Holla Forums Revival

This thread is dedicated to the discussion on how we as a community can usher in a Holla Forums golden era and save our dwindling board.

I've browsed some boards and what I found lacking was a sense of community activities that can help with creation of OC.

Now why would OC be important in a boards revival a few might ask, well the answer is simple, there are two types of boards. Consumers and Producers.
Boards that consume from other outlets and do not create their own OC and culture will be overcome and be stamped out by a much larger culture.
We can see this with what happen with 4chan during it's dark ages, not enough of it's own OC, and only taking in the content of other websites until the base community that were the pillars of a once good site dwindled in numbers.
and to the new fags that don't know what am talking about, you can take another example with Holla Forums/v/ and 4chan/v/ two are both video game boards but they are entirely different in terms of culture, you can easily spot a 4channer on any board with their lack of understanding on lingo/culture here.

and now we comeback around and take insight with ourselves as a community, we can either be consumers or producers.
The choice is not with me, but with all of you that share the board.
and of course the board owner Dynosmia, maybe sticky some threads that promote the creation of OC will be a great boost and benefit for us.

how to usher in a Holla Forums golden era and save our dwindling board:

step 1: remove flags
step 2: remove IDs
step 3: profit

go jump off the nearest cliff.

nigger dick and jews

How to make Holla Forums great again: Sticky all threads and ban the creation of new ones.

Ban pedophiles, they are the cancer behind every Holla Forums board destruction.

This is a good alternative.

ban all globe-earthers and VPNs

Every time somebody creates some nice OC, the OP is called a faggot, told to kill themselves and then told to go back to sliteyechan.

Everybody here thinks they're better than everyone else. Everyone thinks you have to use nigger and kike in your post other wise you're a plebbitor and not a believer in free speech.

The only two things keeping 8ch alive is the gamefags and the nazis at pol.

delet Holla Forums


they're next on the list, no worries. now fuck off and die.
Holla Forums is moribund and its owner deserves a slap. Holla Forums is an insult to its userbase and deserves to die slowly, organ fail by organ fail as a reminder to Jim what a serial failure he is

muh attention whore.


you have to go back.

Thanks mister Punisher.

You too Kuzco.

Why even bring "Holla Forums golden era"? It's a dumb idea in itself considering that a bunch newfags will start crawling all over this board in due time. In fact, why make this place anymore popular. I don't want Holla Forums to turn into cuckchan. Wasn't that the whole point of this site's creation?

was thrown to the pigs by kikewheels in exchange for an easier life. jim shits in your mouth and you talk of reviving the event. jesus.

I never mentioned bringing in new blood, I only want our quality to go up and have a genuine community where originality is key.
but you do bring up a good point, once a board starts becoming a beacon due to infamy or just general quality things will start to stagnate once fresh blood comes in and starts messing with the established scheme of things.
I wish I had an answer to the problem when it comes to newfags, I don't think no one does due to the anonymous nature of our site.

loyal /kennedi/ posting


Fake this sites end on wikipedia or something similar to thwart normalfaggots.
Create OC.
Create a /hebe/ board for pedos so they go away.

You need to accept pedos and fur fags, they have always been a buffer against normalfags froms coming here.


You aren't getting any OC made by me as long as fags are erping on this board.

Apart from shitposting AJ did you make any in the first place?

Yeah I have actually, maybe go check your logs since you are keen on keeping track of everyone and what they post. Just give the board to fugthelug already you worthless cancer. Also, just cause your tiny brain can't think of anything new or fun to do with the board doesn't mean you need to implement IDs for the 3rd time.