Check out this insane footage I got from the DePaul protests. MUST WATCH!

They're just bringing more attention to that fuckwit, making his crowd look larger (fuck, it looked like half the crowd or more were protesters) and reinforcing the alt-right victim complex.

Do they know what "strategy" means?

I'm not watching that

Liberals getting upset about a neoliberal speaker

who cares?


Not watching
I already know these people are easily offended whiners.

Why do the Trump supporters look like that? I expected some bigger men there.

Because Trump supporters are normal everyday people.


They look like weak betas tbh.

people who care about elections are all betas

This tbh

Bernie supporters ARE less beta in the videos. They look more socially desirable, tall and attractive. Also more females amongst them. Shillary supporters are richers, so still more alpha, even if they're older.

I'm sorry, what videos are you referring to?

nigger, thats because a lot of girls like hillary and bernie and alpha guys dont really care for politics, so they go wherever the girls are.
genuine trump, bernie and hillary supporters are ALL betas. only betas care about who becomes president and rule over them.

That's true.

Any videos of Bernie rallies, you'll find "hip" males and females, not this nerd-con. I honestly was surprised.


Also this isn't a Trump rally or a Bernie rally, this is a Milo rally, so only edgy internet basement dwellers are here, on both sides of the political spectrum.

True, I apologize. I should have said Milo supporters.

Nobody gives a fuck, leave my board.


Forget to take your shitposting flag off fam?

I mean, the alt-right internalizes the Social Darwinist ideology of neoliberalism. It's an appropriate descriptor.

nah i like this flag. it looks comfy and aesthetic. not a nazbol tho.

what the fuck?

Well, they aren't mutually exclusive but neo-liberlism is heavily social Darwinist

these protesters were just exercising their right to protest, considering the type of person that was giving the talk and the univercity it had taken place i support them 100%

Hi Reddit

only problem was that they were not organised and not violent enough

why did you post your email?

Nah the only problem is that they're liberal pieces of shit . I enjoy watching neoliberals and neocons destroying each other. There's no good guy. Just enjoy the drama. It's not like they're fighting about anything important.

I don't see them anywhere in the video

I'm sorry do you not know what a neoliberal is? Please tell me what you think that is.

The whole privatization thing. Well I guess Milo's fans could be considered neoliberals but then who are the neocons?

No Milo is a neocons. Neocons advocate for the same free market principles and fiscal responsibility of neoliberals but they reject the moral and cultural individualism of neoliberalism. So they push for more traditional "common" sense values. Obviously I'm referring to the Hillary supports and various other "college activists" that have shown up to fight with neocons about pop culture nonsense.

Oh I see what you mean, but I don't think Milo is a neocon is he? He's gay and I don't know if he's advocating for international involvement the same way other necons would.Also, I think Hillary supporters would more likely be social liberals supporting things like a strong social net etc. In the end though, Milo is just a celebrity who doesn't know shit and supports whatever is popular by being provocative.

He's more of a nationalist, and more generally a self-hating hypocrite that makes his sexuality part of his political appearance while complaining about LGBT social justice.

I don't know to what extent you could call Milo a nationalist. He is certainly a soft reactionary, the kind of pundit that makes frequent reference to the ideas of people who are further right than him without ever explicitly endorsing them. In this way, he functions as a bridge between movement conservatism and the "alt right".

In retrospect I think he's mostly an opportunist that milks angry retards for money. Before gaymergayte he openly despised adult men that played video games.

That's what I'm saying. He's a celebrity. Nothing more.

No not really. Go check out some of the anti-bernie subs on reddit like enough Bernie spam. They're just neoliberals that use identity politics as a smoke screen.

No he seems like a neo con to me. He's very big on tradition and free market principals. I'm not really sure how he feels about foreign policy though. Although he's one hell of a real life shitposter. He really knows how to rustle some liberal jimmies.

Neocons are nationalists, they just want to kill everyone outside of the country and take their shit.