "WE'RE COMING BUCKOS!" at the convention

I was actually a bit surprised he brought it up as an option.



The Libertarians support workplace democracy now?

That's debatable

besides nater did better then any libertarian candidate

in presidential elections anyway

How would they get businesses to relinquish ownership to the workers? If, in some crazy scenario, the US became a socialist country, wouldn't all the big businesses just leave for capitalist countries?

wow… the white girl acts like she's directly responsible for slavery.

The United States is the center of the American capitalist empire. It would be like Barbarians gaining control of Rome. Capitalism would survive but it would be far weaker then it was.

Sure they can leave, but they won't be able to take the means of production with them. But regardless, I'm sure they''d develop some scheme were the original owners get so at least some will hand them over willingly.

Join the fucking DSA already. They are building a united front independent of electoral politics.

Big businesses have already been outsourcing jobs for the past 50 years; this would just make it easier to justify leaving.

Most countries in the world are already capitalist, even the ones often labeled socialist. I seriously doubt the US would trigger some chain reaction that would wipe out capitalism in its entirety. Remember the Soviet Union had a hard time spreading communism.

It costs money to be a card carrying DSA member.

And they've been leaving the factories behind, corporate lobbying and capitalist property laws have prevented them from being used.

I didn't say that it would. The empire didn't fall with Rome either. It lasted for a while longer in the east. Point is it would be heavily weakened. The U.S is the major muscle that keeps the capitalist system going. Which country's intelligence agency destroyed socialist movements around the world? Which country stop the Soviet Union from spreading their ideology? The United States of America is the center of all of this.

Remember also that the Soviet Union fucked up big time with a state capitalism and that authoritarian vanguard parties were probably never compatible with socialism to begin with.

I hope they at least change the name, I depise Green Parties.

But the Green Party US seems better than the other ones, hopefully it could become a nice alternative to that horrible IdPol "Socialist Party USA" under Soltysik.

Unfortunately the green party is idpol as fuck.

DSA is a democratic front organization that doesn't get anything don. Some of their chairs endorsed Hillary. At least the Green Party has 67 elected officials. DSA has 0.

I mean Democratic Party front org

Still leaning SEP but this sort of thing might change my mind.

SEP is the most based socialist party in America when it comes to positions.


It lasted for another thousand years. That said, The barbarians conquering Rome did not amount to the revolutionary change that historians like to believe. Rome had already been transitioning to feudalism from a slave society since the third century and was effectively no longer the seat of the empire. Millan was a far more important city when Rome fell.