Does this shirt make me look fat Holla Forums?

Does this shirt make me look fat Holla Forums?


I am too lazy to find out if this is legit.
Show tits.

yes, take it off

Really? :( How fat?

I'm sure it's legit, user.

Too tight. Your pot belly is showing.

Pot belly? Where? :0

Shamefur dispray.

I'd hit it.

Thanks for the data

Wouldn't you also hit it?

with a baseball bat

Alright but can I put my benis inside it for a while first?


Why is your brain so tiny?

What makes you think my brain is tiny?

The size of your brain. Which is tiny.

She's okay.

She's 3/10 at best.

She just needs to trip her eyebrows a bit and smile more, it helps.
got me there.
used to those really, pic related.

she's like 6.5/10 for me


her cadaver refuses to listen to reason, she isn't smiling

I don't think smiling will make it any better, user.

Requesting xray.

I don't get it. How does she look so hideous in that pic but alright in ?