Leftists still can't meme

Leftists still can't meme
but why tho?

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They focus too much on spreading their ideology and worrying about offending someone.

You are very wise, Duterte

Always remember, meme responsibly.

I honestly can't tell if this is unironic or good bait. Leftists are retarded regardless.

This really is leftycringe


What's the matter Holla Forumsyp? You scared? You triggered? We're coming for you. Just wait for summer to start, the war will be ours!! >:^))))

Poo poo pee pee.

Seriously, what the fuck is a Holla Forumsyp? What's the joke here? It just sounds like some made up word because they couldn't think of anything because all the good Holla Forums pisstake words are racial slurs.

Holla Forumsyp
term usually used to describe person of african or asian origin larping on internet as white nationalist, usually shitposting on imageboard which he found through reddit to give meaning to his meaningless existence as a NEET. Often overweight.
also it sounds funny in my language

you really didn't need to type that

why does leftyfur keep spreading this mod meeting as if it was a Holla Forums meeting? are they that deluded?
I think I might know the answer already

Slav, pls.

Bottomfeeder. They have to keep their insults clean.

It's just random pic in my folder. Americans are pathetic and should be destroyed, biggest mistake of our history is that hitler and stalin didn't ally to annex/balkanize them.

7 out of 10 people there look normal
compare to this now

your pic just proves my point, america was mistake

the meteor can't come sooner

Says the Slovak. I mean seriously, what contributions have Slovaks made to history? Oh that's right, nothing except for being the bitch of the Hungarians, Czechs, Germans and Russkies.

kek, look at all those "based negroes" and "based fags" in that picture. subverted as fuck.

It must be because of american superior aryan genetics.

Yes, actually. Despite our racial decline as of late, we still have plenty of pure whites.

All of western Europe combined couldn't put down a tiny shitter like Germany until the Americans and Russians came in to help, and America was doing everything from overseas, while Russia was literally right there and had easy access. And that's not even mentioning proportionate casualty losses to reach the same degree of impact.

If literally every nation in the world at the time of WW2 had all joined forces against the US, they could have won, yeah. But even the combined forces of the Axis and Russia would never have pulled it off. Leftist ideologies and obesity may have weakened America as it is today, but the nation then was not so weak.

The hardest part about invading America is making landfall, and that's if you manage to achieve naval dominance.



Rolling for Bunkerchan (3).

I'm okay with GET-chan too, of course I'll wait till she's 18 because I'm not a Sandy goat fucker.


You're being ridiculous. Stalin threatened the US to make peace with Germany which was the cause for D-Day. The eastern front was by far, in a 9:1 ratio, the bigger and harder war as opposed to the western front, Hollywood just loves to skew that. If Germany and Russia made peace at say 42, the Axis would've easily ruled over Europe including England within a year or two. No fallen Germany means no Operation Paperclip, and Germany would've had the nuke at 45 or 46 while the US would've had nothing at all. The Amerikabomber could reach the US from mainland Germany, and the US likely would've capitulated unconditionally after nukes on Chicago, Detroit and NY.

A full scale invasion would have been unlikely. Moving ground forces over the oceans was a logistical nightmare, the populations of the Axis would be exhausted from war at 46-50, and Hitler never planned to annex countries beyond the Großgermanisches Reich. However, if the US would have not capitulated from the nukes, the Axis and Russia would have had the resources to nuke the entire US territory into dust.

Memes are a reflection of reality

Images that explain an ideology are just propaganda

They all look like faggots. I'll make my own group, with actual fit and well dressed people.

that doesn't make any fucking sense
is that what they teach you in germanistan schools?

Stalin and Hitler had a pact before you know. It would have been just as much of a pact between arch enemies as the US-Russia coalition. The Wehrmacht was almost at Moskow, they could be seen from the third ring, it was a sane decision for the Russians and it worked.

I fucking wish

so what you're trying to say is Stalin threatened the US so they (the russians) could make peace with germany, not so the US would make peace with germany? your english is confusing
it doesn't make much sense either way

Yes, Russia threatened the US to make peace with Hitler. The Russians were dire enemies of the US, and the US did not like the thought of a Europe entirely in Axis / Russian hands.

Effectively, the third part of WW2 was one grand divide and conquer strategy by the US so they hat some leverage over europe in the coming war with Russia. Nukes were the only reason that war never broke out of course.

Holy shit, Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys is a fucking commie.
