Knowing Norse gods


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Does he do this in the movies only or still does it in the comics. Maybe he's a misotheist.

It can all be explained scientifically my dude :^ )

Can't have the goyim believing in a higher power that teaches morality now, can we?

Also another stupid

Makes about as much sense as Lex Luthor selling his soul to Necron when he doesn't believe in souls.

Comic book superheroes/supervillains being atheists simply does not make sense and does not work. There's a reason why Dr. Thirteen hasn't been relevant in years.

I thought this meme died in 2010…

If it can be killed by human means, it is not a god.

Maybe, having met them, he figures they are limited entities, however powerful, and thus not truly divine.

Or maybe he's just too proud.

He's memorized all of the Ayn Rand books. He's immune to their mystical delusions and collectivist bullshit.

An atheist doesn't necessarily deny gods, but denies divinity. They may exist, but he doesn't consider them worthy of worship.

I'm thinking this. Especially with his personality, he might be thinking they ain't worth much since the world is still fuck and he saves more people on a daily basis than Jesus whatever.

Ain't souls a scientific fact in the DC universe?

Is that a another name for agnostic theist?

That's not atheism. I think There a name for it. I just can't recall what's it called.

Hell is also a scientific fact in the marvel universe. Mister fantastic and Tony stark build portal guns to open and close gateways to hell. He knows dead supervillains somehow exist in hell. Denies the existence of hell and demons.

These sites have him down as a "futurist", or Alcoholics Anonymous.

*tips fedora*

I hate the argument that mephisto isn't the real devil because he isn't truly the devil in the bible. Even though he lives in hell. And people sell their souls to him. The beast in doctor who is one big rip off of mephisto. The point of mephisto is he the devil of every religion in the universe.

That's because that definition belongs to a world that has no solid proof that Gods exist.
While there is solid proof that Gods exist in the marvel universe, the definition has to be amended, obviously.

But that's stupid. Even doctor who and 2000 ad didn't pussy out like that when character found out the Devil exist. Hell even Rick & Morty handle it better. Rick probably not even a atheist. He just mad at or hate God. Which is interesting and I'm character. With Doctor Who after facing the Beast. The doctor stopped being anti-theist but remain a agonistic.

Wouldn't refusing to accept the divinity of Gods also be in character for Tony Stark?
Or would you rather see him become a hardcore Christian, spreading the word of the Lord?

Still not as baffling as Q being in Star Trek. Q race pretty much undermines Gene roddenberry intended secular themes in Star Trek. Q is probably the best argument of Existences of Gods in Star Trek.

Q always been weird like that. But it wasn't the first time Magic popped up in Star Trek.

I think the original idea of Q was doing cthulhu mythos style Elder gods in Star Trek. But you have a hard time argue against Cthulhu not being a literal god cause he a alien. Because the universe in Cthulhu mythos was created by accident by a mad elder god.

The Federation apparently has religious freedom, but I think the deal is that no one considers the Q worthy of divinity (see Q's hilarious stint as a human) and the whole Prime Directive deal is about dealing, philosophically and practically, with the massive difference of power between people with access to sufficiently advanced technology and those without. Q is defined as merely an extremely powerful alien, which seems to overall suit the Q fine, for that matter. Being worshipped gets old fast.

Acknowledging the existence of deities is one thing, submitting yourself to religious belief is another. Dealing with world-ending threats on a regular basis kind of forces that shit into the backseat.

Wasn't it implied Q race were worshipped as gods by aliens they created but got bored of it godhood? I got the impression Q race even debated if they were Gods or not for awhile.

I forgot he existed.

Likely. Capital G Godhood implies things that even the Q probably can't and don't want to lay claim to, they seem perfectly fine considering themselves merely beings that happen to be insanely more powerful than anything else they know of in the universe. (Of course, it all depends on how you define godhood- a concept thought up by other races, likely) Doesn't help that other races don't have anything to really offer them except entertainment and an outside POV, which worship is an active detriment to.

That's one thing hipster indie game devs always over look or don't understand. In the cthulhu mythos everyone is wrong. Every philosophy every religion is wrong including atheism. Not only the universe was created by powerful space monsters. They don't notices us or even care.

That woud be my first reaction frankly.

And the one space monster who does notice loves nothing more than fucking with us and hanging out with terrifying aliens who see us as wildlife.

I think he likes Thor though…

You talking about that eye ball monster that knocked up a retarted British girl for the LUZ by literal hentai like tentacle rape?( I'm not even kidding.)

The closest to that is a Dystheist, someone who believes that God is evil or doesn't have humanity's best interests at heart. This definition could be stretched to "the divine entities in my world are in a constant power struggle, worshiping them is to participate in their wars."

But Marvel's not that deep. Tony Stark is an atheist because he's a scientist. And only 7% of the most elite of all scientists are theists, so says magic black star man.

Speaking of which. Does Neil degrasse Tyson still have a bad habit of tweeting fake joke quotes by accident? He comes across as a fake bill nye scientist on Twitter. Even though he a actual scientist. Than again people tend to sound stupid on twitter.

this tbh
"yea, thats a powerful non-human or human+ dude, yea some people worship him, but he is not so far above me that its insurmountable, and I am not a god…"

I hate the fake interest in science sub cultural so much.

Nu, I'm pretty sure he means Nyalathotep, who is kind of like a really mean Q.

Last I heard, yes. The man does no research into the quotes he tweets.

I refuse to believe Tony's ego would ever allow him to say this.

its because of his ego that he judges somethings divinity status by comparing it to himself… and has found nothing to be significantly greater then him as to be counted as a higher power.

Keep trying newfag.

Shouldn't a famous scientist should know better than falling for fake quotes?

Not necessarily. Having a PhD doesn't make you any less vulnerable to Twitter bullshit than the Average Joe.

A misotheist is someone who hates God or any gods.

Me too its a shame since it could inspire people but instead it creates smug assholes.

Depends on the field. Most biologists and physicists are atheists, but theism (mostly of the deistic variety) is more common than you'd think among mathematicians.

Considering how low university standards have been for the past few decades I wouldn't be surprised if fucking valedictorians bought into this same faggotry despite being the very people that should be able to spot fallacious and outright false bullshit from a mile away.

Having a PhD became a joke at this point. You probably could get by studying in the field of advance gender studies at this point.

And every form he takes induces insanity in some race. Has some interesting implications, given he can take human form.

Reminded how Sir Isaac Newton literally believed in magic.

Thing is about scientists, doctors and such is that while they may be skilled and intelligent in a certain field, that in no way implies they are smart people overall, and many in fact believe and do absolutely batty things outside their area of expertise to the point of barely functioning in daily life.


Old Silver Age character, basically a guy who goes around disproving supernatural stuff..ironically his daughter is a magic user (who also dated the third Blue Beetle)

I see. What's he named for?

Mankind does not like the mirror held up to it sometimes.

You mean, why he's called Dr. 13? That's his last name, Terrence (or Terrance) Thirteen.

Before Nu52 it was historical fact the living embodiment of God's vengence was part of a club founded by the President of the United States.

Souls and psychic powers have been canon in Star Trek almost from the very beginning, but almost all of the characters are materialists and secular humanists. No one in the show ever comments on this. The afterlife is a ridiculous superstition, but transferring one's mind into another body is pretty mundane.

Look at the way evolution seems to work on the show, or light speed — the simple explanation is that they're a bunch of fedoras living in a high fantasy universe but deeply in denial.

user the absolute dumbest motherfuckers I've ever met have multiple PhDs. Not to say they aren't very knowledgeable… inside their specialty.

But outside their specialty but in the same field? They may know less than that crazy homeless guy that pees on the side of your building. Don't even get me started on anything OUTSIDE their field.


Sorry, work. Bottom line is the American Education system does not provide a general education before or during college. We lie to ourselves and say a general education is given during secondary and grammar school; but every year is so stupidly paced and our teachers so poorly trained that the average person will remember less than 10% of what they learned.

The result is that anyone who is not an autodidact will come out, even with multiple PhDs, dumb as a sack of bricks.

Wrong actually, 51% are either theists or spiritualists. 49% of scientists identify as non-spiritual of which 17% call themselves atheists.


The most common answer among scientists (at 20%) is "I never thought about it lol".

Dammit I miss the old days.

We must write this.

Doesn't help that the education system basically encourages you, often downright requires you, to hyperspecialise in a field to get your pieces of paper, and fuck everything else.

For one thing, despite being paid well, doctors are notoriously terrible with money and blow it all on living above their means.

Also mathematicians have a stereotype of being downright insane.

Do your parents a favor and slit your wrists.
How they will jump with joy.

Quick correction. 41% identify as non-spiritual a little over 7% told Pew to fuck off they were working.

Good point. It's like when people say "who gives you the right to play God?" Do they understand that gods do more than just kill people?