Little girls board

Stop supporting Jim and the other moralcuck mods who are known to data mine and sell your data. Come over to /lg/!!!

Little girls board

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I'm not a pedophile, so no.

Hebephiles are welcome too

children are disgusting

Adults are more disgusting.

Adults don't make everything they touch sticky.

kek, are you a mudslime?

Adults make everything they touch oily and greasy. Little girls make everything they touch blessed.

I'M A FUCKING WHITE MALE. The VPN is in sweden.

I support this. Pedos pls go.

little girls are obnoxious. Their purity is grating, it just makes me want to corrupt them by showing them all of the bad things in the world.

Fuck you, I ain't posting on no huemonkey site.

Jim pls go

I want them to leave too.

You can show them corrupting things but they most likely won't care. They are essentially resistant to impurities.

Nigga if I was Jim, I would want you to stay on Holla Forums so I could get more ad revenue and sell your data.

Thats not true at all.

Exactly what corrupting things do you want to show them?

how cruel the world is. Things like the fact that santa claus and the easter bunny aren't real and that they were adopted or an accident. Also point out that they stand a good chance of being raped by people like you and there is no god to make things just again. Basically turn them into hardened cynics.

Why not both? It's not half as fun without antis. :^)

None of these would corrupt them. It might make them sad for a while but then they'll feel better.

That's not true at all. Sadists, not pedos, rape children.

Messing with the antis was fun for a while but I got tired of it. They always have the same shitty arguments and when they realise they can't argue anymore they just say to kill yourself.

thats bullshit, pedos are the only ones who get off to kids. Sadists prefer s&m stuff, its even in the name

Only a small part (16,2 %) of sexual offenders against children meet the criteria (DSM-IV-TR) for pedophilia. There is significant difference in occurrence of other psychopathological features between groups of ‘pedophiles’ and non-pedophilic ‘child molesters’, i.a. alcohol abuse/dependence, sexual dysfunction, personality disorder, increased aggressiveness, mental deficit, etc.

Research helps increase understanding of correlations and differences between terms that describe sexual offenders of children. It confirms the opinion that not all of child sexual offenders are pedophiles. Regarding pedophilia remains the problem of its definition in conditions of practical acceptance of courts.

Are we allowed?

that's some ugly hair

not here


no gay is wrong

'''What amazes me is how asshurt the pedo cunts get over being thrown out of here. The authorities shut down Masterchan & every other shitty IB there degenerate pieces of shit flock to, and they still don't get the message that they're not wanted.==

No wonder so many of these child molesting cunts turn out to be SJW's - both groups have a complete detachment from reality & can't accept that no one wants them around.


Pedos owned the Internet before you were born.

yet they haven't taken down Holla Forums newfag

only because you fucks keep getting the proverbial boot.



Jews are the ones shutting down pedo boards

I don't know why you dumbasses run with this shit. Jews love fucking children.

Jews != pedos. A real pedo would not mutilate a baby dick.

Why do you assume all pedos are Jewish? I am a Christian pedo.

I see I've touched a nerve, kike.

I'm not assuming shit. The talmud permits jews to be kiddy diddlers. The real question here is why are you assuming that jews shut down pedo boards.

It's to cover up the fact that most jews are pedoscum

"Jews may use lies (‘subterfuges’) to circumvent a [Gentile]. "
-(Baba Kamma 113a.)118

And they also enjoy torturing and sacrificing them to the Shameful King, i.e. it's a twisted religious thing. I just want a cute lgf to give hugs and kisses and fugs as we make cute Aryan chilluns again and again till we both grow old and have a huge Aryan family.

It's not a religious thing, user. It's a jewish thing. They are the synagogue of satan for a reason, they are born evil. Here's a quote I saved from a random user that explains it well:

Saying that you're an atheist Jew would be like someone saying 'I'm an atheist Christian.'
If you still follow all the customs of Christianity, but don't believe in God, what's the difference?"

fucked up my formatting but you get it

I see you're well-informed about the Jewish laws. Makes me wonder who is behind this post.

kiddy diddlers != pedos

I notice you always capitalize the "J" in jew, and have yet to say "kike". Makes me wonder who is behind your post. Oh wait, it's obvious, you're a fucking kike who tried to claim you were a pedophile christian. As always the lying kike tries to pin what he is doing on a Christian. Gas yourself Chaim

You're a failure. I can say kike, jew, Jew, it doesn't matter because they're all the same. Are you happy now?

You say it now, after I call you out for it. Interesting. Almost like you're defensive about not being a filthy kike.

Depends, have you inhaled your gas?

cum on over and post on brchan fam

This argument is going nowhere. I'll end it here. You are incapable of learning that not all pedos are kikes. The truth is, pedos come in all shapes and sizes. If all pedos were jews, then people with oversized snouts would be exterminated by now. You must be a nigger with a tiny brain if you can't understand this stuff.



Rolled 2 + 1 (1d6)wut


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