Remedy for a hangover

Help me, Holla Forums.
What do you do to ease yourself out of a hangover?
Pls don't tell me to smoke my own cum or something equally 'tarded

Drink pee and raw eggs


Yes, I do this all the time when hungover
Don't know why

tea, lots of it. hydrate and stimulate. also, an aspirin.

It makes the pain subside for a bit and gives you something else to turn your attention to.

Toast helps and lots of water

yeah, water.
Prevention is the best cure, as always; drink water whilst you get drunk and you wont get hit so hard the next morning. Makes you pee a lot though don't widdle all over your carpet.

friend of mine went home to his mum's one night blind drunk. In the living room, he lifted a seat cushion on her armchair and took a piss. Woke up in the garden.

A small amount of alcohol can help, ironically

yeah I wouldn't of made a point of it if I didn't know from experience

green tea beats water. Also mix garlic into your food

You were that friend, weren't you.

Already on the water
Making green tea now
Will report back
I'm a pretty heavy drinker when I drink so you'd think I'd be used to it but every hangover gets worse and worse
hard drugs don't help either

Coffee yah dumb ass..

just dehydrates me more
i already drank 2 cups d-bag


stop getting wasted.

that 'za would be great if it weren't for those long slices of cockmeat on it

You got me. I just wanted to make it worse. Ain't I a stinker?

Is that a bird dick pizza?

One 16oz bottle water then some sweet tea. It helps my hangovers. Sometimes if I feel nauseous I will make myself throw up them rehydrate some more

I've drank six 500mL bottles of water already, one gatorade, and a cup of tea
i think my hangovers are just gnarly

Welcome to aging.


Yea man you got a killer one. I think all you can do is wait it out and let the body do its thing. Once you piss and shit a little more you will feel better.. Probably wouldn't hurt to masterbate and shoot some toxins out that way too

Chicken Pho or Ramen w/ meat in it. Make sure to add lots of garlic, lime juice and hot sauce if you can handle it.

Tea or coffee help a bit but caffeine is a diuretic so you'll wanna drink water alongside it. A lot of the misery of a hangover is being dehydrated.

Advil/Ibuprofen or aspirin is good for the headache. Tylenol is hard on the liver when mixed w/ alcohol.

Powerade/Gatorade if you got it, otherwise fruit juice can help.

shit tasta fams


You need to eat as well. If you aren't too nauseated, something with a lot of salt and protein in it like eggs + bacon w/ buttered toast is good. If your stomach is rolling over itself and you're gonna barf up anything you look at, try bland starches like toast, rice, oatmeal, or beans. Key is to get some food in you alongside all the caffeine and headache pills but you have to keep it down.

What kind of booze are you getting fucked up on? I always have a bad time with really hoppy and unfiltered ales also dark+dry wines mess me up really bad if I get trashed on them. Lagers, lighter wines and decent liquor don't fuck me up nearly as bad.

mah nigga, but making that for yourself with a brutal hangover isn't happening. hope you got a gf or benevolent bros to whip that kind of thing up for you

any fruit with high vitamin C. Apples, oranges etc. Given the state of the stomach juice is probably the way to go (if possible freshly squeezed).

Drink a fuck ton of water, don't interact with anyone, and make the room as dark as possible. I would get severe depression during hangovers, that's why I stopped drinking.

Thats migraine tier hangovers, ive had that happen to me once when i killed a liter of shit vodka in a night

basically just eat decent food, drink coffee, jerk off, take a long hot shower and brush your teeth then lie down until you can actually function. good luck, STALKER

Smoke your own cum.

I actually pity you.

I'm in the same boat friend. When I get hungover it's just fucking gnarly and I can't do anything but ride it out

Hangover prevention: half a glass of water with every other alcoholic beverage

Hangover remedy: Mountain Dew (regular because it has orange juice) with a couple of aspirin or ibuprofen. As it kicks in, cook yourself a full breakfast.


Drink more. You can't get hung over if you're always drunk

Jerking off is the worst thing if you have a headache

have one or two beers
should help you through the worst of it

other than that, there's no cheating
remember to drink lot of water and eat something

hair of the dog