I keep seeing all these browser threads talking about how "shit" modern browsers are...

I keep seeing all these browser threads talking about how "shit" modern browsers are. One thing that is lacking is an explanation as to what a "good" browser looks like. Can someone please describe a good browser should do? I'm genuinely curious as to what the general consensus is.

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Must not send information to google/mozilla/anywhere other than the website you connected to (see: what browsers are for).

Good plugin support, no retard pandering by forbidding certain kinds of plugins like firefox does now.

Renders pages fast, and doesn't use shitton of memory.

Doesn't come bundled with shit that does not belong to a web browser, such as how mozilla tries to shoehorn chat applications and whatever bullshit into firefox.

Customizeable UI.

qutebrowser would be so close if it had more plugins. mostly umatrix. though youtube doesn't work in it for me

I'd say that the problem lies with the World Wide Web more than with browsers. People are desparate to bolt on extras to HTML and CSS to try and make websites that act like apps, and they were never made for that. The result is a mess of Javascript, and is hard to deal with no matter how nice your browser is.

Anyway, here's some good browser stuff:
>Groupable tabs RIP Opera 12
>Nothing suspicious in the code See that one Chromium version that downloaded some closed source stuff on Debian
>Keyboard shortcut support RIP Pentadactyl

Interestingly, Pale Moon satisfies about 90% of these
It's more lean than current firefox and chrome
The majority of non-webextensions add-ons work, those that don't are just a matter of australis/useragent
If a site doesn't render fine it's either because it's using webkit-specific extensions or it's just poorly written
Doesn't send anything back to moonchild or whoever
HTML5 video works most of the time, if it doesn't it's some DRM-infested extension
Sage because browser wars are for other threads, but know that Pale Moon meets a lot of the criteria listed here

Dillo but actually compatible with most websites.

Something that doesn't take up 1GB of RAM on 3 tabs


Just lynx or elinks, m8.


fucking dropped

Best browser

-Free as in freedom (of course)
-Does what you tell it to and nothing more.
-Minimal, no bells and whistles you didn't chose to add yourself.
-Doesn't phone home by default. Doesn't give more information out than it needs to.
-Modular, but with basic safe/advanced configuration available.
-Prioritizes security and anonymity over "user experience" and "performance"
-Doesn't use more resources than absolutely necessary (admittedly this is related more to today's web dev standards)
-Ability to be amnesic/clean itself up.

Tab based sandboxing and proxying would also be nice.
This might be due to sheer ignorance, but I don't see why it should even be possible that a site can read your bookmarks for example under any circumstance. Ideally it shouldn't be able to see any of your browsers configuration in the first place, why would it need any more information than your user agent?

tl;dr gives a fuck about its user's privacy by default + gives the user the ability to customize it.

In order for it to actually take of though, such a project must be well known and adopted. No popularity => no plugins => no modularity for your average Joe => no reason to use it. Even if you know what you're doing and can write your own addons/plugins, you'll still stick out like a sore thumb if no one else is using it. So you end up trying to emulate the big 4 that everyone is already using, leading to unnecessary bloat, etc.
It's a vicious circle.

These three sum it up pretty well I think.
, ,
The main problem is web dev, not so much browsers.

I for one give absolutely zero fucks about plugins, as the few that are actually important (eg umatrix, noscript, https everywhere) should be built in functionality. I also consider tabs to be actively harmful, as they should be managed by the taskbar and duplicating that functionality in every program ever is pointless bloat.

It's the plugin culture that makes browsers terrible - they skimp out on basic functionality because you can just get .

Vivaldi is the best, because at least it tries to have features BY DEFAULT. But it still needs more, like being able to move menubar icons.

Jesus Christ, the memes are strong in this one.

Firefox lets you disable that easily.

They aren't forbidding anything. They're just changing the browser so it can be faster and safer.

You retards sperg about how Chrome is fast and Firefox is shit because it lags, but when Mozilla decides to do something about it you sperg because you don't like change. Fuck you.

It was an HTML5 page that was included with the browser. Literally a 5 MB file that only loaded when you asked it to. WebRTC is something they had to add support to anyways, so fuck you.

Firefox Hello is dead thanks to lack of use (but hey, Discord is succeeding, maybe the idea wasn't that bad after all???) and Pocket is a fucking joke that doesn't even load if you hide the button.

Fuck you.

why is it enabled by default? Disabling it is an extra effort which can be nullified by just using another browser

There are certain trends evolving at Mozilla. They got rid of the creator of the project (yes his own project) because he did a mind crime. The next logical step is to implement muh anti muhsoggyknee policies and pandering to SJW needs.

Here the same question: Why is it enabled by default? A webbrowser should be delivered with maximum privacy settings instead of maximum botnet settings. On Palememe I don't even have WebRTC.

Palemoon has some very big issues but it is acutally a pretty good browser. Addons won't be compatible but for the most important ones, you have Palemoon derivatives that do pretty much the exact same thing. Palemoon is just Furryfox with tons of bloat and botnet stripped out. It is not perfect but a step into the right direction.

I am not a google shill, so no I don't think the marginal differences in speed are the deciding factor.

If people wanted to use chrome they would use chrome. Firefox is killing it's niche, and switching to webextensions-only is the deathblow. Good thing there's eighty-thousand forks.

You literally cannot uninstall uMatrix without changing some obscure settings in the about:config.

They literally tell you that they are collecting crash reports when you install it and run it the first time. All the other telemetry options are opt-in, and disabling crash reporting is just one click away.

You fucking imbecile.

Mozilla is a COMPANY. They are there to win money. The CEO donated some money in a campaign against gay marriage, you just can't have a guy like that AT THE FRONT OF THE COMPANY just because that will give you a bad reputation.

Doesn't matter. It would damage the brand because consumers don't like that. It would be the same with Microsoft, Google, IBM, etc. Companies just can't have a supporter of a lost cause (especially one that is perceived as bad by the consumers) just to cater to your contrarian feelings.

Why is JavaScript enabled by default? Why is extension support enabled by default? Why is pdfjs enabled by default?

Because they are either standards or widely-used features, even if they're not the most secure ones.

Color me surprised.

Kill yourself, faggot.

That's the goddamn point. They don't want to be a niche product, they want to gain users and that's why they're trying to basically rewrite the browser.

Extensions are a non-issue since Mozilla already stated that they will create new APIs to give the same (or mostly the same) functionality that old extensions had.

Devs are just whining like little bitches because they don't want to learn something new, and that's understandable; but they're just like the """""web developers""""" that refuse to learn HTML5 and JS and instead keep trying to use Flash and Silverlight.

Oh yeah, it really hurt chick-fil-a, oh wait it didn't, because most people don't give a shit one way or the other about fags. It's almost like it was done for political reasons and not for economic reasons. Just because shitlibs like to no platform everyone and scream the loudest does not mean their opinions are popular. They are a worthless demographic to cater too and take no issue with producing what is basically propaganda at a loss.


It should only parse HTML and CSS, which should be off by default.
It shouldn't even view images, that's what image viewers are for.

I'm sorry, but html is a markup language for web documents. Sure, a document doesn't require the ability to include images, but it's a very important need in the news industry, amongst others. I'm all for having an external image display library, but it should be able to display them in-line.

The same way it didn't hurt you when they asked the guy to step down.

Yes. Because they are more or less seen as normal.

This is the same as interracial marriage. If a company had a CEO and it was later found by the public that he opposed it in the 50s, he would be demoted.

If that was the case he would have been fired several years before. A lot of people in the company knew about his views, yet he wasn't fired. If that was the case he wouldn't have been the CEO in the first place.

In fact, they didn't even fire him. They asked him to step down from as a CEO and offered him another job, but he refused and quit Mozilla.

But they are. Homosexuals can marry because people either voted in favor or didn't care about it. If that opinion was unpopular, people would have voted to keep it illegal, as they did before.

No. People like you is useless to cater to and take no issue with producing what is basically propaganda at a loss.

Do you know why companies like Mattel and Campbell released LGBT-friendly comercials and then directly mocked the people that was outraged in social media? Because they don't matter.

They don't care if shitty people get offended by their commercials, that's why they don't cater to homophobics, racists and xenophobes -or at least that's the message they want to convey.

Mozilla didn't demote the guy for political reasons, they demoted him because having a (public) homophobe damage their brand.

Firefox is most likely the best browser at the moment, if you know what your doing and you know how to properly edit the about:config file.

Stop shitting up the thread you faggots.

Correct, it's just that u need to configure it to not be a semi-botnet. All other browsers are pozzed due to insecurity [palemoon] or permanent botnet [chrome]. Brave is hipster shit with enforced privacy invasion forfiture. etc etc etc.

Turn off eme, sync, webrtc and whole other list of configurations. More info here:

I agree that a browser should be secure and private by default, there's a reason Mozilla is a company with 300 employees or so with hundreds of millions of revenue per year. "Non-profit" my ass.