Anyone else here self-harm?

Anyone else here self-harm?

How? And how often? Why?

I cut myself with a razor blade in my left upper biceps because it makes me feel high, and I admit it is kind of addictive.

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I drink and smoke beat that faggot

Same. But the feeling 30 secs after cutting is better

well fuck you then I'm going to have to try it
how do you avoid staining all your shit

Take a razor blade, put it against your skin (I recommend upper arm side) and just slice. Push heavily and do it slowly to maximise the pain. I guarantee it feels good

The stains are not a big factor, just keep a towel handy

also do 3/4 cuts for best effect

It really calms you down, and tbh the cuts look really pretty

I have been cutting on my own foreskin lately

Last week I drank a glass of milk.
except this time I put a little bit of rum in it!!!
Don't mess with me!

take it easy mate we don't want any trouble here

This just means you are below age 25, because mostly teenagers are doing that. Yeah it's "addictive" because it gives you adrenaline, but also it permanently damages your skin if you go too deep. Basically you are emo who just can't accept the way you are and you think you are suffering more than others and you aren't satisfied with what you have. Dude..grow up or just fucking kill yourself instead of bothering everyone else with what you are doing.
Once you grow up you'll be ashamed of it and scars will never heal and you'll be alone forever because who wants to be with someone who cuts him/herself. It's the biggest turn off for 99% of the normal population.
But alright.. I get it, you had bad childhood and I'm not interested in your stories, but there are other ways to get adrenaline instead of cutting yourself. Take a ice cold shower or instead smash things or whatever..anyways, I won't be here to save your ass, we all have problems, you are just too weak to deal with them and you cut yourself to conceal the problems you have. This is such a millenial stuff lol… it has a pattern and I'm monitoring it for a couple of years.

You're not exactly helping. What does my age have to do with anything? You're right, cutting feels good because it releasesendorphines (not as much adrenaline)

I don't care about being a turn-off, fag

yeah i've been doing it on my upper thigh for about 5 years on and off and it doesn't get any less enjoyable

how much at a time? And how lng are the cuts? WHat do you use ?

pencil sharperner razor, not very deep, not very long. usually about 10 short quick cuts at a time.

Don't expect help from other people. Man up and stop being such a little faggot. "Buuhuu, nobody likes me". Yeah.. improve yourself.
"Buuhuu X stuff happened in my life" no shit, life isn't a fairy tale. Make the best out of it instead of this crap.

Want to feel better? Start helping others, there you go, a protip you won't get anywhere else. But seriously, what you do has mostly to do with age, you'll remember my words when you grow up. I won't even try, it's all a matter of age so you probably won't listen to anything I say anyways.

literally why bother

I'm not looking for comfort. I just felt like making a thread here. You're right, I won't listen to you. Not because of my age though , but because of your rhetoric.

You behave like a self righteous prick, acting like a Jesus of some sorts. Either give me advice or ridicule me. Either way, make a decision

I'm not suggesting you to get a standard family life in the future. Those are idealistic expectations and you probably feel pressured by it. Just get some longer goal for yourself.. And I'm not talking about getting a fancy car. How about you instead help someone else who is struggling? Wouldn't that make you feel great that you helped a person going through hard times? That's best thing you could do.


nice going retard

it's the only thing that'll keep me from killing myself today

just buy a gun and aim it at your face already, fag

Cutting wont solve the problems..

"I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet".
Start to appreciate things you have, even if they aren't perfect…

Cutting relieves part of the problem user. Telling me to 'just do this' or 'just do that'is useless. You think I WANT to be depressed, pathetic, lonely and a parasite? You think I do this out of free will?
user, if a x percentage of people is depressed, surely that must mean that there is more to the problem than 'just get over it, you pussy' ?

The problem with this philosophy is that you become passive, accepting anything that people might pull over you because "hey it could be worse". Inaction does not alleviate your problems. There is no reason to simply live with your problems just because someone elses' problems are bigger. That's akin to getting used by someone because you assume that they'll get what they deserve eventually; if everyone is like you, that person will be abusing and stepping on people all their life and wont ever get the comeuppance for it. Take the initiative and change.

I see it as a modern society problem. Pressure of expectations, childhood traumas, lack of appreciating what you have and no seeing a way out. You have emotional pain and you cut yourself to overshadow emotional pain.
Of course you would prefer a life without any problems, but this kind of life doesn't exist for real, we all have problems..
I don't know your root problem, tell me

I respect your rational approach. And you're right, I lie to myself about a life which is near impossible to have. I don't see what the details would add to the convo, but thanks for not being an asshole about it

Not to contradict you, but I've started to find a certain comfort in the feelings of helplessness and existentialism. I hate that I do though, Nietzsche had some very good things to say about the want for pity, be it from other people or yourself.

I get what you mean. People relish in pitying themselves. We love to suffer, to play the victim. It helps us justify our own wrongdoings. There is nothing as disgustingly appealing like self-pity and helpessness. That is one of the less noble sides of humans.

Conversely people also get a similar reaction from helping people they perceive as victims; its why SJWs are a thing, and why they're so vehement about their cause. It's nothing to do with being a greater person or helping the oppressed, it's all about maintaining their own personal good-person high.

Yeah, or like celebrities and millionaires donating millions towards a good cause. But not without cameras, oh no.

People are hypocrites by nature, aren't they? I don't remember where, but I read that even altruism knows its roots in pure egoism. We help others to feel better about ourselves, to shows everyone what good people we are.

In short; You're right.

This opens up a whole other can of debate worms. Whether or not it is right to do good things for selfish reasons. I feel compelled to say that it doesn't really matter, as the people who are helped are still better off for it. On the other hand, I can't get away from the cynicism that tells me that, actually, the benefit to the recipient is essentially accidental and not actually necessary. Maybe that's because it would be nicer if people did things genuinely just to help each other. If you're only helping others to help yourself, as soon as a better way of helping yourself comes along you'll probably jump right on it. It's not nice to think that human compassion is so fickle, but I suppose that it is.

I share your sentiments. On one hand, if Bono feeds hungry African children then who are we to judge? I think the only thing we can blame celebs like him is claiming to be morally superior.

Then again, maybe it's for the better if we keep applauding those who donate to charity and the likes. It gives rich psychopaths an incentive to do good, the latter which I think we should do more.

It look like a brickwall.

I cut myself to be edgy lol. People don't mess with me because they see my cuts. I'm such a badass

lol where do u cut urself lol

haha, I usually cut my forearms lol

this really is a kiddy board now, wow…

i cut the sole of my foot. its not visible and it hurts for a long time.

I used to, I don't do it very much anymore,
I do it with a box cutter, and do it on my forearms, biceps, legs, and thighs
I used to do it as a form of taking out anger on myself, as I used to be guilt tripped into believing I was the one at fault, and I also like the pain, but I really regret it afterwards, except only once, pic related

why would you cut a neo-nazi Hitler symbol into your leg?

if you're gonna cut anyways, why not a swastika?

I would've cut something like pic related, but because of the limited space, I had to start out small, and I'm pretty proud of it (except for the nonexistant mouth)

does it look nice at least?

I think it looks good enough for the effort it took, but judge for yourself

could you take another pic? I'm not sure where yours is located

I see a smiley and a timestamp, bro

sorry, that's the best shot I took, and since the pic is from months ago, it doesn't look as clear now as it did then, I couldn't find the other pics I took, I think I deleted them by accident


Why not tell him to the truth nigger?

The nazis even had negro soldiers, you're a coward

A question, would you "a self-harm people" let other people harm you? Preferably something similar to what's on the video?

I'd do it, but no women are willing to do this

thats not ok

Why not? If they enjoy harming themselves, why not do it so that everyone else can enjoy too?

All you have to do is ask


Because it's hot

Most women I've met are submisives and wouldn't do that in a million years

>>>Holla Forums
You have to go back

Nothing in those posts have anything to do with Holla Forums

bad bait

Remember to ignore any baity lefty post.



No blood, why?

I ask myself the same question when watching 2 kids 1 sandbox

my anus

dumping the shit that made me hard



Yes. Because human beings possess the ability of thought, new to me aswell right???
It doesn't matter what situation you're in, what sort of emotional state or physical pain you're in, you are still making the decision to be, in your words, a depressed, pathetic, lonely parasite. Honestly, grow up, mutilating yourself because you feel bad is such a childish thing to do. It's on the same level as being fucking transgender scum.

I want to kill myself when doing differentiation too.