Hola, Holla Forums. Recently I've seen a lot of alt-right fags posting their dumb horseshit on sites I frequent...

Hola, Holla Forums. Recently I've seen a lot of alt-right fags posting their dumb horseshit on sites I frequent. I'd rather not see this nonsense as I consider fascism to be an even worse form of capitalism. What's some good stuff to repudiate their beliefs and/or make them extremely mad?

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Brag about how the white race is soon going to be wiped out by brown people and how their culture will be dismantled.


They're feels>reals so repudiation won't work. To make them mad, cleverly call them cuckolds using their obsession with alphas like Trump and Hitler as proof, say you like fucking non-whites and they won't have to worry about muddying their genes because no woman would ever fuck them, say their obsession with the white race is trying to claim the achievements of better men because they will never do anything of note. Essentially rag on them for being pathetic and that they blame outside entities for being failures.






Tell them that they're embarrassingly anachronistic in the face of increasing modernity. This will result in them claiming that you're shitting on them for being "too old-fashioned it's 2016 man lol" but don't worry, they will immediately contradict themselves by supporting transhumanism and advances in technology, science, and medicine.

What they want is traditional values within a futuristic, all-white society. However, advancing technology naturally leads to looser gender roles as time spent earning money and child-rearing is now transformed into leisure-time. Good fucking luck trying to get people to have and raise children in the year 2100 when cloning technology all but eliminates that need and desire.

Long story short, they're laughably inconsistent ideologically as well as in their methods.


Give up while you can without getting angry. Alt-right "thought" spreads like wildfire because it has teenage edge appeal. It'll slowly take over the entire community then pretend that the remainder are the ones intruding on their safe space.

hence the wisdom of the guillotine

relinquished the use of reason, administering medicine to the dead, etc.

He says while supporting a political ideology based on a time when "work" was still manual labour

you don't know shit about marxism

Okie dokie artichokie

The labor >>>>meme

>The labor >>>>meme

Rebel Media really made fun of MGTOWs?

get that tumbler shit out of here.

Everyone has standards.

That's what they call themselves, dingus.

MRAs have some decent points, but feminazis are so obsessed with them for the same reason Holla Forums is obsessed with feminazis, they want their political opposites to be as dumb as they are.

Itt: more proof leftypol hates the white race.

kill whitey tbh

fucking where

>itt leftypol hates

say feller, looks like you seen…



stay spooked NRx

Obviously, this won't repudiate their beliefs.


Call it "body of people that are similar to me" if you want. Why would I be okay with them getting slaughtered?

That's like saying, "go ahead and hang my friends and family, friendship is just a spook hehe".

Assuming that this advancing technology actually improves the lot of the working class. In the year 2100, a few rich people at the top will live like gods, the vast majority of humanity will be useless eaters, they would not be able to work for a living, even if they wanted to. Their lives will be controlled by whoever provides the charity that allows them to live.

What's the difference between a rooster and a member of the alt-right?

The rooster says "cuck" a lot less.

Sounds like the communist dream to me

That's right, Mister Carl Marquis!

Linen is expensive and we should kill all white people.

Oh, I'm sorry - didn't see you there!


Why do you only care about them and not other people though?

Back to reddit.

Wow you people sure are petty. Why don't you lot actually try to defeat the arguments?

Again? How about you go read a fucking book.

You don't have arguments. You just shout CUCK over and over again and think you've won.

Now run along, I hear Daddy Donald Trump wants to give you his cummies.

Can't wait still the brown race comes to your neighborhood and mixes their genes with that of your white neighbors and daughter :DDDDDDDD FUGG IN WHITEZ

Fascist "arguments" are no such thing, they are ideological tumors for which the only cure is a bullet through the skull.

Because not only is race a spook, so is any reasonable near-term prospect of the "slaughter" you're referring to.

relly make u thinkg…

op your a dumbfuck. The left is even more full of fascists than the right side of politics. wake the fuck up and stop supporting the shit

the alt-rights are right on many issues. it's the reason why the alt-right has gained so much momentum

apply the same logic and common sense to the left and maybe the democratic party wouldn't be such shit

You couldn't have made all these stupid points in one post, pal?


Holy shit

Freddy only said bad things about socialism.

Maybe he isn't "right wing," but he definitely wasn't sympathetic to the leftist cause.